A simple user-driven web mapping application for the quick reporting of public generated feedback to an .sql database.
Add entry in the form.html #issue_city select options list that matches up with the URL param for the city= or map=<instance_or_city_name>
Add entry in the config.json
Copy database:
CREATE DATABASE mfc_new_city_name WITH TEMPLATE mfc_ak_kodiak;
Update the /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/pg_hba.conf for host and localhost to access the new db. And reload the conf with SELECT pg_reload_conf();
Optional: for instances with several or changed URL param instance names, you can re-route users by adding entries in the .htaccess file
- Open a connection to the database and populate the geom column with this command
UPDATE workorder.mfc_data SET the_geom = ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(lng, lat), 4326);
This could be automated via trigger or explicitly in the serverside code
- open workorder.mfc_data table in QGIS
- Right click on the layer in the layer menu > click export > select format as .shp make sure the projection is set to the desired one
- Right click on the layer in the layer menu > click export > select format as .csv
- Under the geometry dropdown select no geom.
- Open the .csv in Excel
- Save As > .xlsx format
- Run this command on the server
/usr/bin/pg_dump <name of database> -f <filename you want for the backup file>.backup -Fc -U postgres --no-owner