Changes and bug fixes
- Support Rails 7.0.0.rc1
- Rails 7 requires Ruby 2.7 and prefer Ruby 3+ [#2136]
- Allow usage of JDBC statement caching by DB config parameter [#2088]
- structure dump: read column comments from all_tab_cols [#2121]
- Usage of bind variables for volatile filter conditions (3) [#2125]
- attribute should not require a connection is established [#2136]
- Allow Adapter#select_all to be performed asynchronously from a background thread pool [#2146]
- Avoid extra BindParam allocation to generate placeholder in queries [#2157]
- Address undefined method `to_i' for #<ActiveModel::Attribute::WithCastValue [#2159]
- Update Rails default branch name change [#2126]
- Optimize remove_columns to use a single SQL statement when supported [#2182]
- Refactor schema creation to extract new_foreign_key_definition [#2183]
- Address "NoMethodError: undefined method `partial_writes?'" [#2188]
- Suppress partial_writes deprecation warning [#2189]
- Make default_timezone a module instance variable [#2190]
- Define adapter type maps statically when possible [#2199]
- Rename _type_cast to type_cast [#2199]
- Rename _quote to quote [#2199]
- Always use OpenSSL constants for Digest operations [#2217]
- Refactor ActiveRecord::QueryLogs hook point [#2218]
- Enable Style/RedundantRegexpEscape cop [#2074]
- Enable Lint/DuplicateRequire cop [#2107]
- Enable Layout/SpaceBeforeBrackets cop [#2108]
- Enable Performance/BindCall cop [#2140]
- Enable Performance/StringReplacement cop [#2175]
- Enable Performance/MapCompact cop [#2176]
- Enable Layout/EndOfLine cop [#2177]
- Enable Performance/SelectMap cop [#2178]
- Enable Layout/ClosingParenthesisIndentation cop [#2193]
- Enable Style/ExplicitBlockArgument cop [#2209]
- Enable Lint/DuplicateMethods cop [#2215]
- Disable Lint/ShadowingOuterLocalVariable cop [#2137]
- Disable Layout/FirstArgumentIndentation cop [#2149]
- Opt out of SuggestExtensions message [#2133]
- Suppress RuboCop's offense [#2196]
- Support RuboCop 1.19.0 [#2204]
- Prevent from including ojdbc8.jar file to gem file [#2164]
- Disable CI against JRuby builds [#2136]
- CI against Ruby 3.0.0 [#2091]
- CI against Ruby 3.0.1 and 2.7.3 [#2173]
- CI against Ruby 3.0.2 and 2.7.4 [#2195]
- Exclude ruby-head and ruby-debug until minitest allows Ruby 3.1 [#2094]
- Address Travis CI warnings and bump Ubuntu version to 20.04 [#2086]
- Tidy up Travis CI configuration [#2116]
- Tweak representation of build matrix [#2129]
- Install Oracle JDBC driver ojdbc11.jar for GitHub Actions [#2172]
- Address guides/bug_report_templates/active_record_gem_spec.rb error [#2101]
- Use Oracle Instant Client [#2205]
- Use Oracle Instant Client 21.4 [#2199]
- Use gvenzl/oracle-xe docker image [#2206]