A new Flutter project.
This project is a simple sample of Flutter power with Get lib.
The project consist in transform the initial App Flutter sample in Getx Flutter App, changing the default State Management SetState to Getx State Management, is very simple and very easy Getx syntax use.
The initial App color is blue(same the initial Flutter sample), in the Getx App counter the click is showed in the screen:
For ADD Buttom:
- Change app color to red.
- Write in the screen what buttom was clicked.
- Show in the screen what buttom icon was clicked.
- Write and paint the word in the screen what is the new App color now.
- Increase 1 unit in the counter.
For Minus Buttom:
- Change app color to green.
- Write in the screen what buttom was clicked.
- Show in the screen what buttom icon was clicked.
- Write and paint the word in the screen what is the new App color now.
- Decrease 1 unit in the counter.
For Reset Buttom:
- Change app color to yellow.
- Write in the screen what buttom was clicked.
- Show in the screen what buttom icon was clicked.
- Write and paint the word in the screen what is the new App color now.
- Reset the counter to 0.
- Implement the use of others Getx utils:
- Get Storage.
- Get Internationalization.
- Get Translations.
- Get Locale.
- Playing with Flutter packeges in the App:
- Google Fonts.
- Font Awesome.
- More others packges...