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LivePerson Agent Messaging SDK for NodeJS

The SDK provides a simple node JS wrapper for the LivePerson messaging API.


Currently the API behind this SDK starts sending MessagingEventNotifications immediately upon connection, but this subscription will exclude some notifications.

A new version of the API will be released soon in which there is no automatic subscription, and you must explicitly subscribe to these events for each conversation in order to receive them.

In order to guarantee compatibility with future versions of the API, and to ensure that no notifications are missed even with the current API version, it is highly recommended that your bot explicitly subscribe to MessagingEventNotifications for all relevant conversations, as demonstrated in the Agent-Bot example's MyCoolAgent.js.

Getting Started


In order to use this SDK you need a LivePerson account with the Messaging feature enabled. You can tell whether you have Messaging by logging into LiveEngage and looking at the available sections for the main view. All accounts should have "Web Visitors", "Web History", and "All Agents". Messaging accounts will also have "Open Connections", "All Connections", and "Messaging Agents".

To have the Messaging feature added to your account speak with your LivePerson Account Team. If you don't have one, click here to chat with our Sales team.


  • Option 1 - npm install (does not include sample apps)

    npm i node-agent-sdk --save
  • Option 2 - Clone this repository (includes sample apps)

    git clone

    Run the greeting bot example (see how in Running The Sample Apps).

Quick Start Example

Create index.js

const Agent = require('node-agent-sdk').Agent;

const agent = new Agent({
    accountId: process.env.LP_ACCOUNT,
    username: process.env.LP_USER,
    password: process.env.LP_PASS

agent.on('connected', () => {

    // subscribe to all conversations in the account
        'convState': ['OPEN']
    }, (err, resp) => {
        console.log('subscribed successfully', err, resp);

// log all conversation updates
agent.on('cqm.ExConversationChangeNotification', notificationBody => {

Run it:

LP_ACCOUNT=(YourAccountNumber) LP_USER=(YourBotUsername) LP_PASS=(YourBotPassword) node index.js

API Overview

Agent class

new Agent({
    accountId: String,  // required
    username: String,  // required for username/password authentication and OAuth1 authentication
    password: String,  // required for username/password authentication
    appKey: String, // required for OAuth1 authentication
    secret: String, // required for OAuth1 authentication
    accessToken: String, // required for OAuth1 authentication
    accessTokenSecret: String, // required for OAuth1 authentication
    token: String, // required for token authentication
    userId: String, // required for token authentication
    assertion: String, // required for SAML authentication
    csdsDomain: String, // override the CSDS domain if needed
    requestTimeout: Number, // default to 10000 milliseconds
    errorCheckInterval: Number, // defaults to 1000 milliseconds
    apiVersion: Number // Messaging API version - defaults to 2 (version 1 is not supported anymore)


The Agent Messaging SDK support the following authentication methods:

  • Username and password as username and password
  • Bearer token as token with user id as userId
  • SAML assertion as assertion
  • OAuth1 with username, appkey, secret, accessToken, and accessTokenSecret


You can get your agentId from the SDK using agent.agentId.


General request signature

All requests has the same method signature:

agent.someRequest(body, headers, metadata, encodedMetadata, callback);

Where all except body are optional and callback can be placed instead off headers, metadata and encodedMetadata.


This method is used to create a subscription for conversation updates. You can subscribe to all events, or to only those events pertaining to a specific agent or agents.

    'convState': ['OPEN']
    ,'agentIds': [agent.agentId] // remove this line to subscribe to all conversations instead of just the bot's conversations
}, (e, resp) => {
    if (e) { console.error(e) }

Success response:



This method is used to create a subscription for Agent State updates. An event will be received whenever the bot user's state is updated.

agent.subscribeAgentsState({}, (e, resp) => {
    if (e) { console.error(e) }

Success response:



This method is used to create a subscription for Routing Tasks. An event will be received whenever new conversation(s) are routed to the agent. In response your bot can 'accept' the new conversation, as described below in the updateRingState method.

agent.subscribeRoutingTasks({}, (e, resp) => {
    if (e) { console.error(e) }

Success response:



This method is used to create a subscription for all of the Messaging Events in a particular conversation. This includes messages sent by any participant in the conversation, as well as "agent is typing" or "visitor is typing" notifications and notifications when a message has been read by a participant.

agent.subscribeMessagingEvents({dialogId: 'some conversation id'}, (e) => {if (e) console.error(e)});

This method returns no data when the subscription is successful.


This method is used to set your agent's state to one of: 'ONLINE' (can receive routing tasks for incoming conversations), 'OCCUPIED' (can receive routing tasks for incoming transfers only), or 'AWAY' (cannot receive routing tasks)

    'availability': 'ONLINE'
}, (e, resp) => {
    if (e) { console.error(e) }

Success response:

"Agent state updated successfully"


This method is used to synchronize your client clock with the messaging server's clock. It can also be used as a periodic keep-alive request, to ensure that your bot's connection is maintained even in periods of low activity.

agent.getClock({}, (e, resp) => {
    if (e) { console.error(e) }

Success response:



This method is used to get a consumer's profile data

agent.getUserProfile(consumerId, (e, profile) => {
    if (e) { console.error(e) }

The consumerId parameter can be retrieved from the array of participants that accompanies a cqm.ExConversationChangeNotification event as follows:

agent.on('cqm.ExConversationChangeNotification', body => {
    body.changes.forEach(change => {
        agent.getUserProfile(change.result.conversationDetails.participants.filter(p => p.role === 'CONSUMER'[0].id), callback)

Success response:



This method is used to update the ring state of an incoming conversation--In other words, to accept the conversation

    "ringId": "someRingId",  // Ring ID received from the routing.routingTaskNotification event
    "ringState": "ACCEPTED"
}, (e, resp) => {
    if (e) { console.error(e) }

Success response:

"Ring state updated successfully"


This method is used to update some field of a conversation object, such as when joining a conversation as a 'MANAGER' or during a transfer when the SKILL is changed and the ASSIGNED_AGENT is removed

    'conversationId': 'conversationId/dialogId',
    'conversationField': [{
        'field': '',
        'type': '',
        '' : ''
}, (e, resp) => {
    if (e) { console.error(e) }
Example: Join conversation as manager
    'conversationId': 'conversationId/dialogId',
    'conversationField': [{
         'field': 'ParticipantsChange',
         'type': 'ADD',
         'role': 'MANAGER'
}, (e, resp) => {
    if (e) { console.error(e) }

Success response:

"OK Agent added successfully"

Example: Close a conversation
        conversationId: conversationId/dialogId,
        conversationField: [{
            field: 'ConversationStateField',
            conversationState: 'CLOSE'
Example: Transfer conversation to a new skill
'conversationId': 'conversationId/dialogId',
    'conversationField': [
            'field': 'ParticipantsChange',
            'type': 'REMOVE',
            'role': 'ASSIGNED_AGENT'
            'field': 'Skill',
            'type': 'UPDATE',
            'skill': targetSkillId
}, (e, resp) => {
    if (e) { console.error(e) }

Success response:

"OK Agent removed successfully"


This method is used to publish an event to a conversation.

    dialogId: 'conversationId/dialogId',
    event: {}
Example: Sending Text
	dialogId: 'MY_DIALOG_ID',
	event: {
		type: 'ContentEvent',
		contentType: 'text/plain',
		message: 'hello world!'

Success response: {"sequence":17}

Example: Set Agent Typing Notification
    dialogId: 'MY_DIALOG_ID',
    event: {
        type: 'ChatStateEvent',
        chatState: 'COMPOSING'
Example: Clear Agent Typing Notification
    dialogId: 'MY_DIALOG_ID',
    event: {
        type: 'ChatStateEvent',
        chatState: 'ACTIVE'
Example: Sending Text with Quick Replies

For more examples see Quick Replies Documentation

    dialogId: 'MY_DIALOG_ID',
    event: {
        type: 'ContentEvent',
        contentType: 'text/plain',
        message: 'hello world!',
        quickReplies: {
            "type": "quickReplies",
            "itemsPerRow": 8,
            "replies": [
                    "type": "button",
                    "tooltip": "Yes!",
                    "title": "Yes",
                    "click": {
                        "actions": [
                                "type": "publishText",
                                "text": "yep"
                        "metadata": [
                                "type": "ExternalId",
                                "id": "Yes-1234"
                    "type": "button",
                    "tooltip": "No!",
                    "title": "No!",
                    "click": {
                        "actions": [
                                "type": "publishText",
                                "text": "No!"
                        "metadata": [
                                "type": "ExternalId",
                                "id": "No-4321"

Success response: {"sequence":21}

Example: Sending Rich Content (Structured Content)

Note that if your structured content card contains images (like the one below) the image must be on an https domain and that domain must be whitelisted on your account. Ask your LivePerson representative to help you with that.

For more examples see Structured Content Templates

	dialogId: 'MY_DIALOG_ID',
	event: {
		type: 'RichContentEvent',
		content: {
			"type": "vertical",
			"elements": [
				 "type": "image",
					"url": "",
					"tooltip": "image tooltip",
					"click": {
						"actions": [
								"type": "navigate",
								"name": "Navigate to store via image",
								"lo": -73.99852590,
								"la": 40.7562724
					"type": "text",
					"text": "Product Name",
					"tooltip": "text tooltip",
					"style": {
						"bold": true,
						"size": "large"
					"type": "text",
					"text": "Product description",
					"tooltip": "text tooltip"
					"type": "button",
					"tooltip": "button tooltip",
					"title": "Add to cart",
					"click": {
						"actions": [
									"type": "link",
									"name": "Add to cart",
									"uri": ""
}, null, [{type: 'ExternalId', id: 'MY_CARD_ID'}]);  // ExternalId is how this card will be referred to in reports

Success response: {"sequence":29}

Example: Sending Rich Content (Structured Content) with Quick Replies

Note that if your structured content card contains images (like the one below) the image must be on an https domain and that domain must be whitelisted on your account. Ask your LivePerson representative to help you with that.

For more examples using Structured Content see Structured Content Templates For more examples using Quick Replies see Quick Replies Documentation

    dialogId: 'MY_DIALOG_ID',
    event: {
        type: 'RichContentEvent',
        content: {
            "type": "vertical",
            "elements": [
                    "type": "image",
                    "url": "",
                    "tooltip": "image tooltip",
                    "click": {
                        "actions": [
                                "type": "navigate",
                                "name": "Navigate to store via image",
                                "lo": -73.99852590,
                                "la": 40.7562724
                    "type": "text",
                    "text": "Product Name",
                    "tooltip": "text tooltip",
                    "style": {
                        "bold": true,
                        "size": "large"
                    "type": "text",
                    "text": "Product description",
                    "tooltip": "text tooltip"
                    "type": "button",
                    "tooltip": "button tooltip",
                    "title": "Add to cart",
                    "click": {
                        "actions": [
                                "type": "link",
                                "name": "Add to cart",
                                "uri": ""
        quickReplies: {
            "type": "quickReplies",
            "itemsPerRow": 8,
            "replies": [
                    "type": "button",
                    "tooltip": "Yes!",
                    "title": "Yes",
                    "click": {
                        "actions": [
                                "type": "publishText",
                                "text": "yep"
                        "metadata": [
                                "type": "ExternalId",
                                "id": "Yes-1234"
                    "type": "button",
                    "tooltip": "No!",
                    "title": "No!",
                    "click": {
                        "actions": [
                                "type": "publishText",
                                "text": "No!"
                        "metadata": [
                                "type": "ExternalId",
                                "id": "No-4321"
}, null, [{type: 'ExternalId', id: 'MY_CARD_ID'}]);  // ExternalId is how this card will be referred to in reports

Success response: {"sequence":32}


Make sure that you implement reconnect logic according to liveperson's retry policy guidelines

Will reconnect the socket with the same configurations - will also regenerate token by default. Use if socket closes unexpectedly or on token revocation.

Use skipTokenGeneration = true if you want to skip the generation of a new token.

Call reconnect on error with code 401.

Note: When the reconnect method fails to re-establish a connection with LiveEngage, a closed and error events will fire. Unless these events are handled, multiple instances of a reconnection mechanism will be triggered. See our (retry policy)[] for more information on how we recommend you handle a retry mechanism.


Will dispose of the connection and unregister internal events.

Use it in order to clean the agent from memory.


These are events emitted by the SDK which you can listen to and react to.


This event occurs when you establish a websocket connection to the server. This is where you should set your agent's initial state, subscribe to conversation changes, subscribe to routing notifications, and perform general initialization tasks.

Sample code:

agent.on('connected', message => {
    // socket connected

Example payload:



This event occurs when new conversations are presented to the bot by LivePerson's routing mechanism. This is equivalent to a new conversation "ringing" in a human agent's workspace. In response to this event you should have your bot updateRingState for each ring.

Sample code:

agent.on('routing.RoutingTaskNotification', body => {
    body.changes.forEach(change => {
        if (change.type === 'UPSERT') {
            change.result.ringsDetails.forEach(ring => {
                if (ring.ringState === 'WAITING') {
                        'ringId': ring.ringId,
                        'ringState': 'ACCEPTED'
                    }, (e, resp) => {
                        if (e) { log.error(`[bot.js] acceptWaitingConversations ${JSON.stringify(e)}`) }
                        else {`[bot.js] acceptWaitingConversations: Joined conversation ${JSON.stringify(change.result.conversationId)}, ${JSON.stringify(resp)}`) }

Example payload:

  "subscriptionId": "be13bab4-ec92-472f-b840-798b4cb476a4",
  "changes": [
      "type": "UPSERT",
      "result": {
        "taskCompleted": true,
        "conversationId": "41d33e78-9701-4edd-a569-01dfb6c0f40a",
        "consumerId": "d51ce914-97ad-4544-a686-8335b61dcdf3",
        "skillId": "-1",
        "ringsDetails": [
            "ringId": "41d33e78-9701-4edd-a569-01dfb6c0f40a_89476943_1517000827442",
            "ringExpirationTs": 1517000899442,
            "ringState": "ACCEPTED",
            "weight": 1517004427244,
            "ringExpiration": 72000


This event occurs when your agent's state changes (usually as a result of using setAgentState())

Sample code:

agent.on('routing.AgentStateNotification', body => {
    // TODO: stuff here

Example payload:

  "subscriptionId": "5ebe7fcd-c59e-4fd2-a622-ec412a01a549",
  "changes": [
      "type": "UPSERT",
      "result": {
        "channels": [
        "availability": "ONLINE",
        "description": ""


This event occurs when a conversation that your subscription qualifies for* is updated in any way. If you passed no agentIds array when calling subscribExConversations(), and you have the necessary permissions to see all agents' conversations, you will receive these events for all conversations. If you passed in your own agentId with subscribeExConversations you will only receive updates for conversations that you are a participant in (such as conversations that you have just accepted via a routing.routingTaskNotification).

Important Due to a race condition in the service that serves these notifications they may not always contain the lastContentEventNotification attribute. For this reason you cannot rely on them to consume all of the messages in the conversation, and you should use this event to call subscribeMessagingEvents() for conversations you want to follow. You should keep a list of conversations you are handling in order to prevent attempting to subscribe to the same conversation repeatedly.

Sample code:

agent.on('cqm.ExConversationChangeNotification', body => {
    body.changes.forEach(change => {
        if (change.type === 'UPSERT' && !inMyConversationList(change.result.convId)) {
            agent.subscribeMessagingEvents({dialogId: change.result.convId}, e => {if (e) console.error(e)})
        } else if (change.type === 'DELETE') {

Example payload:

  "subscriptionId": "e7f5ee81-4556-406c-8c72-94c69dd68fad",
  "changes": [
      "type": "UPSERT",
      "result": {
        "convId": "220d3639-ae23-4c90-83e8-455e3bb2cf13",
        "conversationDetails": {
          "skillId": "-1",
          "participants": [
              "id": "d51ce914-97ad-4544-a686-8335b61dcdf3",
              "role": "CONSUMER"
              "id": "1a41233d-1d2c-5158-bacc-ee0f2d384888",
              "role": "MANAGER"
              "id": "393c6873-756d-54af-86e1-8795d57eba14",
              "role": "ASSIGNED_AGENT"
          "state": "OPEN",
          "startTs": 1516999063585,
          "metaDataLastUpdateTs": 1516999196220,
          "firstConversation": false,
          "ttr": {
            "ttrType": "NORMAL",
            "value": 3600
          "context": {
            "type": "MobileAppContext",
            "lang": "en-US",
            "clientProperties": {
              "type": ".ClientProperties",
              "appId": "com.liveperson.mmanguno.upgradetest23_30",
              "ipAddress": "",
              "deviceFamily": "MOBILE",
              "os": "ANDROID",
              "osVersion": "27",
              "integration": "MOBILE_SDK",
              "integrationVersion": "",
              "timeZone": "America/New_York",
              "features": [
          "__myRole": "ASSIGNED_AGENT"
        "lastContentEventNotification": {
          "sequence": 29,
          "originatorClientProperties": {
            "type": ".ClientProperties",
            "ipAddress": ""
          "originatorId": "89476943.282467514",
          "originatorPId": "393c6873-756d-54af-86e1-8795d57eba14",
          "originatorMetadata": {
            "id": "393c6873-756d-54af-86e1-8795d57eba14",
            "role": "ASSIGNED_AGENT",
            "clientProperties": {
              "type": ".ClientProperties",
              "ipAddress": ""
          "serverTimestamp": 1516999340978,
          "event": {
            "type": "RichContentEvent",
            "content": {
              "type": "vertical",
              "elements": [
                  "type": "text",
                  "text": "Product Name",
                  "tooltip": "text tooltip",
                  "style": {
                    "bold": true,
                    "size": "large"
                  "type": "text",
                  "text": "Product description",
                  "tooltip": "text tooltip"
                  "type": "button",
                  "tooltip": "button tooltip",
                  "title": "Add to cart",
                  "click": {
                    "actions": [
                        "type": "link",
                        "name": "Add to cart",
                        "uri": ""
          "dialogId": "220d3639-ae23-4c90-83e8-455e3bb2cf13"


This event occurs whenever there is a new message in a conversation, a message is marked as read, a participant starts typing or stops typing, or the consumer opens/closes their websocket connection (such as when they enter or leave the messaging window in a LivePerson Mobile SDK implementation). Use this to consume messages, mark them as read, and react to them as you see fit.

Sample code:

agent.on('ms.MessagingEventNotification', body => { // specific notification type
    // TODO: stuff here
Example payloads

New message (sent by the agent in this case)

  "dialogId": "41d33e78-9701-4edd-a569-01dfb6c0f40a",
  "changes": [
      "sequence": 10,
      "originatorClientProperties": {
        "type": ".ClientProperties",
        "ipAddress": ""
      "originatorId": "393c6873-756d-54af-86e1-8795d57eba14",
      "originatorMetadata": {
        "id": "393c6873-756d-54af-86e1-8795d57eba14",
        "role": "ASSIGNED_AGENT",
        "clientProperties": {
          "type": ".ClientProperties",
          "ipAddress": ""
      "serverTimestamp": 1517002351775,
      "event": {
        "type": "ContentEvent",
        "message": "16:32:31 GMT-0500 (EST)",
        "contentType": "text/plain"
      "dialogId": "41d33e78-9701-4edd-a569-01dfb6c0f40a",
      "__isMe": true

Message(s) read

  "sequence": 9,
  "originatorClientProperties": {
    "type": ".ClientProperties",
    "ipAddress": ""
  "originatorId": "393c6873-756d-54af-86e1-8795d57eba14",
  "originatorMetadata": {
    "id": "393c6873-756d-54af-86e1-8795d57eba14",
    "role": "ASSIGNED_AGENT",
    "clientProperties": {
      "type": ".ClientProperties",
      "ipAddress": ""
  "serverTimestamp": 1517002351770,
  "event": {
    "type": "AcceptStatusEvent",
    "status": "READ",
    "sequenceList": [
  "dialogId": "41d33e78-9701-4edd-a569-01dfb6c0f40a",
  "__isMe": true

Consumer is typing

  "originatorClientProperties": {
    "type": ".ClientProperties",
    "appId": "com.liveperson.mmanguno.upgradetest23_30",
    "ipAddress": "",
    "deviceFamily": "MOBILE",
    "os": "ANDROID",
    "osVersion": "27",
    "integration": "MOBILE_SDK",
    "integrationVersion": "",
    "timeZone": "America/New_York",
    "features": [
  "originatorId": "d51ce914-97ad-4544-a686-8335b61dcdf3",
  "originatorMetadata": {
    "id": "d51ce914-97ad-4544-a686-8335b61dcdf3",
    "role": "CONSUMER",
    "clientProperties": {
      "type": ".ClientProperties",
      "appId": "com.liveperson.mmanguno.upgradetest23_30",
      "ipAddress": "",
      "deviceFamily": "MOBILE",
      "os": "ANDROID",
      "osVersion": "27",
      "integration": "MOBILE_SDK",
      "integrationVersion": "",
      "timeZone": "America/New_York",
      "features": [
  "event": {
    "type": "ChatStateEvent",
    "chatState": "COMPOSING"
  "dialogId": "41d33e78-9701-4edd-a569-01dfb6c0f40a",
  "__isMe": false

Consumer websocket closed

  "originatorClientProperties": {
    "type": ".ClientProperties",
    "appId": "com.liveperson.mmanguno.upgradetest23_30",
    "ipAddress": "",
    "deviceFamily": "MOBILE",
    "os": "ANDROID",
    "osVersion": "27",
    "integration": "MOBILE_SDK",
    "integrationVersion": "",
    "timeZone": "America/New_York",
    "features": [
  "originatorId": "d51ce914-97ad-4544-a686-8335b61dcdf3",
  "originatorMetadata": {
    "id": "d51ce914-97ad-4544-a686-8335b61dcdf3",
    "role": "CONSUMER",
    "clientProperties": {
      "type": ".ClientProperties",
      "appId": "com.liveperson.mmanguno.upgradetest23_30",
      "ipAddress": "",
      "deviceFamily": "MOBILE",
      "os": "ANDROID",
      "osVersion": "27",
      "integration": "MOBILE_SDK",
      "integrationVersion": "",
      "timeZone": "America/New_York",
      "features": [
  "event": {
    "type": "ChatStateEvent",
    "chatState": "BACKGROUND"
  "dialogId": "41d33e78-9701-4edd-a569-01dfb6c0f40a",
  "__isMe": false

Consumer websocket resumed

  "dialogId": "41d33e78-9701-4edd-a569-01dfb6c0f40a",
  "changes": [
      "originatorClientProperties": {
        "type": ".ClientProperties",
        "appId": "com.liveperson.mmanguno.upgradetest23_30",
        "ipAddress": "",
        "deviceFamily": "MOBILE",
        "os": "ANDROID",
        "osVersion": "27",
        "integration": "MOBILE_SDK",
        "integrationVersion": "",
        "timeZone": "America/New_York",
        "features": [
      "originatorId": "d51ce914-97ad-4544-a686-8335b61dcdf3",
      "originatorMetadata": {
        "id": "d51ce914-97ad-4544-a686-8335b61dcdf3",
        "role": "CONSUMER",
        "clientProperties": {
          "type": ".ClientProperties",
          "appId": "com.liveperson.mmanguno.upgradetest23_30",
          "ipAddress": "",
          "deviceFamily": "MOBILE",
          "os": "ANDROID",
          "osVersion": "27",
          "integration": "MOBILE_SDK",
          "integrationVersion": "",
          "timeZone": "America/New_York",
          "features": [
      "event": {
        "type": "ChatStateEvent",
        "chatState": "ACTIVE"
      "dialogId": "41d33e78-9701-4edd-a569-01dfb6c0f40a",
      "__isMe": false


This event fires on all notifications. We recommend that instead of using this listener you instead listen to the specific notification categories detailed above.

Sample code:

agent.on('notification', body => {});


This event fires when the socket is closed. If the reason is code 4401 or 4407 this indicates an authentication issue, so when you call reconnect() you should make sure not to pass the skipTokenGeneration argument.

This event will only occur once, so if you want to attempt to reconnect repeatedly you should initiate a periodic reconnect attempt here. LivePerson recommends that you make periodic reconnect attempts at increasing intervals up to a finite number of attempts in order to prevent flooding our service and being blocked as a potentially abusive client. See LivePerson's retry policy guidelines for more information.

In the sample below we attempt to reconnect 35 times, waiting 5 seconds the first time and increasing the interval by a factor of 1.25 between each attempt.

Sample code:

const reconnectInterval = 5;        // in seconds
const reconnectAttempts = 35;
const reconnectRatio    = 1.25;     // ratio in the geometric series used to determine reconnect exponential back-off

// on connected cancel any retry interval remaining from reconnect attempt
agent.on('connected', () => {
    // etc etc

agent.on('closed', () => {
    agent._reconnect();             // call our reconnect looper

agent._reconnect = (delay = reconnectInterval, attempt = 1) => {
    agent._retryConnection = setTimeout(()=>{
        if (++attempt <= reconnectAttempts) { agent._reconnect(reconnectInterval * reconnectRatio, attempt) }
    }, delay * 1000)

Example payload:



This event fires when the SDK receives an error from the messaging service. If you receive a 401 error you should reconnect() according to the retry policy guidelines mentioned above, in the closed section.

Sample code:

agent.on('error', err => {
    if (err && err.code === 401) {
        agent._reconnect();  // agent._reconnect() defined in the on('closed',() => {}) example above.

Example payload:


Deprecation notices

MessagingEventNotification isMe() - deprecated

This method is deprecated. Please use agent.agentId instead.

A method to understand on each change on the messaging event if it is from the agent connected right now or not.

Old way:

agent.on('ms.MessagingEventNotification', body => {
    body.changes.forEach(change => {
        let isMe = change.isMe();

New way:

agent.on('ms.MessagingEventNotification', body => {
    body.changes.forEach(change => {
        let isMe = === agent.agentId;
ExConversationChangeNotification getMyRole() - deprecated

This method is deprecated. Please use agent.agentId instead.

A method to understand on each change on the conversation change notification conversation details the current agent role in the conversation or undefined if he is not participant.

Old way:

agent.on('cqm.ExConversationChangeNotification', body => {
    body.changes.forEach(change => {

New way:

agent.on('cqm.ExConversationChangeNotification', body => {
    body.changes.forEach(change => {
        let participant = change.result.conversationDetails.participants.filter(p => === agent.agentId)[0];
        let myRole = participant && participant.role;
ExConversationChangeNotification firstConversation - deprecated

In the cqm.ExConversationChangeNotification the field firstConversation is deprecated

Further documentation

When creating a request through the request builder you should provide only the body to the sdk request method


In lieu of a formal style guide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality, lint and test your code.

  • To run the tests:

    npm test


LivePerson Agent Messaging SDK for NodeJS







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