NOTE: This styleguide is forked from Todd Motto's version and I've left his comments in place below. However, I have removed some things, and added some others. A couple of months ago, I created my own list of Best Practices by grabbing ideas from several public style guides. Then I added some rules from my own personal experience and those of my coworkers. I had planned to convert my Word doc to a GitHub repo. After seeing Todd's style guide, I noticed some commonalities and also many new things in his guide that I really liked. Once Todd moved his list to GitHub, I thought it made more sense to fork his repo, and use it as the base for mine (instead of starting from scratch, since he has many ideas I like). My additions/modifications are noted with a ^
UPDATE: I added a sample project that follows most of these best practices: [angularBPSeed] (
Todd's Comments Below:
Opinionated AngularJS styleguide for teams by @toddmotto
A standardised approach for developing AngularJS applications in teams. This styleguide touches on concepts, syntax, conventions and is based on my experience writing about, talking about, and building Angular applications.
John Papa and I have discussed in-depth styling patterns for Angular and as such have both released separate styleguides. Thanks to those discussions, I've learned some great tips from John that have helped shape this guide. We've both created our own take on a styleguide. I urge you to check his out to compare thoughts.
See the original article that sparked this off
- General
- Files
- Modules
- Controllers
- Services and Factory
- Directives
- Filters
- Routing resolves
- Publish and subscribe events
- Performance
- Angular wrapper references
- Comment standards
- Minification and annotation
- ^When possible, use angular.element(), etc. instead of jQuery lookups and DOM manipulation.
- ^Don't wrap element inside of $(). All AngularJS elements are already jqobjects.
- ^Do not pollute your $scope. Only add functions and variables that are being used in the templates. In other words, don't put all of your functions & variables on the scope. If you have methods that are private to your controller, never to be used in the view/template, there is no reason to put them on the scope.
- ^Do not use $ prefix for the names of variables, properties and methods. This prefix is reserved for AngularJS usage.
- ^When you need to set the src of an image dynamically use ng-src instead of src with {{}}.
- ^When you need to set the href of an anchor tag dynamically use ng-href instead of href with {{}}
- ^Avoid using $rootScope. It's ok to use $rootScope for emitting an event, but storing data on the $rootScope should be avoided. Use a service for your data instead.
- ^When possible, avoid using "magic strings" by using Angular's constant service. More details on this blog post.
Note: Some of these opinions about file structure, naming, etc are due to the fact that I use and recommend Browserify as part the build process.
^One module per file: Each file should have only one module definition. Exceptions are your app definition file (usually app.js), and any modules that need a config module.
^Each file should get its own namespace: The namespace should follow its directory structure. The module namespace is //path/to/file. Note that you leave the src root out of the filepath (the src root is typically /app). Ex: If your project is called LocAdmin, your file is a controller for the LocationsListing directive and is named LocationsListingCtrl it will likely have the following path on your filesystem: /LocAdmin/app/components/locationsListing.
.module('locAdmin.components.locationsListing.locationsListingCtrl', [
^Each filename should match the controller/service/etc name: A file with a .controller(‘mainCtrl’) definition should be named mainCtrl.js
^Function name and file name should match: Given the the function definition below, you would name your file locationsListingCtrl.js. Note that filenames should start with a lowercase letter.
function LocationsListingCtrl($scope) { }
^Each file should be CommonJS compatible: This means using module.exports and require(). Further explanations here (change the dropdown from Coffeescript to JavaScript to change the source code on that page). Note that at some point in the future this recommendation may switch to ES6 Modules, using the ES6 Module transpiler from Square (or traceur).
// recommended
function LocationsListingCtrl() {
module.exports = angular
.module('locAdmin.components.locationsListing.locationsListingCtrl', [
.controller('LocationsListingCtrl', LocationsListingCtrl);
^Directory structure
/MyProject --/src ----index.html (the index.html for the SPA) ----app.js (the app definition for the Angular app) ----/assets (images) ------logo.png ----/less (LESS files for things other than pages/directives) ------main.less (the main LESS file for the app. Should import LESS files from directives & pages ------variables.less ----/app (angular app files) ------/components (directives go here) --------/myDirective (directory for myDirective directive ----------myDirective.js (directive file) ----------myDirective.tpl.html (directive template/partial) ----------myDirectiveCtrl.js (the directive's controller) ----------myDirectiveService.js (if directive requires a service, used ONLY by this directive) ----------myDirective.less (LESS file for this directive, if needed) ------/pages (top level pages/views go here. Subdirectories follow the same logic as the directives directory) --------/main (the main page/view) ----------mainCtrl.js (the controller for the main view) ----------main.tpl.html (the template/partial for the main view) ----------main.less (LESS file for the main view) ------/services (shared services, used by multiple controllers, go here) --------mySharedService.js ------/utils (other helper files used throughout the app --------stringUtils.js --------viewUtils.js
Definitions: Declare modules without a variable using the setter and getter syntax
// avoid var app = angular.module('app', []); app.controller(); app.factory(); // recommended angular .module('app', []) .controller() .factory();
Note: Using
angular.module('app', []);
sets a module, whereasangular.module('app');
gets the module. Only set once and get for all other instances. -
Methods: Pass functions into module methods rather than assign as a callback
// avoid angular .module('app', []) .controller('MainCtrl', function MainCtrl () { }) .service('SomeService', function SomeService () { }); // recommended function MainCtrl () { } function SomeService () { } angular .module('app', []) .controller('MainCtrl', MainCtrl) .service('SomeService', SomeService);
This aids with readability and reduces the volume of code "wrapped" inside the Angular framework
controllerAs syntax: Controllers are classes, so use the
syntax at all times<!-- avoid --> <div ng-controller="MainCtrl"> {{ someObject }} </div> <!-- recommended --> <div ng-controller="MainCtrl as main"> {{ main.someObject }} </div>
In the DOM we get a variable per controller, which aids nested controller methods, avoiding any
calls -
syntax usesthis
inside controllers, which gets bound to$scope
// avoid function MainCtrl ($scope) { $scope.someObject = {}; $scope.doSomething = function () { }; } // recommended use this or self function MainCtrl () { this.someObject = {}; this.doSomething = function () { }; } function MainCtrlTwo() { var self = this; self.someObject = {}; self.doSomething = function() { };
Only use
when necessary; for example, publishing and subscribing events using$emit
. Try to limit the use of these, however, and treat$scope
as a special use case -
^controllerAs 'self': Capture the
context of the Controller using `self' (this is further explanation of MainCtrlTwo() in the example above)// avoid function MainCtrl () { this.doSomething = function () { }; } // recommended function MainCtrl (SomeService) { var self = this; self.doSomething = SomeService.doSomething; }
Why? : Function context changes the
value, use it to avoid.bind()
calls and scoping issues -
Presentational logic only (MVVM): Presentational logic only inside a controller, avoid Business logic (delegate to Services)
// avoid function MainCtrl () { var self = this; $http .get('/users') .success(function (response) { self.users = response; }); vm.removeUser = function (user, index) { $http .delete('/user/' + .then(function (response) { self.users.splice(index, 1); }); }; } // recommended function MainCtrl (UserService) { var self = this; UserService .getUsers() .then(function (response) { self.users = response; }); self.removeUser = function (user, index) { UserService .removeUser(user) .then(function (response) { self.users.splice(index, 1); }); }; }
Why? : Controllers should fetch Model data from Services, avoiding any Business logic. Controllers should act as a ViewModel and control the data flowing between the Model and the View presentational layer. Business logic in Controllers makes testing Services impossible.
- All Angular Services are singletons, using
differs the way Objects are created.
Services: act as a constructor
function and are instantiated with the new
keyword. Use this
for public methods and variables (or var self=this, and use self as noted in the Controller As example above)
function SomeService () {
this.someMethod = function () {
.service('SomeService', SomeService);
Factory: Business logic or provider modules, return an Object or closure
Always return a host Object instead of the revealing Module pattern due to the way Object references are bound and updated
function AnotherService () { var AnotherService = {}; AnotherService.someValue = ''; AnotherService.someMethod = function () { }; return AnotherService; } angular .module('app') .factory('AnotherService', AnotherService);
Why? : Primitive values cannot update alone using the revealing module pattern
Declaration restrictions: Only use
custom element
andcustom attribute
methods for declaring your Directives ({ restrict: 'EA' }
) depending on the Directive's role<!-- avoid --> <!-- directive: my-directive --> <div class="my-directive"></div> <!-- recommended --> <my-directive></my-directive> <div my-directive></div>
Comment and class name declarations are confusing and should be avoided. Comments do not play nicely with older versions of IE. Using an attribute is the safest method for browser coverage.
^Templating: Use external templates instead of inline string templates for larger html blocks. These templates should be stored in Angular’s template cache. Inline String templates should only be used in rare circumstances (when the template is very short)
DOM manipulation: Takes place only inside Directives (link function), never a controller/service
// avoid function UploadCtrl () { $('.dragzone').on('dragend', function () { // handle drop functionality }); } angular .module('app') .controller('UploadCtrl', UploadCtrl); // recommended function dragUpload () { return { restrict: 'EA', link: function ($scope, $element, $attrs) { $element.on('dragend', function () { // handle drop functionality }); } }; } angular .module('app') .directive('dragUpload', dragUpload);
Naming conventions: Never
prefix custom directives, they might conflict future native directives// avoid // <div ng-upload></div> function ngUpload () { return {}; } angular .module('app') .directive('ngUpload', ngUpload); // recommended // <div drag-upload></div> function dragUpload () { return {}; } angular .module('app') .directive('dragUpload', dragUpload);
Directives and Filters are the only providers that have the first letter as lowercase; this is due to strict naming conventions in Directives. Angular hyphenates
, sodragUpload
will become<div drag-upload></div>
when used on an element. -
controllerAs: Use the
syntax inside Directives as well// avoid function dragUpload () { return { controller: function ($scope) { } }; } angular .module('app') .directive('dragUpload', dragUpload); // recommended function dragUpload () { return { controllerAs: 'dragUpload', controller: function () { } }; } angular .module('app') .directive('dragUpload', dragUpload);
^Each directive should live in its own directory: This directory will include the directive js file, the template, and any services that are specific to the directive. The parent director for all directives is typically /components.
/components/listing/listing.js (the directive)
/components/listing/listing.tpl.html (the template/partial for the directive)
/components/listing/listingService.js (if the directive needs a service, used ONLY be this directive)
/components/listing/listingCtrl.js (the controller for this directive)
- ^Use isolate scope in directives whenever possible: This isn't an absolute, hence the whenever possible phrase. Allowing directives to rely on inherited/shared scope can make the code brittle. Be explicit about what data your directive needs by passing it into the scope. Note that workarounds can be found if you have an element with multiple directives (since Angular only allows 1 directive per element to have an isolate scope).
Global filters: Create global filters using
only. Never use local filters inside Controllers/Services// avoid function SomeCtrl () { this.startsWithLetterA = function (items) { return items.filter(function (item) { return /^a/i.test(; }); }; } angular .module('app') .controller('SomeCtrl', SomeCtrl); // recommended function startsWithLetterA () { return function (items) { return items.filter(function (item) { return /^a/i.test(; }); }; } angular .module('app') .filter('startsWithLetterA', startsWithLetterA);
This enhances testing and reusability
^Promises: When possible, resolve Controller dependencies in the
instead ofng-route
), not the Controller itself// avoid function MainCtrl (SomeService) { var _this = this; // unresolved _this.something; // resolved asynchronously SomeService.doSomething().then(function (response) { _this.something = response; }); } angular .module('app') .controller('MainCtrl', MainCtrl); // recommended function config ($stateProvider) { $stateProvider .state('main', { url: '/main', controller: 'MainCtrl as mainCtrl', templateUrl: 'pages/main/main.tpl.html' resolve: { // resolve here locations: function () { return SomeService.getLocations(); } }); } angular .module('app') .config(config); function MainCtrl (SomeService, locations) { var self = this; self.locations = locations; }
$rootScope: Use only
as an application-wide event bus and remember to unbind listeners// all $rootScope.$on listeners $rootScope.$emit('customEvent', data);
listeners are different from$scope.$on
listeners and will always persist, so they need destroying when the relevant$scope
fires the$destroy
event// call the closure var unbind = $rootScope.$on('customEvent'[, callback]); $scope.$on('$destroy', unbind);
For multiple
listeners, use an Object literal and loop each one on the$destroy
event to unbind all automaticallyvar rootListeners = { 'customEvent1': $rootScope.$on('customEvent1'[, callback]), 'customEvent2': $rootScope.$on('customEvent2'[, callback]), 'customEvent3': $rootScope.$on('customEvent3'[, callback]) }; for (var unbind in rootListeners) { $scope.$on('$destroy', rootListeners[unbind]); }
One-time binding syntax: In newer versions of Angular (v1.3.0-beta.10+), use the one-time binding syntax
{{ ::value }}
where it makes sense// avoid <h1>{{ vm.title }}</h1> // recommended <h1>{{ ::vm.title }}</h1>
Why? : Binding once removes the
count after theundefined
variable becomes resolved, thus reducing performance in each dirty-check -
Consider $scope.$digest: Use
where it makes sense. Only child scopes will update$scope.$digest();
Why? :
will call$rootScope.$digest
, which causes the entire application$$watchers
to dirty-check again. Using$scope.$digest
will dirty check current and child scopes from the initiated$scope
$document and $window: Use
at all times to aid testing and Angular references// avoid function dragUpload () { return { link: function ($scope, $element, $attrs) { document.addEventListener('click', function () { }); } }; } // recommended function dragUpload () { return { link: function ($scope, $element, $attrs, $document) { $document.addEventListener('click', function () { }); } }; }
$timeout and $interval: Use
over their native counterparts to keep Angular's two-way data binding up to date// avoid function dragUpload () { return { link: function ($scope, $element, $attrs) { setTimeout(function () { // }, 1000); } }; } // recommended function dragUpload ($timeout) { return { link: function ($scope, $element, $attrs) { $timeout(function () { // }, 1000); } }; }
jsDoc: Use jsDoc syntax to document function names, description, params and returns
/** * @name SomeService * @desc Main application Controller */ function SomeService (SomeService) { /** * @name doSomething * @desc Does something awesome * @param {Number} x First number to do something with * @param {Number} y Second number to do something with * @returns {Number} */ this.doSomething = function (x, y) { return x * y; }; } angular .module('app') .service('SomeService', SomeService);
ng-annotate: Use ng-annotate for Gulp as
is deprecated, and comment functions that need automated dependency injection using/** @ngInject */
/** * @ngInject */ function MainCtrl (SomeService) { this.doSomething = SomeService.doSomething; } angular .module('app') .controller('MainCtrl', MainCtrl);
Which produces the following output with the
annotation/** * @ngInject */ function MainCtrl (SomeService) { this.doSomething = SomeService.doSomething; } MainCtrl.$inject = ['SomeService']; angular .module('app') .controller('MainCtrl', MainCtrl);
For anything else, including API reference, check the Angular documentation.
Open an issue first to discuss potential changes/additions.
Copyright (c) 2014 Todd Motto
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.