Welcome to the ROS Gazebo Gym Examples repository! In this repository, you will find a diverse range of examples demonstrating how to utilize the environments provided by the ros-gazebo-gym package effectively.
The following examples are currently available:
- start_panda_training.launch: Launches a SAC agent for training in the Panda robotics environment.
For comprehensive guidance on utilizing these examples and leveraging the capabilities of the ROS Gazebo Gym package, please refer to the documentation.
We use husky pre-commit hooks and github actions to enforce high code quality. Please check the contributing guidelines in the ros-gazebo-gym package before contributing to this repository.
We used husky instead of pre-commit, which is more commonly used with Python projects. This was done because only some tools we wanted to use were possible to integrate the Please feel free to open a PR if you want to switch to pre-commit if this is no longer the case.