Welcome to Second Brain! The open source graph-based 3d Second Brain.
This library is commonly used in graph based folder structure.
Example usage:
see our service @ https://scripmind.com/
This data structure represents a MongoDB document that describes a folder named "home" in a hierarchical or tree-like data structure.
: This field is the unique identifier for the document in the MongoDB collection or Key field of document collection. It doesn't need to be MongoDB -
: This field holds the name of the folder, in the root it should be"home"
. -
: This field indicates the type of the item, which is a"folder" or "file
. -
: This is an array that represents the child items within this folder. Currently, it is an empty array ([]
), indicating that there are no child items (subfolders or files) inside this folder.
Example Data Structure:
"_id": "65f8141d919d86944918b14f",
"name": "home",
"type": "folder",
"children": [
"name": "단국대학교 천안 캠퍼스",
"type": "file",
"children": [],
"_id": "666c4d48e7b9d390c11c2992"
"name": "Default Folder",
"type": "folder",
"_id": "667fafea4cba66cf5b8b72ce",
"children": [
"name": "example",
"type": "file",
"children": [],
"_id": "667faff14cba66cf5b8b72d8"
Document Structure Each document contains the following fields:
- _id: A unique identifier for the document (string).
- name: The name of the note (string).
- tags: An array of tags associated with the note (array of strings).
Example Data Structure:
"_id": "666c4d48e7b9d390c11c2992",
"name": "단국대학교 천안 캠퍼스",
"tags": ["#0"],
"_id": "667faff14cba66cf5b8b72d8",
"name": "example",
"tags": []
Let's assume you have a directory and list of files.
const rootDirectory = {
_id: "65f8141d919d86944918b14f",
name: "home",
type: "folder",
children: [
name: "단국대학교 천안 캠퍼스",
type: "file",
children: [],
_id: "666c4d48e7b9d390c11c2992",
name: "Default Folder",
type: "folder",
_id: "667fafea4cba66cf5b8b72ce",
children: [
name: "example",
type: "file",
children: [],
_id: "667faff14cba66cf5b8b72d8",
const files = [
"_id": "666c4d48e7b9d390c11c2992",
"name": "단국대학교 천안 캠퍼스",
"tags": ["#0"],
"_id": "667faff14cba66cf5b8b72d8",
"name": "example",
"tags": []
// Make a Graph
const graph = Graph.createFromApp(rootDirectory, files);
// Clone Graph
const partialGraph = graph?.clone();
// Get Local Graph, graph Id can be NodeId
Following Code is the real code of 3d graph feature of service scriptmind. This is a hook for 3d graph view.
import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import ForceGraph3D from "3d-force-graph";
import elementResizeDetectorMaker from "element-resize-detector";
import { Graph } from "scriptmind-second-brain";
import useGetDirectories from "./useGetDirectories";
import useGetAllFiles from "./useGetAllFiles";
import { useRouter, useSearchParams } from "next/navigation";
import { useTheme } from "next-themes";
export default function useGraph(dashboardId: string) {
const graphRef = document.getElementById("3d-graph");
const { data: rootDirectory } = useGetDirectories();
const { data: files } = useGetAllFiles();
const [graphData, setGraphData] = useState<Graph>();
const router = useRouter();
const searchParams = useSearchParams();
const graphId = searchParams.get("graph");
const { systemTheme, theme } = useTheme();
const currentTheme = theme === "system" ? systemTheme : theme;
useEffect(() => {
if (rootDirectory && files) {
// core logic using Graph
const graph = Graph.createFromApp(rootDirectory, files);
// Let's assume you go graph='id' param via node click, this logic will make local graph based on the param id
const partialGraph = graphId
? graph?.clone().getLocalGraph(graphId)
: graph;
}, [files, graphId, rootDirectory]);
useEffect(() => {
if (graphRef && graphData) {
const Graph = ForceGraph3D({ controlType: "orbit" })(graphRef)
.backgroundColor(currentTheme === "dark" ? "black" : "white")
.nodeLabel((node: any) => {
const textColor = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement)
return `<div style="color:${
currentTheme === "dark" ? "white" : "black"
.nodeColor((node: any) => {
// ignore this dark mode
return currentTheme === "dark"
? !files?.find((file) => file._id === node.id) &&
node.name === "home"
? "white"
: !files?.find((file) => file._id === node.id)
? "#606060"
: "#C0C0C0"
: !files?.find((file) => file._id === node.id) &&
node.name === "home"
? "black"
: !files?.find((file) => file._id === node.id)
? "#606060"
: "#C0C0C0";
.linkColor((link) => (currentTheme === "dark" ? "white" : "black"))
.onNodeClick((node: any) => {
// Navigate to the node's graph ID without reloading the page
if (node.id) {
Graph.cameraPosition({ z: 200 }); // Adjust the 'z' value to move the camera closer or further
elementResizeDetectorMaker().listenTo(graphRef, (el) =>
}, [currentTheme, files, graphData, graphRef, router]);
return { graphRef };
Following Code is the real code of tree hooks of service scriptmind. This is a hook for panel view.
import useGetAllFiles from "@/components/graph/hooks/useGetAllFiles";
import useGetFolders from "./useGetFolders";
import { Graph } from "scriptmind-second-brain";
import { usePathname, useRouter, useSearchParams } from "next/navigation";
import { useEffect, useMemo, useState } from "react";
import { sortChildren } from "../utils";
import { ITreeNode } from "@/db";
export function useTree() {
const router = useRouter();
const { data, isPending } = useGetFolders();
const { data: files } = useGetAllFiles();
const [folderOpenLists, setFolderOpenLists] = useState<string[]>([]);
const searchParams = useSearchParams();
const graphId = searchParams.get("graph");
const currentPath = usePathname().split("/").pop();
const dashboardId = graphId || currentPath || "home";
const homeId = data?._id;
const sortedTree = [sortChildren(data)];
const graph = useMemo(() => {
if (!data || !files) return;
return Graph.createFromApp(sortChildren(data), files); // Create graph data structure
}, [data, files]);
useEffect(() => {
const retrieveLinks = (
graph: Graph,
id: string,
culmultives: string[] = []
): string[] => {
const link = graph.links.find((link) => link.target === id);
if (!link) return culmultives;
return retrieveLinks(graph, link.source, culmultives);
if (graph) {
const currentNode = graph.nodes?.find((node) => {
return node.id === dashboardId;
...retrieveLinks(graph, currentNode?.id ?? ""),
}, [dashboardId, graph]);
const getCurrentFolder = (node: ITreeNode) => {
if (dashboardId !== node._id) router.push(`/dashboard/${node._id}`);
return {