Project Description: Reads in a wiki TSV file with the wiki page's name and number of views and then uses MapReduce to count the number of views each page recieved.
Technologies Used: Scala - Version 2.14.4 Apache Hadoop - Version 1.4.6 SBT - Version 0.15.0
Features: Reads in wikipedia TSV file from HDFS Returns data set with wiki page name and the number of views
To-do list: Run MapReduce again to get the data set in order from most views to least
Getting Started: Requirements: Java JDK 8, SBT, Scala, Hadoop cluster (docker was used for Hadoop cluster) Download project with: git clone Hadoop Commands: Format filesystem: $ bin/hdfs namenode -format Start NameNode and DataNode daemon: $ sbin/ Browse local hose to find NameNode: NameNode - http://localhost:9870/ (or docker ps to see nameNode) Make the HDFS directories required to execute MapReduce jobs: $ bin/hdfs dfs -mkdir /user $ bin/hdfs dfs -mkdir /user/ Copy the input files into the distributed filesystem: $ bin/hdfs dfs -mkdir input $ bin/hdfs dfs -put etc/hadoop/*.xml input Usage: In terminal navigate to directory containing project and type: sbt "run [input dir] [output dir]" [input dir] = your input file (wiki tsv file) [output dir] = output file (location where you want to save calulations after MapReduce)