The goal of this package is to test if we can integrate our solution with your robots.
- This package runs on ROS Melodic on Ubuntu 18.04
- Installing pika package. You can do that by executing
pip install pika
- Running the navigation stack of your robot
- After running the navigation stack, you should have access to these rostopics
- /cmd_vel: (topic of type twist to send velocity commands to make the robot moves.)
- /amcl_pose: (topic from move_base navigation stack to get the current position of the robot.)
- Note: If you could not access these rostopics, please contact us.
First, clone the ros package inside catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws/src git clone
Then, you need to compile your workspace
cd ~/catkin_ws catkin_make source ~/.bashrc
Finally, launch the package using
roslaunch robot_tester test.launch host_value:= port_value:=5672
After executing all of these commands with success, please coordinate a meeting with us to test if the robot is able to receive motion commands from us and moves.