A simple cross-platform python editing notepad written in python.
This editor is fully customizable, just edit the config.json file. All color codes MUST be hex color codes!
Required modules: PyQt5, pyautogui
If you use MacOs and can't install pyautogui follow this
Tab width is set to 45 which acts as 4 spaces.
Config is done via config.json
in root repository directory.
Example config:
"editor": [
"windowStaysOnTop": false,
"editorFont": "Iosevka",
"editorFontSize": 12,
"editorColor": "#303030",
"windowColor": "#303030",
"windowText": "#36fc0a",
"alternateBase": "#FFFFFF",
"ToolTipBase": "#FFFFFF",
"ToolTipText": "#FFFFFF",
"editorText": "#FFFFFF",
"buttonColor": "#353535",
"buttonTextColor": "#FFFFFF",
"HighlightColor": "#4DD2FF",
"HighlightedTextColor": "#000000",
"TabWidth": 45,
"DontUseNativeDialog": false
"syntaxHighlightColors": [
"keywordFormatColor": "#0099FF",
"classFormatColor": "#00FF16",
"functionFormatColor": "#FF9500",
"quotationFormatColor": "#039135",
"magicFormatColor": "#ff6666",
"decoratorFormatColor": "#ff00e7",
"intFormatColor": "#70DBFF"