- Java
- MySql
- Exception Handling
- Mapping
- Maven
- Hibernet
The Crime Management System, developed using Java, is a comprehensive solution to manage crimes, criminals, police stations, and their areas. With this system, administrators can easily add crimes, criminals, and police stations, and assign criminals to the corresponding crimes. They can also update the details of crimes and criminals. The public can access the system to view the total number of crimes that occurred in each police station area within a given date range, search for criminals by name, and search for crimes based on their descriptions.
- Admin role
- Public role (no account required)
- Add Crime
- Add Police Station
- Update Crime Details
- Add Criminal
- Update Criminal Details
- Assign criminals to crime
- Remove criminal From Crime
- Delete Crime By id
- Delete Criminal By id
- Logout
- total crime for each police station area for a date range.
- View total crime for each crime type for a date range
- Search for criminal by name
- Search for crime by description
- If admin Login password is incorrect apropriate message - Invalid Password
- If Choose invalid Crime type - Invalid Crime type
To run this application, you will need to have JDK and MySql database.
-MySql credential user: "root" | Pass: "root"
-Create Database in MySql : "projectsb101"
-Clone this repository to your local system.
-Open terminal or command prompt
-Run the App.java