Repo contains a Hex data app to browse and profile the contents of schema and table(s) in a Snowflake database.
As well as showing basic schema information and metadata from the INFORMATION_SCHEMA, this notebook runs our Snowflake data profiling SQL as detailed below (note the {{table_name | sqlsafe }}
and other Jinja variables used to insert the selected database, schema and table name values from the app into the SQL query):
select column_name,
table_rows::integer as values_sampled,
count_distinct_values::integer as unique_values_sample,
pct_unique::float as pct_unique,
pct_not_null::float as pct_not_null,
_min_value as min_value,
_max_value as max_value,
_avg_value as avg_value,
_most_frequent_value as mf_value,
_min_length as min_length,
_max_length as max_length,
_avr_length as avg_length
`table` as (select * from {{ selected_database | sqlsafe }}.{{table_schema | sqlsafe }}.{{table_name | sqlsafe }} sample ({{sample_size}})),
table_as_json as (select object_construct(t.*) from `table` t ),
pairs as (select t.key as column_name, replace(replace(t.value,'"',''),'') column_value from table_as_json s, table(flatten(s.$1)) t ),
profile as (
split_part(replace('{{ selected_database | sqlsafe }}.{{table_schema | sqlsafe }}.{{table_name | sqlsafe }}','"',''),'.',1 ) as table_catalog,
split_part(replace('{{ selected_database | sqlsafe }}.{{table_schema | sqlsafe }}.{{table_name | sqlsafe }}','"',''),'.',2 ) as table_schema,
split_part(replace('{{ selected_database | sqlsafe }}.{{table_schema | sqlsafe }}.{{table_name | sqlsafe }}','"',''),'.',3 ) as table_name,
count(*) as table_rows,
count(distinct column_value) as count_distinct_values,
(div0(count(distinct column_value),count(*)))::float as pct_unique,
case when column_value is null then 1 else 0 end as _nulls,
case when column_value is not null then 1 else 0 end as _non_nulls,
(case when column_value is not null then 1 else 0 end / count(*))::float as pct_not_null,
min(column_value) as _min_value,
max(column_value) as _max_value,
avg(try_cast(column_value as number)) as _avg_value,
mode(column_value) as _most_frequent_value,
min(length(column_value::varchar)) as _min_length,
max(length(column_value::varchar)) as _max_length,
round(avg(length(column_value::varchar))) as _avr_length
column_name <> ''
and column_name not like '%-%'
group by
order by
5 desc,1,2,3,4,8,9
order by column_name