An Iron to Solder with. Technic Pack Solder file manager written in perl.
Turns a large collection of .jars and .zips into solder compatible mod listings whilst also optionally keeping the solder database up to date.
A Work in progress!
Tested with a modpack that has over 50 mods.
- DBI - For Database access
- DBD::mysql - Solder uses mysql
- Text::LevenshteinXS - Fuzzy String matching(guesswork)
- Digest::MD5::File - Solder requires every zip to have a hash
- Archive::Zip - Makes zips
- YAML::XS - Reads config
- Install Dependancies
- Copy config.yml.sample to config.yml
- plop your mod files from your non-technic minecraft test instance into the input path
- Run
I suck at ReGex. Whole thing will break if a mod author names a file weirdly :) Some mods require additional files to be in mods/ if these are not picked up by the above its likely the pack will break.