The project aims to provide users with useful information regarding biomaterials they are looking for and sources data from a 3rd party API (Application Programming Interface) to collect and show the results. Cients using this application would be able to see results based on element name or using Material Id.
Project Link:
- Search for biomaterials and elements
- View results and find the test result for each element
- Download raw JSON file
Import the source code from repository
Install NodeJS (
Open terminal and run following command to install Sails Js
npm install sails -g
Generate and store API key from Materials Project to run the project
- Navigate to
- Look for Login to the Materials Project and generate API key text
- Generate the API key by registering for the project
- After API key is generated, navigate to custom.js file inside config folder and paste the key in materialProjectKey field.
Run your sails app Open terminal and move to your folder where project is located and run following command to install necessary packages
Downloading axios
npm install axios
Downloading and saving lodash
npm i -g npm
npm i --save lodash
Start your application
sails lift