Distributed locks with Redlock algorithm for .net projects
IServiceCollection services = new ServiceCollection();
services.AddRedlock().AddRedisStorage(b => {
Then you can inject singleton service IRedlockFactory
and use it
IRedlockFactory lockFactory;
// if operation failed in 3 repeats (default behavior), an exception will be thrown
using (var redlock = lockFactory.Create("locking-resource", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)))
// this we got the lock
// lock is automaticaly released on dispose
All methods has async overloads
await using var redlock = await lockFactory.CreateAsync("resource", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));
has many extensions and overloads, you can change default behavior, for example:
// use default ttl - 30s
var redlock = lockFactory.Create("resource");
// Try lock 'resource' while cancellationToken is not cancelled.
// Waits random (but no more than 200ms) interval between repeats.
// If cancellation was requested, an exception will be thrown
var redlock = lockFactory.Create("resource", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), new CancellationRedlockRepeater(cancellationToken), maxWaitMs: 200);
AddInstance has overloads and you can configure redis store options
IServiceCollection services = new ServiceCollection();
services.AddRedlock(opt => {
// Configure clock drift factor for increase or decrease min validity
opt.ClockDriftFactor = 0.3f;
// Change this for your own for tests or other purposes
opt.UtcNow = () => DateTime.UtcNow;
}).AddRedisStorage(b => {
// connection string is StackExchange.Redis compatible
// https://stackexchange.github.io/StackExchange.Redis/Configuration
// use database 5 on redis server and set name 'second redis server' for logs
b.AddInstance("redis2:6379", database: 5, name: "second redis server");
// use ConfigurationOptions for configure
var conf = new ConfigurationOptions
EndPoints =
b.ConfigureOptions(opt =>
// Change redis key naming policy
opt.RedisKeyFromResourceName = resource => $"locks_{resource}";
All the functionality of the algorithm is in the static methods of Redlock
struct. For use it, you need implements interface IRedlockImplementation
and IRedlockInstance
represents instance to store distributed lock (e.g. one independent redis server). It contains methods for locking and unlocking a specific resource with a specific nonce for a specific time
is a simple container for the IRedlockInstance
s array and the `MinValidity' method, which calculates the minimum time that the lock will take
IRedlockImplementation impl;
ILogger log;
// Try lock "resource" with automatic unblocking after 10 seconds
Redlock? redlock = Redlock.TryLock("resource", "nonce", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), impl, log, () => DateTime.UtcNow);
Redlock? redlock = Redlock.TryLock("resource", "nonce", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), impl, log, new CancellationRedlockRepeater(cancellationToken), maxWaitMs: 200);
// lock or exception
Redlock redlock = Redlock.Lock("resource", "nonce", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), impl, log, new CancellationRedlockRepeater(cancellationToken), maxWaitMs: 200);
Repeater is a way for separate the algorithm from the logic of repetion. It`s a simple interface
public interface IRedlockRepeater
bool Next();
// Has default interface implementation Thread.Sleap(random(0,maxWaitMs))
void WaitRandom(int maxWaitMs);
// Has default interface implementation Task.Delay(random(0,maxWaitMs))
ValueTask WaitRandomAsync(int maxWaitMs, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
// Has default interface implementation RedlockException
Exception CreateException(string resource, string nonce, int attemptCount);
We have three repeater implementation:
- repeat while CancellationToken does not canceledMaxRetriesRedlockRepeater
- repeat max countNoopRedlockRepeater
- no repeat