The hand gesture controlled bot is a bot which receives it commands by giving pitch and roll to hand. This is helpful for people on wheelchair who can't even move their fingers or hands.
To design a hand gesture control bot which moves as we change our hand gesture.
Arduino, IMU Sensor(MPU6050), Motor Driver Module (L293D), BO Motor, Jumpers, Chassis, Battery, Breadboard, Wheels.
- These bots are very useful in many applications like remote surveillance, military etc.
- Hand gesture controlled robot can be used by physically challenged in wheelchairs.
- Hand gesture controlled industrial grade robotic arms can be developed.
- Calibration of IMU sensor using Library functions provided by Open Source Developers working on IMU sensors.
- Code was written for calculation of angles using Gyroscope sensor.
- Thresholding was done for the movement of the bot
- Connection were made robust using perfboard according to circuit diagram
- Code for movement of bot using differential drive mechanism was written
- H-bridge was used for Bi-directional movement of bot
- Calibration of IMU Sensor
- Lesser accuracy of IMU sensors
- Master slave configuration of bluetooth module
- Poor connections
- No proper soldering
- Gimbal locking
- Shorting grounds of all devices
- Rohit Lal
- Rishesh Agarwal