Welcome to Snitch Tracker!
The purpose of this repository is to create a website that allows you to have more control over your snitches.
Website is located at https://snitch.sandislandserv.com
As a player you need to download this mod.
After you open minecraft go to mdos and configs and open the civrelay config menu.
Add a new filter:
Description: what ever you want
Game address: what ever server this is for.
Webhook URL: https://snitch.sandislandserv.com/api/webhook/
Alert Format: {"snitch_name":"", "x":, "y":, "z":, "world":"", "server":"mc.civclassic.com", "type":0, "user":"", "timestamp": }
This repository will only help you in setting up dev mode for django. We will not provide support on properly hosting this website yourself as it verys between operating systems and how you choose to do it.
First things first if you are running on windows or linus/macos setting up will be a little different.
First you want to make sure that both python3.6+ and pip are installed on your system.
Then you are going to want to git clone it to a location of your choice on your computer and then you will navigate to it.
Then you are going to install a virtual environment for this python project. Note:
This tutorial assumes you are running all commands inside the top level of this git repository.
You will run
python -m pip install virtualenv
If you are on windows you will also run
python -m pip install VirtualEnvWrapper-win
Then run
mkvirtualenv env
Then if on Linux/macos
source env/Scripts/activate
If windows run
cd env/Scripts
Navigate back to the main directory. If you do not see (env) before your path in terminal then most likely something is wrong with the program you are using maybe. I recommend using either cmd for windows or terminal for linux.
Then run:
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
cd snitchtracker
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
If you would like to create an admin user run:
python manage.py createsuperuser
and follow the prompts.
cd snitchtracker
and you will want to rename secretstemplate.py to secrets.py and then update the config options to your preferences.
Thats it, you should now have successfully installed everything this project needs to run. If you are having any issues feel free to make an issue.
From the top level directory of the project navigate into snitchtracker and run
python manage.py startserver
and if you navigate your browser to localhost:8000 it should be up.
The first thing needed for posting for a webhook is a group api token. You can generate one by going to your groups and if you are the owner of it press generate token. You will then take the token and build a url like
Then you will post a json body as such:
{ "snitch_name":"test1", "x":<x pos (int)>, "y":<y pos (int)>, "z":<z pos (int)>, "world":<name of the world (string)>, "server":<server this snitch came from (string)>, "type":<type 0 means entered, 1 means logged in, 2 means logged out (int)>, "user":<user name of person who tripped the snitch (string)>, "timestamp":<unix time stamp (long)> }
Exmaple request:
{ "snitch_name":"test1", "x":100, "y":50, "z":1000, "world":"world", "server":"test.sandislandserv.com", "type":0, "user":"rourke750", "timestamp":1529258100 }
Keep in mind you can only make 60 posts a minute, any more will be denied until the time is up. If there are special cercumstances let me know and I can potentially put you on a different rate limit.