Phalcon is a web framework delivered as a C extension providing high performance and lower resource consumption.
Pretty Exceptions is an utility to show exceptions/errors/warnings/notices using a nicely visualization.
This utility is not intended to be used in a production stage.
This utility catches uncatched exceptions, remember to remove any try/catch that avoid the utility can work.
The code in this repository is written in PHP.
The easiest way to use this utility is call static methods:
Listen for exceptions:
$p = new GetSky\Phalcon\Utils\PrettyExceptions();
return $p->handle($e);
Listen for user errors/warnings/notices:
set_error_handler(function($errorCode, $errorMessage, $errorFile, $errorLine)
$p = new GetSky\Phalcon\Utils\PrettyExceptions();
return $p->handleError($errorCode, $errorMessage, $errorFile, $errorLine);
The following is the way to configure the utility:
$p = new GetSky\Phalcon\Utils\PrettyExceptions();
//Change the base uri for static resources
//Set if the backtrace must be shown
//Set whether if open the user files and show its code
//Set whether show the complete file or just the relevant fragment
* Set whether show human readable dump of current Phalcon application instance
* Can optionally pass a Phalcon application instance as a prameter in the
* constructor, or as the last parameter of PrettyExceptions::handle() and
* PrettyExceptions::handleError()
//Change the CSS theme (default, night or minimalist)
//Handle the error/exception