- add
feature use OpenObserve to collect log.#370
section to enable this feature like below:# file config.yaml ... Features: Default: ["Base", "Postgres", "Meili", "LocalOSS", "LoggerOpenObserve", "BigCacheIndex", "web"] LoggerOpenObserve: # 使用OpenObserve写日志 Host: Organization: paopao-ce Stream: default User: [email protected] Password: tiFEI8UeJWuYA7kN Secure: False MinWorker: 5 # 最小后台工作者, 设置范围[5, 100], 默认5 MaxLogBuffer: 100 # 最大log缓存条数, 设置范围[10, 10000], 默认100 ...
- Added friend tweets bar feature support in home page. #377
- web: add custom
feature support. To custom setupFriendship
use below configure inweb/.env
- add Newest/Hots/Following tweets support in friend bar feature.
mirgration database first(sql ddl file inscripts/migration/**/*_home_timeline.up.sql
):CREATE TABLE `p_post_metric` ( `id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `post_id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL, `rank_score` bigint unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `incentive_score` int unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `decay_factor` int unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `motivation_factor` int unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `is_del` tinyint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, -- 是否删除, 0否, 1是 `created_on` bigint unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `modified_on` bigint unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `deleted_on` bigint unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE, KEY `idx_post_metric_post_id_rank_score` (`post_id`,`rank_score`) USING BTREE ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_general_ci; INSERT INTO p_post_metric (post_id, rank_score, created_on) SELECT id AS post_id, comment_count + upvote_count*2 + collection_count*4 AS rank_score, created_on FROM p_post WHERE is_del=0; -- 原来的可见性: 0公开 1私密 2好友可见 3关注可见 -- 现在的可见性: 0私密 10充电可见 20订阅可见 30保留 40保留 50好友可见 60关注可见 70保留 80保留 90公开 UPDATE p_post a, p_post b SET a.visibility = ( CASE b.visibility WHEN 0 THEN 90 WHEN 1 THEN 0 WHEN 2 THEN 50 WHEN 3 THEN 60 ELSE 0 END ) WHERE a.ID = b.ID;
- add cache support for index/home etc. page.
- add hots comments support for post detail page.
- add highlight comments support for post detail page.
mirgration database first(sql ddl file inscripts/migration/**/*_comment_esence.up.sql
):ALTER TABLE `p_comment` ADD COLUMN `is_essence` tinyint unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '是否精选';
- add follow/unfollow user support in index/home/collecion/message/post page.
- add simple prometheus metrics support.
section to enable this feature like below:# file config.yaml ... Features: Default: ["Base", "Postgres", "Meili", "LocalOSS", "Metrics", "web"] JobManager: # Cron Job理器的配置参数 MaxOnlineInterval: "@every 5m" # 更新最大在线人数,默认每5分钟更新一次 UpdateMetricsInterval: "@every 5m" # 更新Prometheus指标,默认每5分钟更新一次 MetricsServer: # Prometheus Metrics服务 RunMode: debug HttpIp: HttpPort: 6080 ReadTimeout: 60 WriteTimeout: 60 ...
- add full support for tweet hots comment logic and add cache support for tweet comments.
mirgration database first(sql ddl file inscripts/migration/**/*_rank_metrics.up.sql
):ALTER TABLE `p_comment` ADD COLUMN `reply_count` int unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '回复数'; UPDATE p_comment comment SET reply_count = ( SELECT count(*) FROM p_comment_reply reply WHERE reply.comment_id=comment.id AND reply.is_del=0 ) WHERE is_del=0; CREATE TABLE `p_comment_metric` ( `id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `comment_id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL, `rank_score` bigint unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `incentive_score` int unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `decay_factor` int unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `motivation_factor` int unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `is_del` tinyint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `created_on` bigint unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `modified_on` bigint unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `deleted_on` bigint unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE, KEY `idx_comment_metric_comment_id_rank_score` (`comment_id`, `rank_score`) USING BTREE ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_general_ci; INSERT INTO p_comment_metric (comment_id, rank_score, created_on) SELECT id AS comment_id, reply_count*2 + thumbs_up_count*4 - thumbs_down_count AS rank_score, created_on FROM p_comment WHERE is_del=0; CREATE TABLE `p_user_metric` ( `id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `user_id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL, `tweets_count` int unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `latest_trends_on` bigint unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '最新动态时间', `is_del` tinyint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `created_on` bigint unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `modified_on` bigint unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `deleted_on` bigint unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE, KEY `idx_user_metric_user_id_tweets_count_trends` (`user_id`, `tweets_count`, `latest_trends_on`) USING BTREE ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_general_ci; INSERT INTO p_user_metric (user_id, tweets_count) SELECT user_id, count(*) AS tweets_count FROM p_post WHERE is_del=0 GROUP BY user_id;
- add message filter support for message page.
- add read all unread message and display unread message count support for message page.
- add support follow user embed to index trends enable navigation user tweets by slide bar.
mirgration database first(sql ddl file inscripts/migration/**/*_user_relation.up.sql
):CREATE VIEW p_user_relation AS SELECT user_id, friend_id he_uid, 5 AS style FROM p_contact WHERE status=2 AND is_del=0 UNION SELECT user_id, follow_id he_uid, 10 AS style FROM p_following WHERE is_del=0;
- add tweets count info in Home/Profile page.
- add custom web frontend features base by a profile that fetch from backend support.
can add custom config to conf.yaml to custom web frontend features:... WebProfile: UseFriendship: true # 前端是否使用好友体系 EnableTrendsBar: true # 广场页面是否开启动态条栏功能 EnableWallet: false # 是否开启钱包功能 AllowTweetAttachment: true # 是否允许推文附件 AllowTweetAttachmentPrice: true # 是否允许推文付费附件 AllowTweetVideo: true # 是否允许视频推文 AllowUserRegister: true # 是否允许用户注册 AllowPhoneBind: true # 是否允许手机绑定 DefaultTweetMaxLength: 2000 # 推文允许输入的最大长度, 默认2000字,值的范围需要查询后端支持的最大字数 TweetWebEllipsisSize: 400 # Web端推文作为feed显示的最长字数,默认400字 TweetMobileEllipsisSize: 300 # 移动端推文作为feed显示的最长字数,默认300字 DefaultTweetVisibility: friend # 推文可见性,默认好友可见 值: public/following/friend/private DefaultMsgLoopInterval: 5000 # 拉取未读消息的间隔,单位:毫秒, 默认5000ms CopyrightTop: "2023 paopao.info" CopyrightLeft: "Roc's Me" CopyrightLeftLink: "" CopyrightRight: "泡泡(PaoPao)开源社区" CopyrightRightLink: "https://www.paopao.info" ...
- add read more contents support for post card in tweets list.
- optimize jwt token generate logic.
备注:发布版本中,使用如下命令构建paopao-ce: (go version go1.21.1 darwin/amd64)
./build-release.sh && ./build-image.sh
docker compose up -d
# visit http://localhost:8008 👀 paopao-ce
# visit http://localhost:8001 👀 RedisInsight
# visit http://localhost:7700 👀 Meilisearch