Payinv is a control system for Sales <-> Invoices And Payments for Customer.
The code base is written using the Django with PostgreSQL as database.
- Includes the follow Javascripts and CSS libraries and toolkit
To change the backend database should set this into the file src/payinv/settings/ in the DATABASES section.
First to all you be sure in your system has installed Python 3, PostgreSQL and NPM
With npm install CSS/Javascript dependencies:
npm install
Create a database in your PostreSQL called payinv_production and the role permission for user payinv
Set credentials
You can edit directly the file src/payinv/settings/ and set the database connection credencials and SECRET_KEY
Other way is set by environment variables:
export PAYINV_ENVIRONMENT=production export PAYINV_DATABASE_PASSWORD=mypassword export PAYINV_SECRET_KEY=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 64|head -n 1)
Install dependencies and set Python enviroment:
python3 -m venv venv . venv/bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt
Run init script: