- BME280 mount on top right extrusion (1x nut & M3x8)
- PICam mount on top left extrusion (1x nut & M3x8)
- LED mount - print twice (4x nut & M3x6)
- RS25-5 mount - use the place of the orginial 24V-5V stepdown (2x nut & M3x8 for extrusion mount, 2xM3x6 for RS)
- Back panel - use original placed nuts (6x M3x6)
- Back panel honeycomb - swap color on layer 3 and 11
- Deck panel - 2x heatinserts for PSU, M3x6
- Filament Sensor housing - 1x micro-switch, 2xM3x6 - use PC15/GND on any SKR Mini E3
All mods do not need any support, print with Voron profile (40% infill, 4 perimetters, 5 bottom/top layers)