This is an unofficial implementation of the Wompi API, we are not responsible for bugs derived from its use. For additional information you can refer to the official Wompi documentation.
[x] Credit Card Payments [x] Nequi Payments [x] PSE Payments
import 'package:wompi_payment_colombia/src/src_exports.dart';
void main() async {
// *# Create a new instance of the WompiClient*
WompiClient wompiClient = WompiClient(
publicKey: 'BusinessPublicKey', // Business Public Key from Wompi Dashboard
Environment.PRODUCTION, // or Environment.TEST for testing purposes,
businessPrefix: 'FR-', // Business Prefix
integrityKey: '', // secret integrity key from Wompi Dashboard
currency: 'COP', // Currency for the payments
// First you need to GET the acceptance token from the server, this is the token that will be used to make the payment.
// The user must be explicitly accepted the terms and conditions of the payment.
final acceptance = await WompiService.getAcceptance(wompiClient: wompiClient);
///Get the link to the PDF file with the terms. The user must be explicitly accepted the terms and conditions of the payment.
final pdfTermsLink =;
// Get the token from the server and use it to make the payment.
final acceptanceToken =;
// For every method you need to create an instance of the PaymentRequestData
PaymentRequestData paymentRequestData = PaymentRequestData(
"[email protected]", // The email of the user who will make the payment.
phone: "1111111111", // The phone of the user who will make the payment.
name: "Customer Name", // The name of the user who will make the payment.
acceptanceToken, // The token that will be used to make the payment.
reference: "payment_reference", // The reference of the payment.
"customer_identification" // The document of the user who will make the payment.
// *------------------ # MAKE A CREDIT CARD PAYMENT ------------------ *
CreditCard creditCard = CreditCard(
cardNumber: "1111111111111111", // Credit card number
cvcCode: "123", // CVC code
expYear: "24", // Expiration year
expMonth: "12", // Expiration month
amount: 20000, // Amount to pay as integer
quotas: 12, // Quotas to pay as integer
cardHolder: "Customer Name" // Card holder name
// Create instance fot Payment
CreditCardPay creditCardPay = CreditCardPay(
creditCard: creditCard, // Credit card information
paymentRequest: paymentRequestData, // Payment request data
wompiClient: wompiClient // Wompi client
// Make the payment with the credit card information.
final CardPaymentResponse cardPayment =
await creditCardPay);
// Check the response of the payment.
final CardCheckModel cardCheck = await WompiService.checkPayment(
paymentChecker: CreditCardCheck(
transactionId:, wompiClient: wompiClient));
// *------------------ # MAKE A NEQUI PAYMENT ------------------ *
NequiPay nequiPay = NequiPay(
paymentRequest: paymentRequestData, // Payment request data
wompiClient: wompiClient, // Wompi client
amount: 25000, // Amount to pay as integer
phoneNumberToPay: "1111111111" // Phone number to pay
/// Make the payment with the Nequi information.
final NequiPaymentResponse nequiPayment =
await nequiPay);
// Check the response of the payment.
final NequiCheckModel nequiCheck = await WompiService.checkPayment(
paymentChecker: NequiCheck(
transactionId:, wompiClient: wompiClient));
/// *------------------ # MAKE A PSE PAYMENT ------------------ *
// First you need to get the List of banks to allow the user to choose one.
final banks = await WompiService.getBanks(wompiClient: wompiClient);
final selectedBank =
banks.first; // In this case the user select the first Bank.
// Create instance for the PSE Request
final pseRequest = PseRequest(
personType: PersonType.natural, // Person type
documentType: "CC", // Document type
amount: 30000, // Amount to pay as integer
bankCode: selectedBank.financialInstitutionCode, // Bank code
paymentDescription: "Test Payment" // Payment description
// Create the payment with the PSE information.
final psePay = PsePay(
pseRequest: pseRequest, // PSE request data
paymentRequest: paymentRequestData, // Payment request data
wompiClient: wompiClient // Wompi client
// Make the payment with the PSE information.
final PsePaymentResponse payment =
await psePay);
// You need to redirect the user to the URL provided by the Wompi Service.
final paymentURL =!.asyncPaymentUrl;
// Then you need to check the PSE payment status.
final PsePaymentResponse response = await WompiService.checkPayment(
PseCheck(transactionId:, wompiClient: wompiClient));
We have added an E2E tests section for verification of the services using the test sandbox. You can run them manually by cloning this repository, and checking in the tests/payment_methods/PAYMENT-METHOD/service_tests folder by modifying the related information in the TestUtils class.