FETA2 java based graph analysis software (FETA 3 currently under development)
To build and run either:
ant jar
java -jar feta2-1.0.0.jar [script.xml]
ant build
java feta.FetaCLI [script.xml]
in the latter case you will need to set up CLASSPATH for java as shown below setting FETAHOME to whereever you placed the source. After you do this source ~/.bashrc
FetaCLI is controlled by a single XML document. This .XML controls what FETA is doing.
#Options related to graph data scripts/simple_test_graph.dat #File name NNT # Format true #Graph is directed false #Multiple links A->B allowed # Allowable data file formats # NNT -- node-id(string) node-id(string) time (epoch)<Action> # What FETA will actually do