ThingJS is open source IoT platform. The project is development template of ThingJS platform. Based on vuejs-templates
- Open source
- Light cross-platform applications
- Single syntax for any layers (JavaScript)
- Relevant developing stack (webpack, npm and etc)
- Runtime and dev dependencies (by npm)
- Cross-platform, hardware independent data bus (UBUS)
- Cross-platform, hardware independent resource interfaces
- Friendly development mode (hot reload, debugger, storage editor and etc)
- Famous frameworks on board (VueJS, Vuetify)
- Simple integration with cloud services
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run build
# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report
UBUS is universal bus for communicate between different nodes. Any device can provide the role. Include WEB browser. When you send message to the bus, all nodes receive it. Important - message will be delivered when node is subscriber for this message.
Max length packed in UBUS is 127 bytes
//Send message to UBUS with type "hello" and message "cargo"
window.$bus.$emit(window.$consts.EVENTS.UBUS_MESSAGE, "hello", "payload");
//Receiving and showing message from UBUS
window.$bus.$on(window.$consts.EVENTS.UBUS_MESSAGE, function(type, messages) {
//Result in console
"scripts" : {
"subscriptions" : ["hello"],
"entry" : "main",
"modules" : {
"main": {
"source": "scripts/main.js",
"optimize": false,
"hot_reload" : true
//When message will received, function will call callback function
$bus.on(function (event, data) {
if (event === 'hello') {
print(event, ":", data);
}, null);
//Sending message to UBUS
$bus.emit('my-script-ready', null);
All broadcast system messages is defined in window.$const.UBUS You can send the messages from outside to controller only in develop mode.
- $-current-time - (CURRENT_TIME) Contains epoch time (ms). Happens when the time is synchronized.
- $-online - (IS_ONLINE) No content. Happens when the controller connected to Internet.
- $-offline - (IS_OFFLINE) No content. Happens when the controller disconnected.
- $-script-error - (SCRIPT_ERROR) Contains error text. Happens when the script generates an error.
- $-storage-changed - (STORAGE_CHANGED) Contains uri of storage object. Happens when object of storage was changed.
- $-debugger-request - (DEBUGGER_REQUEST) No content. Happens when mJS meet "debugger" command in script. (dev mode only)
window.$bus.$on(window.$consts.EVENTS.UBUS_MESSAGE, function(type, messages) {
case window.$consts.UBUS.CURRENT_TIME:
console.log('Now is ', new Date(1 * messages));
case window.$consts.UBUS.SCRIPT_ERROR:
console.error('Script error: ', messages);
- $-started - No content. Happens when the controller starts or script installed.
- $-script-restart - Contains application name. Do start/restart script process.
- $-script-stop - Contains application name. Do terminate script process.
$bus.on(function (event, data) {
if (event === '$-started') {
print("Controller is ready!");
}, null);
The descriptions of available interfaces in repo
- JetBrains for OpenSource license.
ThingsJS is released under GNU GPL v.2 open source license.