__ NOTE: In order to run this analysis on your computer, you must set things up as follows:__
- Set up a location on your computer (we'll call it the base directory) where you'll be working on the project
- In that directory, set up the following hierarchy:
- base
- data
- young_old
- ... the 136 FCS files you downloaded from FlowRepository
- young_old
- results
- young_old
- gated
- pics
- young_old
- data
- Copy the file Aging1_2_Demographics_validity.csv (provided in the project directory) to your base_dir/data/young_old directory (at the same level as FR-FCM-ZZGS)
- Edit the survey_data.R script, and change the proj_base variable to the location you established as your base directory
- Run the survey_data.R script to completion (this will take a pretty long time, perhaps 2-3 hours, more or less, depending on your computer's speed)
- Edit the clustering_flow_2023.Rmd markdown document, and point_proj_base to the same place as in survey_data.R
- Knit this rmarkdown document (should only take a few minutes)
Project for exploration of clustering approaches
This repository contains Matei's Rmd lecture on clustering.
I also recommend that you download the Young/Old FlowRepository dataset. To do so:
- Install the FlowRepositoryR package
- Using that package, retrieve the FR-FCM-ZZGS dataset
- Look at the code in this git repository as suggestion/guidance for how to QC and pre-gate the data
After that, have fun! Try FlowSOM. Think of your own ideas for clustering and population identification. Look for T cell subsets that differ significantly between young and old subjects.
This dataset was create by Rochester Human Immunology Center, David H. Smith Center
for Vaccine Biology & Immunology, Rochester, NY (USA). The purpose was to use SWIFT's
competitive clustering assignment method to measure the differences between PBMC
sub-populations in Old/Young subjects. SWIFT is a very nice clustering method,
implemented in MATLAB, described in here.
Unfortunately, since it is implemented in MATLAB, which is a commercially available
system, you may not be able to run it yourself. However, you may be able to compare
your results to the published SWIFT results.
This dataset consists of 136 FCS files. Each file contains on the order of 500k cells with 15 markers including a live/dead marker. The panel includes markers to delineate the usual T cell subsets (CD3, CD4, CD8, CD45RA, CCR7), as well as a few others (e.g. PD1, CD14, CD11b, Ki67, CD95, CD127, CD57, CCR4, CD27). So, it's a realistically large dataset. It's not a tiny example set, but it's also not as big as what you may be collecting in your own labs on modern high-dimensional instrumentation. Nevertheless, it'll help you get a handle on the challenges of wrangling relatively large data.
There are three files containing my R code in this repo.
- yo_utils.R
- This file contains utility functions for reading, gating, etc.
- survey_data.R
- Contains code to examine the data for warts, ultimately to be used to eliminate data files corrupted by un-correctable artifact.
- gate_data.R
- This file applies gating methods worked out in the surveying step, and writes gated FCS files to be used as input to downstream clustering workflows. NOTE: this file is deprecated for reasons explained at the end of this README file.
Please feel free to use these as suggestions for your own work. Below is a summary of my thought processes as I proceeded on this work. Apologies for not following some of my own coding style suggestions. Old habits are hard to break!
I then started by writing the script survey_data.R. The idea here was to look for any glaring staining or other technical artifacts that might be too severe to correct - for example by normalization.
The first bit of survey_data.R (down to about line 47) was just to make some basic bivariates as a first peek at the data. I decided to look at FSC vs SSC and SSC vs CD3. After manually plotting the first couple of files, I noticed that the intense peak at very low FSC/SSC caused the colors of all of the interesting cells to be a boring blue color.
So I added a pair of static gates at very low scattering signals to better visualize the more interesting cells (see lines 34-37).
The resulting figures (one for each FCS file) were written into the pic_base directory called raw_*.png.
I had made the decision to use SSC-A, CD3 and LIVEDEAD as initial pre-gating parameters.
I then had the idea to use FlowFP to perform a more quantitative survey of lack of conformity of individual samples relative to the aggregate of all. I wrote the section starting with the comment on line 51 to accumulate all data into a flowSet. However, my 16 GB machine ran out of memory when I ran it, so I realized that I needed to subsample the data (see line 66), randomly selecting 10,000 events from each flowFrame.
I noted that instance #15 was goofy looking. Going back to the raw bivariates, it's clear that this was due to a staining error. This illustrates the idea that you may not want to look at every bivariate you generated, but they're nice to have when it's time to identity the reason behind instances that don't look like the rest.
At this point it was time to look at the other parameters. I decided that the way I would do this would be to first gate T cells, and then fingerprint all of the remaining parameters. To do this i needed to write the gating code. So, I started a new file called yo_utils.R to contain my pre-gating functions. Note that for files containing only function declarations, I like to check the box called source on save, so every time I save the file (which I do frequently) it is sourced, and if there are syntax errors I'll see them immediately instead of waiting till the code is executed (at which point I'm likely to be really confused).
I thought a bit, then decided that the gating strategy would be as follows:
- gate_debris(). These files have a big spike of "debris" at very low FSC and SSC (you can see an example of this in the plot above). Let's get rid of it.
- gate_clean(). Look for "stationary" acquisition. The assumption here is that it shouldn't matter at what point during an acquisition an event was detected. Should be the same everywhere. I selected SSC-A and one parameter off of each laser, with the idea that if there was a fluidics hiccup I'd see it, and if there was a laser hiccup on any laser I'd see that too. By the way, if you look at the images of this "cleaning" process you will note that at the beginning of each acquisition there's a lot of jumping about, and sometimes at the end (or middle) as well. Also, looking at the FCS filenames there's a hint that these data were acquired from 96-well plates. Putting 2 + 2 together, I surmise that there's a strong need to clean data when automatic plate sampling is done. Just sayin'...
- gate_singlet(). I used a trick I learned from Derrick Jones that just uses FSC-W and SSC-W. It's sort of a short-cut from the usual.
- gate_live(). I looked for the LIVEDEAD- and CD3+ blob. This took a little fiddling to get it to work for all files - in particular I pre-gated to allow blob.boundary() to be able to ignore some of the junk down low.
The loop from lines 100-133 in survey_data.R applied the gating strategy and stored a sub-sampled version of the result.
After gating I repeated the flowFP QC calculation, this time including all fluorescence parameters not used for gating. This shows some other instances (beyond #15 that we've already mentioned) that may be dubious. For example, look at the bivariates for instances 133, 135, 93, etc. I think there were some compensation problems with these. You may (or may not) decide to ditch them in favor of having the cleanest possible data set. Alternatively you may decide to keep them to maintain statistical power, with the proviso that some results might be contaminated with artifact.
I then wrote a new script, gate_data.R. This script repeated the gating calculations (without re-writing the gating figures), and output gated FCS files to be used downstream. However, this is a dubious approach, since whenever you copy and paste code, you run the risk of going back to the original code, editing it to correct some mistake, and then forgetting to correct the copy. So, to show you what I consider a best practice, I went back and added the gated FCS output to survey_data.R (see lines 116-118).
Note that I would advise that you censor any instances that do not meet your QC criteria. A convenient way to do this is to create a spreadsheet that contains one row for each FCS file. It has a column, labeled for example "valid". Each file that you like gets a value of 1 for example, and files that you don't like get a value of 0 (it doesn't matter what these values are, but your downstream code will skip over the invalid files). You can populate the valid column in your code, but you can also manually edit it as you see fit, using excel for example. See the last few lines of survey_data.R to see how to get started with this.
Hope this gives you some insight into how I go about starting a project!