Gradle to build VertX project
- build with Gradle: --in the project root directory, run command:
bash gradlew tasks
, to see all possible tasks --run command:bash gradlew fatjar
, to build a fat jar with all required libraries included
- run generated jar: --in the build/libs directorey, see the generated jar, run with
java -jar VertxProject-all-3.3.3.jar
--open the browser, visitlocalhost:8080
see "Hello Vertx".
- restructure the projects
- language
- scala
- kotlin
- features
- restful request: get, post, put, delete
- pass agruments and parameters
- pass multi-media parameters, e.g. send a file with the request, read it and save it
- connect to db, sql and nosql
- connect to queue, e.g. kafka
- websocket
- testing
- documentation