This application is used to register customer,fetch parking slots information and request for allocate,amend/auto-amend and unallocate the cark park slots
Customer has to wait for his hourslot time to complete to perform reallocate, but he is allowed to perform cancel any time.
Auto Reallocate logic is created as such: Auto Reallocate happens for every 4.5 hours. There is a 4.5 hours period(Maximum slot time of 4 hours according to system+30 minutes grace period) for a customer to reallocate, post usage of his overall hourslot allocation & usage. If the customer does not perform either reallocate or cancel within maximum of period, auto reallocate happens with the same hourslot which customer has early provided during previous booking.
This application has the model representation as below,
API documentation on for request/response is configured with Swagger