This a simple tool to get Snapchat Plus on rooted devices only.
If you find any issues, please report them here.
- Make sure your device is rooted
- Download and install the latest release from here
- If you are using KernelSU or APatch, make sure to grant root access to the app.
- Finally, open the app and click on the patch button.
Features that don't work:
- Pin #1 Best Friend
- Snapchat+ Badge
- Solar System
- Post View Emoji
- Bitmoji Backgrounds
- Map Appearance (custom pet/car)
- One free monthly Snapstreak Restore
This project is not affiliated with Snapchat Inc. Using this tool is against Snapchat's terms of service. No one has been banned for using it since the risk is very low, so use at your own risk.
- SnapEnhance (GPL-3.0 License)
- libsu