composer require rixxi/mail-message-template
rixxiMailMessageTemplate: Rixxi\Mail\DI\MessageTemplateExtension
Create template with subject, body and html body. All parts are optional.
{subject}Welcome to our site {$user->name}{/subject}
Oh how we are so grateful {$user->name} that you decided to join our awesome service.
yours CEO
Only Man in the Company
{body html} {* text is default *}
<marquee>Oh how we are so grateful {$user->name} that you decided to join our awesome service.<marquee>
Sincerly,<br />
yours <strong>CEO</strong><br />
Only Man in the Company
$message = $messageFactory->createFromFile(__DIR__ . '/../mails/registration.latte', array(
'user' => (object) array(
'name' => 'Name Surname',
// message will have set subject, body and its html alternative
// setup other stuff and send
$message->setFrom('[email protected]');
\\ ...
Creating from file template will allow you to utilize Nette\Mail\Message
auto-inlining of template content for html body.
You can alternatively use createFromString
for creating message from string.