Sample bank application showing the integration between spring-hateoas and spring-hateoas-forms.
The sample application publishes a REST API with services for a Bank application and an Angular client for the REST API. This services are implemented using spring-hateoas and HAL document format.
Once the user authenticates in the application the entry point service is invoked in the root path of the API, http://localhost:8080/spring-hateoas-forms-sample-bank/api/.
The resulting JSON shows the available service links the client can invoke.
"_links": {
"halforms:account": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/spring-hateoas-forms-sample-bank/api/account"
"halforms:cashaccounts": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/spring-hateoas-forms-sample-bank/api/cashaccounts"
"halforms:creditaccounts": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/spring-hateoas-forms-sample-bank/api/creditaccounts"
"halforms:make-transfer": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/spring-hateoas-forms-sample-bank/api/transfer"
"halforms:list-transfers": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/spring-hateoas-forms-sample-bank/api/transfer"
"halforms:list-after-date-transfers": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/spring-hateoas-forms-sample-bank/api/transfer/filter{?dateFrom,dateTo,status}",
"templated": true
"halforms:logout": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/spring-hateoas-forms-sample-bank/j_spring_security_logout"
"curies": [
"href": "http://localhost:8080/spring-hateoas-forms-sample-bank/doc/{rel}",
"name": "halforms",
"templated": true
There are several services, each one identified with a rel value:
- halforms:account, halforms:cashaccounts and halforms:creditaccounts: Services to read existing accounts.
- halforms:list-transfers and list-after-date-transfers: List existing transfers.
- halforms:make-transfer: Create new transfer.
- halforms:logout: Application logout.
Executing these links the server will response with data and more links to more resources and actions.
Let's focus in a concrete operation, new credit transfer (rel halforms:make-transfer). The reason to focus in this service is to analyze the usage of spring-hateoas-forms library to define the format of the data required to create a new transfer.
The transfer creation is done in two steps.
- A request to retrieve the format of the transfer creation form, including it's fields and constraints.
- Another request to create the transfer itself, usually a POST.
In order to know the required fields to create a transfer a request must be done to the server. The url of the request is generated with the curies url in the root of the service.
- curies url: "http://localhost:8080/spring-hateoas-forms-sample-bank/doc/{rel}"
- link rel: "halforms:make-transfer"
Combining the two values, a url is generated:
The DocController.get() method processes the request to this url and uses the AfforcenceBuilder to generate the response.
AffordanceBuilder transferBuilder = linkTo(methodOn(TransferController.class).transfer(new Transfer(), null, principal));
In the previous code AffordanceBuilder class is used to create a link to TransferController.transfer(..) method.
This is the signature of the method:
@RequestMapping(value = "/api/transfer")
public class TransferController {
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ResponseEntity<Resource<Transfer>> transfer(@Valid @RequestBody final Transfer transfer, final BindingResult bindingResult, final Principal principal) {
The controller method is executed with the url /api/transfer with the method POST, and it is used to create the transfer. The Transfer object is used for binding and the content of the submit will be included into it.
public class Transfer {
private double amount;
private String toAccount;
The AffordanceBuilder in the DocController.get(..) method will use this Transfer bean to infer the format of the service. For example, for the previous minimal Transfer object, the following document will be generated, including amount and toAccount fields:
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/spring-hateoas-forms-sample-bank/doc/make-transfer"
"curies": [
"href": "http://localhost:8080/spring-hateoas-forms-sample-bank/doc/{rel}",
"name": "halforms",
"templated": true
"_templates": {
"post": {
"method": "POST",
"properties": [
"name": "amount",
"readOnly": false,
"value": "0.0",
"required": true
"name": "toAccount",
"readOnly": false,
"required": true
Once the preparation request is executed, the client knows which data to send to create a new transfer. In the previous minimal example code only two fields are required, amount and toAccount, they are mandatory (required: true) and can be modified (readOnly: false).
With this information the client can show a form to the user, with two fields, and validate that they are not empty before sending to the server.
As defined in the previous request, HTTP method of the creation request should be POST and the url is the original link with the rel make-transfer: http://localhost:8080/spring-hateoas-forms-sample-bank/api/transfer
And an example valid request payload:
"toAccount": "10669803404133150948",
"amount": "100"
This request will response with a 201 code, so the transfer is created correctly.
In a form it is common to have a field where the user can select a value in a list of accepted ones.
This could be generated with a <select>
field in the client side. In a Hateoas service it is possible to include the possible values in the definition of the field returned by the server in the form preparation request.
For example, if a type property is added to the Tranfer class:
public class Transfer {
private double amount;
private String toAccount;
private TransferType type;
Where TransferType is a enum with two values:
public enum TransferType {
The output of the form preparation request will include these field and it's possible values:
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/spring-hateoas-forms-sample-bank/doc/make-transfer"
"curies": [
"href": "http://localhost:8080/spring-hateoas-forms-sample-bank/doc/{rel}",
"name": "halforms",
"templated": true
"_templates": {
"post": {
"method": "POST",
"properties": [
"name": "amount",
"readOnly": false,
"value": "0.0",
"required": true
"name": "toAccount",
"readOnly": false,
"required": true
"name": "type",
"readOnly": false,
"suggest": [
"value": "NATIONAL",
"prompt": "NATIONAL"
This way the client can create a <select>
element with the suggested values, NATIONAL and INTERNATIONAL.
We will introduce a change on the toAccount field. It will be converted to a <select>
like element where possible values are retrieved from the server in another request.
This way possible values are showed to the user as he/she keys the account number.
The field data for the transfer creation form preparation request will change and include the url for the filter request:
"name": "toAccount",
"readOnly": false,
"suggest": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/spring-hateoas-forms-sample-bank/api/cashaccounts{?filter}",
"prompt-field": "description"
The url has a filter parameter that contains the text the user writes. An example filter request:
Response content, containing the suggested cash accounts, only one in this case:
"_embedded": {
"halforms:cashAccounts": [
"id": "10669803404133150948",
"number": "10669803404133150948",
"username": "Tom Bogen",
"availableBalance": 3424.32,
"description": "Checking Account",
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/spring-hateoas-forms-sample-bank/api/cashaccounts/10669803404133150948"
To be able to do it, some changes must be done to the Transfer class.
public class Transfer {
private double amount;
private String toAccount;
private TransferType type;
public String getToAccount() {
return toAccount;
public void setToAccount(@Select(type = SuggestType.REMOTE, options = CashAccountFilteredOptions.class) final String toAccount) {
this.toAccount = toAccount;
A new annotation is added to the toAccount field setter, @Select. It contains two properties:
- type: Suggested types, REMOTE in this case, because the possible values are retrieved from the server.
- options: Contains possible values or the way to obtain them. In this case a class that implements Options is included, CashAccountFilteredOptions.
CashAccountFilteredOptions class:
public class CashAccountFilteredOptions implements Options<String> {
public List<Suggest<String>> get(final String[] value, final Object... args) {
Link link = AffordanceBuilder.linkTo(AffordanceBuilder.methodOn(CashAccountController.class).search(null, null)).withSelfRel();
return SuggestImpl.wrap(Arrays.asList(link.getHref()), null, "description");
As in the transfer creation form generation, AffordanceBuilder class is used to create a Link object to the Controller method that will receive the filter request, As previously showed and url to this Controller will be included in the field configuration.
"name": "toAccount",
"readOnly": false,
"suggest": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/spring-hateoas-forms-sample-bank/api/cashaccounts{?filter}",
"prompt-field": "description"