Android 版本升级可能导致启动时崩溃,请卸载旧版本并直接安装新版本
Assignments will now be synced into Reminders (iOS & macOS only)
You can now set an alarm ahead of time for any course or assignment
Add Background Fetch: notices, files and assignments as well as assignment sync will be refreshed periodically when the App is in background
Hidden courses will default to be excluded from Push Notifications
Improve Push Notifications logics: enable/disable, tap on notifications, display, macOS compatibility, etc.
Add assignment submission support for macOS
Fix a bug which may cause users to login again after previous logout and login
Fix a bug which may cause refresh failure due to registered course change
作业同步改为同步至“提醒事项”(仅 iOS 与 macOS)
新增后台应用刷新:当 App 后台运行时(未被上滑强制关闭),通知、文件与作业以及作业同步将会每隔一段时间自动更新
优化推送通知服务:开启/关闭逻辑优化、通知点按优化、扩大推送对 Android 与 macOS 的支持
为 macOS 带来作业提交功能
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