cmake -G "Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_ECLIPSE_MAKE_ARGUMENTS=-j8
This program executes Libviso, DLoop and g2o in parallel threads for trajectory estimation and optimization using stereo vision.
Procedure -
Libviso2 -
DLoop - (along with DLib and DBow2)
cd cair_online/
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j5
- Source code - main.cpp
- Supporting files - src/*.cpp
- Header files - includes/*.h
Main function calls -
Libviso2 for intial trajectory estimates from src/helper.cpp - my_libviso2
DLoop Detector for loop closure from includes/demoDetector.h - run
g2o is called after every 500th frame and once at the end of trajectory.
Parameters -
In main function
- IMG_DIR1 - Directory where Images are stored. Format -> dir/loop1/left and dir/loop1/right
- VOC_FILE - Vocabulary file. Generated from DBOW2
- IMAGE_W, IMAGE_H - Image Width, Image Height - Keep default.
In helperfunctions.cpp
- param.calib.f - focal length in pixels - principal point (u-coordinate) in pixels - principal point (v-coordinate) in pixels param.base - baseline in meters In demoDetector.h
- params.use_nss - use normalized similarity score instead of raw score params.alpha - nss threshold params.k - a loop must be consistent with 1 previous matches params.geom_check - use direct index for geometrical checking params.di_levels - use two direct index levels In TemplatedLoopDetector.h
- dislocal = number * f - for skipping 'number' of frames between loops.