This is the backend repository built on Django framework and utilises Django Rest Framework for a REST API.
How to run:
- First, install the requiremnents by running the command pip install -r requirements.txt
- Then, apply the migrations using python migrate
- Run the server using python runserver
Status Codes:
200 : Success
401 : Unauthorized
404 : Error
402 : Token Expired.
403 : Wrong Clue ID.
410 : Contest Over.
500 : Wrong Answer
The API links:
quiz/auth/register - For registering a user
quiz/auth/login - For logging in a user
quiz/logout - For logging out a user and deleting the knox token
quiz/getRound - To get the round for a user
quiz/checkRound - To check the answer submitted by a user for a given round
quiz/getClue - To get the clues for a particular round
quiz/checkClue - To check the answer submitted for a given clue question
quiz/leaderboard - To get the current leaderboard
quiz/saveLeaderBoard - To save the leaderboard in a CSV file format