The rc_cube provides synchronized image sets via gRPC server side streams on port 50051.
This example client prints the timestamps and type of received images and optionally saves them as png.
The left, right, disparity, confidence and disparity_error images can be enabled separately.
This example uses the grpc++ library and grpc_cpp_plugin. pkg-config is used to find those.
On Debian/Ubuntu systems this can be installed with
sudo apt-get install libgrpc++-dev protobuf-compiler-grpc pgk-config
To build the example with cmake
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
A debian package can be built with make package
Note for Ubuntu 18.04 and lower
The gRPC packages in Ubuntu 18.04 and lower are not packaged correctly resulting in a segmentation fault. See and Either build those from source, use a more recent Ubuntu version or the packages from Debian.
Required argument is the target (IP:port):
For all options see
grpc_image_client -h