Releases: respec/BASINS
HSPEXP+ 3.2 release candidate
HSPEXP+3.2 contains the newest enhancements for HSPEXP+. This release includes segmentation options for WASP model setup including benthic segments. additional constituent balance reports for ortho phosphorus, tkn, nitrite-nitrate, and total ammonia, and complete documentation of additional constituent balance reports in Appendix A.
HSPF 12.5 Plugin for BASINS 4.5 -- July 2020
This package installs HSPF v12.5 and WinHSPF v3.1, along with the BASINS model setup plugin for HSPF. It is intended for installation on top of the BASINS 4.5 Core.
HSPF 12.5 Plugin for BASINS 4.5 -- June 2020
This package installs HSPF v12.5 and WinHSPF v3.1, along with the BASINS model setup plugin for HSPF. It is intended for installation on top of the BASINS 4.5 Core.
HSPEXP+ 3.1 beta2
HSPEXP+3.1 beta 2 contains the newest enhancements for HSPEXP+. This release includes extended documentation for the constituent balance reports in Appendix A, along with a first draft of statistics and advice for SNOW calibration. It also includes enhanced setup for WASP, writing the WASP8 version of the WASP input file.
USGS HydroToolbox 1.0
This version is the integrated groundwater and surface water hydrologic toolbox. The various analyses are grouped into legacy tools, GW tools, SW tools, and general time series tools in the menu for better organization. The Run R program is updated to work with the latest R software.
Surface Water Toolbox 1.0.5
This version updates the frequency and N day analyses to use the conditional probability adjusted statistics in both IDF and the legacy DFLOW program.
This version also contains updated Run R program that can work with the latest R software. The R.NET library is updated to search for R installation info from registry more thoroughly. Should the Run R program fail to find installed R software, a 'R_HOME' environment path variable can be created to point to a custom installed R on a user's system (for example: C:\Users\john.doe\Documents\R\R-3.6.2)
HSPEXP+ 3.1 beta1
HSPEXP+3.1 beta 1 contains the newest enhancements for HSPEXP+. This release includes extended documentation for the constituent balance reports in Appendix A, along with a first draft of statistics and advice for SNOW calibration.
HSPEXP+ 3.0 Release Candidate 3
HSPEXP+3.0 is the latest version of HSPEXP+.
This version includes a further refined model QA/QC report, plus tools for setting up WASP and BATHTUB receiving water models. Also uses 'subset by date' in Regan plots and Diurnal reports. This update fixes known problems with scatter plots and GQual constituent balance reports.
USGS Groundwater Toolbox version 1.3.2
This version has updated data download tool per USGS NWIS security protocol change; this update fixed the issue of missing discharge and daily groundwater stations layers when creating new projects. Also, national HUC8 boundary GIS data layer is updated.
BASINS 4.5.1 Core -- August 2019
BASINS 4.5.1 Core, without model plugins.
This release provides access to additional years of NLCD land cover through the Data Download tool.