Hi I'm Merlin and currently studying about Frontend Development
📚 My Study Note aka Second Brain
- Scriptmind! note taking app
- 🎉 Achievement: 1,943 visitors, 10,736 Page Views, 327 users
- Daily Product Hunt 20th Place
- 단국대학교 경제학과 입학(Enrolled in the Department of Economics at Dankook University)
- 단국대학교 소프트웨어학과로 전과(Transferred to the Department of Software at Dankook University)
- 단국대학교 소프트웨어학과 휴학 중(Took a leave of absence from the Department of Software at Dankook University)
- 토스 증권 최초 프론트엔드 개발자 계약직으로 재직 중(Began a first contract position as a front-end developer at Toss Securities)