A python utility for safely conveying files where they need to be.
This was originally created with the intention of sending plain text config files, but has since been updated to allow binary files as well.
Hecate will encrypt files, upload files to cloud storage, and decrypt files. The typical use pattern is to run Hecate with encrypt and upload options enabled in one location, then use the download and decrypt option in another.
It is recommend to use the -i or --inplace option when chaining actions. The order of operations is:
Download, Encrypt, Decrypt, Upload, Remove.
Download/upload are mutually exlcusive. Encrypt/decrypt are mutually exclusive. As such, if you use the -i option, the file you upload will always match your local file. With download, the final file will be in the state you specified. If you chose not to use -i, be aware that the encyrpted file (named filename_encrypted) will be uploaded instead of the original file name.
Note that using -i will destructively modify the file. If you have files you do not wish to risk destructively modifying, you can run without -i and the files will be saved to filename_encrypted or filename_decrypted, respectively.
When encrypting or decrypting multiple files, one keyfile is used for all of them. During encryption, you can specify the key to use with -k, --key or allow a new key to be autogenerated. The new key is alwyas saved to hecate_key, so make sure you save this file in between runs so that it is not destroyed. KEEP YOUR KEYS SECRET, KEEP YOUR KEYS SAFE! If you use -k but do not specify a filname, the enviornment variable hecate_encrypt_key is used during encryption and hecate_decrypt_key is used during decryption. If the environment variable is used, the key will NOT be written to hecate_key. A key file or environment variable is required for decryption. Encryption/decryption are done with symetrical Fernet keys.
You may chose to use the -c, --config option to make management easier. An example has been given in this reposity in config.json.sample. To facilitate keeping secret keys secret, you may include or omit as much as you want from the config file. If a needed value is not found in the config file, Hecate will automatically look in your local environment variables for 'hecate_keyname', where keyname is the name of whatever config value is needed. For example, you might chose not to put api_key in the config file, in which case you would want to set the environment variable hecate_api_key to your provider's API key.
At this time, Rackspace Public Cloud (Openstack Auth v2) and the most recent Openstack (as of this writing, auth v3) have been set up as an upload/download providers. Pull requests are accepted for other providers. Please provide example output from runs on your provider at the time of making the pull request in both Python 2.7.16 and Python 3.x.
Hecate has been tested on Python 2.7.16 and Python 3.7.3, but should run on any Python3 version without isssue.
Hecate only requires the requests library. You can run
pip install -r requirements.txt
To install it on most systems.
Encrypting a file in place and uploading it: python3 hecate.py -e -i -u -f testfile -c config.json
Decrypting multiple files after downloading: python3 hecate.py -d -g -f testfile1 testfile2 -c config.json
Remove file: python3 hecate.py -r testfile1 -c config.json
usage: hecate.py [-h] [-e | -d] [-u | -g] [-f FILE [FILE ...]] [-r REMOVE [REMOVE ...]] [-k [KEY]] [-i] [-c CONFIG] [-nc NEWCONTAINER] [-rc REMOVECONTAINER] [-sc SPECIFYCONTAINER]
A utility to encrypt/decrypt/upload files safely
optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -e, --encrypt Flag; encrypt the file. -d, --decrypt Flag; decrypt the file. -u, --upload Flag; upload the file. -g, --get Flag; download the file. -f FILE [FILE ...], --file FILE [FILE ...] File paths to action on. -r REMOVE [REMOVE ...], --remove REMOVE [REMOVE ...] File paths to remove. -k [KEY], --key [KEY] The key to use during encryption or decryption. If specified without a value, environment variables will be checked. If not specified for encryption, a new key will be generated and saved to disk. Required for decryption. -i, --inplace Flag; Encrypt or decrypt the file in-place.self implies the file's contents are destructively modified. -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG Json credentials file required for uploads and downloads. -nc NEWCONTAINER, --newContainer NEWCONTAINER Creates new container for your files. -rc REMOVECONTAINER, --removeContainer REMOVECONTAINER Delete given container from Storage. -sc SPECIFYCONTAINER, --specifyContainer SPECIFYCONTAINER Spicify container for files.
Copyright 2022 Philip Eatherington
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.