This is the Gazebo-Yarp Plugin to simulate the iCub Skin. This code was developed as part of a student project and its final report is available here (also contain few technical information).
Gazebo Yarp Plugin – Skin To reach the goal of improving the balancing of the iCub with the help of skin data we first implemented a skin model in the simulator. In order to do so we created a gazebo-yarp-plugin which insures the communication between Gazebo and Yarp. We have implemented a skin model in Gazebo, used a Yarp plugin for communications and put some logic into a Gazebo plugin.
We implemented the following files: - Skin.hh and first part of the gazebo yarp plugin – i.e register plugin - SkinDriver.h and second part of the gazebo yarp plugin – i.e compute sforces and generates output - in icub_skin_version you can find the modified iCub models as sdf file - don't forget to edit the Cmake Files if you want to change/compile the plugin - java scripts to generate the sdf files
Developed by Geukes, J., Nakatenus, M. and Calandra, R.
This project is licensed under MIT license, as found in the LICENSE file.