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// Documentation

How to run the project: 
	-> Open index.html in any browser and then navigate the website using given buttons

Third Party Libraries
	-> All the third party JS libraries are inside libs folder
	-> self written js is inside js folder and html files
	-> Third party libraries Used
		* Bootstrap - boilerplate html and css
		* d3.js - Chart library
		* jquery-ui.js - boilerplate for calendar functionality
		* jquery-min.js
		* jquery.fullPage.js - for sliding page in the home screen
		* popper.min.js - helper library for calendar feature
	-> Self writter JS code
		* chart.js - JS code for drawing charts

	-> All the json data used in the website is hosted on (Because chrome doesn't allow loading data using xhr request)
	-> The code contains the sample data, but that is not used. That is just for demo purpose.

	-> all the images/icons are inside /images folder

	-> fonts is inside /fonts folder