This extension allows you to enforce minimum code coverage by using the clover xml report from PHPUnit. Based on the given threshold the testsuite will exit ok if the coverage is higher than the threshold or exit with code 1 if the coverage is lower than the threshold. This can be used in your continuous deployment environment or can be added to a pre-commit hook.
> composer require robiningelbrecht/phpunit-coverage-tools --dev
Navigate to your phpunit.xml.dist
file and add following config to set default options:
<bootstrap class="RobinIngelbrecht\PHPUnitCoverageTools\PhpUnitExtension">
<parameter name="exitOnLowCoverage" value="0|1"/>
<parameter name="cleanUpCloverXml" value="0|1"/>
Just run your testsuite like you normally would, but add following arguments:
> vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-clover=path/to/clover.xml -d --min-coverage=100
When assigning an integer between 0 - 100, you enforce a minimum code coverage for all your classes. In other words, the total coverage of your project has to be higher than this threshold.
> vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-clover=path/to/clover.xml -d --min-coverage="path/to/min-coverage-rules.php"
When referencing a PHP config file, you can configure more complex rules. This allows you to be stricter for critical parts of your application and less strict for parts of your app that are not that critical.
For example:
use RobinIngelbrecht\PHPUnitCoverageTools\MinCoverage\MinCoverageRule;
return [
new MinCoverageRule(
pattern: MinCoverageRule::TOTAL,
minCoverage: 20,
exitOnLowCoverage: true
new MinCoverageRule(
pattern: 'RobinIngelbrecht\PHPUnitCoverageTools\*',
minCoverage: 80,
exitOnLowCoverage: false
new MinCoverageRule(
pattern: 'RobinIngelbrecht\PHPUnitCoverageTools\Subscriber\Application\ApplicationFinishedSubscriber',
minCoverage: 100,
exitOnLowCoverage: true
new MinCoverageRule(
pattern: 'RobinIngelbrecht\PHPUnitCoverageTools\*CommandHandler',
minCoverage: 100,
exitOnLowCoverage: true
This example will enforce:
- A minimum total coverage of 20%
- A minimum coverage of 80% for all classes in namespace
, but will NOTexit = 1
if it fails - 100% code coverage for the class
- 100% code coverage for the classes ending with
Adding this argument will clean up the generated clover file after the application has finished running.