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smoke test latest cmx versions #14499

smoke test latest cmx versions

smoke test latest cmx versions #14499

Workflow file for this run

name: build-test
# pull_request_target:
# # This workflow trigger may lead to malicious PR authors being able to obtain repository write permissions or stealing repository secrets.
# # Please read
# types: [ opened, synchronize, reopened, labeled ]
group: ${{ github.head_ref }}
cancel-in-progress: true
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# if the event is pull_request and:
# - it is not a fork OR it is from the dependabot
# - Then must have the label '@actions/safe-to-test'
# The 'pull_request_target' workflow trigger may lead to malicious PR authors being able to obtain repository write permissions or stealing repository secrets.
# Please read
if: >
( github.event_name == 'pull_request' &&
( github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository ||
contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, '@actions/safe-to-test' )
- name: ok
run: echo "yes"
# Use this to disable tests when iteratig on a specific test to save time
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
- name: ok
# change 0 to a positive interger to prevent all tests from running
run: exit 0
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
tag: ${{ steps.get_tag.outputs.GIT_TAG }}
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Get tags
id: get_tag
uses: ./.github/actions/version-tag
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: [ can-run-ci ]
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Test Okteto development environment
uses: replicatedhq/action-okteto-test@main
token: ${{ secrets.OKTETO_TOKEN }}
branch: ${{ github.head_ref }}
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
needs: [ can-run-ci ]
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
ref: ${{github.event.pull_request.head.ref}}
repository: ${{github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name}}
- name: Setup Node.js environment
uses: actions/setup-node@v3
node-version: '18.x'
cache: yarn
cache-dependency-path: web/yarn.lock
- name: Cache node_modules
uses: actions/cache@v3
path: ${{ github.workspace }}/web/node_modules
key: ${{ runner.os }}-${{ runner.arch }}-yarn-node_modules-${{ hashFiles('web/yarn.lock') }}
- name: Install web deps
run: make -C web deps
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
needs: [ can-run-ci, deps-web ]
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
ref: ${{github.event.pull_request.head.ref}}
repository: ${{github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name}}
- name: Setup Node.js environment
uses: actions/setup-node@v3
node-version: '18.x'
cache: yarn
cache-dependency-path: web/yarn.lock
- name: Cache node_modules
uses: actions/cache@v3
path: ${{ github.workspace }}/web/node_modules
key: ${{ runner.os }}-${{ runner.arch }}-yarn-node_modules-${{ hashFiles('web/yarn.lock') }}
- name: Lint
run: make -C web lint
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
needs: [ can-run-ci, deps-web ]
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
ref: ${{github.event.pull_request.head.ref}}
repository: ${{github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name}}
- name: Setup Node.js environment
uses: actions/setup-node@v3
node-version: '18.x'
cache: yarn
cache-dependency-path: web/yarn.lock
- name: Cache node_modules
uses: actions/cache@v3
path: ${{ github.workspace }}/web/node_modules
key: ${{ runner.os }}-${{ runner.arch }}-yarn-node_modules-${{ hashFiles('web/yarn.lock') }}
- name: Unit test
run: make -C web test-unit
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
needs: [ can-run-ci, deps-web, generate-tag ]
# This workflow trigger may lead to malicious PR authors being able to obtain repository write permissions or stealing repository secrets.
# Please read
# this action checks out the remote branch and runs CI
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
ref: ${{github.event.pull_request.head.ref}}
repository: ${{github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name}}
- name: Setup Node.js environment
uses: actions/setup-node@v3
node-version: '18.x'
cache: yarn
cache-dependency-path: web/yarn.lock
- name: Cache node_modules
uses: actions/cache@v3
path: ${{ github.workspace }}/web/node_modules
key: ${{ runner.os }}-${{ runner.arch }}-yarn-node_modules-${{ hashFiles('web/yarn.lock') }}
- name: Build web
GIT_TAG: ${{ needs.generate-tag.outputs.tag }}
run: mapfile -t envs < <(grep -v '#.*' < .image.env) && export "${envs[@]}" && make -C web build-kotsadm
- name: Upload web artifact
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: web
path: ./web/dist
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
needs: [ can-run-ci ]
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
ref: ${{github.event.pull_request.head.ref}}
repository: ${{github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name}}
- uses: actions/setup-go@v3
go-version: '^1.20.0'
cache: true
- run: go mod download
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
needs: [ can-run-ci, deps-kots ]
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
ref: ${{github.event.pull_request.head.ref}}
repository: ${{github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name}}
- uses: actions/setup-go@v3
go-version: '^1.20.0'
cache: true
- name: vet
run: make vet
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
needs: [ can-run-ci, deps-kots ]
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
ref: ${{github.event.pull_request.head.ref}}
repository: ${{github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name}}
- uses: actions/setup-go@v3
go-version: '^1.20.0'
cache: true
- name: test
run: make ci-test
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
needs: [ can-run-ci, build-web, deps-kots, generate-tag ]
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
ref: ${{github.event.pull_request.head.ref}}
repository: ${{github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name}}
- uses: actions/setup-go@v3
go-version: '^1.20.0'
cache: true
- name: Download web artifact
uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
name: web
path: ./web/dist
- name: Build
GIT_TAG: ${{ needs.generate-tag.outputs.tag }}
run: mapfile -t envs < <(grep -v '#.*' < .image.env) && export "${envs[@]}" && make build
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: kotsadm
path: ./bin/kotsadm
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
needs: [ can-run-ci, build-web, deps-kots, generate-tag ]
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
ref: ${{github.event.pull_request.head.ref}}
repository: ${{github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name}}
- uses: actions/setup-go@v3
go-version: '^1.20.0'
cache: true
- name: Download web artifact
uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
name: web
path: ./web/dist
- name: Build kots
GIT_TAG: ${{ needs.generate-tag.outputs.tag }}
run: mapfile -t envs < <(grep -v '#.*' < .image.env) && export "${envs[@]}" && make kots
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: kots
path: ./bin/kots
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
needs: [ can-run-ci, build-kotsadm, build-kots ]
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
ref: ${{github.event.pull_request.head.ref}}
repository: ${{github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name}}
- name: Download kots artifact
uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
name: kots
path: bin/
- name: Download kotsadm artifact
uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
name: kotsadm
path: bin/
- run: chmod +x bin/kots bin/kotsadm
- name: build and push kotsadm for e2e
uses: docker/build-push-action@v3
tags:${{ github.run_id }}/kotsadm:24h
context: ./
file: ./deploy/Dockerfile
push: true
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
needs: [ can-run-ci ]
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
ref: main
repository: replicatedhq/kots-helm
- name: Build KOTS Helm chart
GIT_COMMIT: ${{ github.sha }}
run: |
curl -O -L "${GIT_COMMIT}/.image.env"
mapfile -t envs < <(grep -v '#.*' < .image.env) && export "${envs[@]}"
export CHART_VERSION=0.0.${{ github.run_id }}-automated
export KOTS_VERSION=24h
export KOTS_TAG=24h
export${{ github.run_id }}
envsubst < Chart.yaml.tmpl > Chart.yaml
envsubst < values.yaml.tmpl > values.yaml
CHART_NAME=$(helm package . | rev | cut -d/ -f1 | rev)
helm push "$CHART_NAME" oci://${{ github.run_id }}
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
needs: [ can-run-ci ]
- uses: actions/setup-go@v3
go-version: '^1.20.0'
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
ref: ${{github.event.pull_request.head.ref}}
repository: ${{github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name}}
- name: Cache Go modules
uses: actions/cache@v3
path: |
key: ${{ runner.os }}-go-e2e-${{ hashFiles('**/go.sum') }}
restore-keys: |
${{ runner.os }}-go-e2e-
- run: make -C e2e build deps
- run: docker save e2e-deps -o e2e/bin/e2e-deps.tar
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: e2e
path: e2e/bin/
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
needs: [ can-run-ci ]
- uses: actions/setup-go@v3
go-version: '^1.20.0'
- name: setup env
run: |
echo "GOPATH=$(go env GOPATH)" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
echo "$(go env GOPATH)/bin" >> "$GITHUB_PATH"
shell: bash
# This workflow trigger may lead to malicious PR authors being able to obtain repository write permissions or stealing repository secrets.
# Please read
# this action creates a branch based on remote branch and runs the tests
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
ref: ${{github.event.pull_request.head.ref}}
repository: ${{github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name}}
- name: Cache Go modules
uses: actions/cache@v3
path: |
key: ${{ runner.os }}-go-kurlproxy-${{ hashFiles('**/go.sum') }}
restore-keys: |
${{ runner.os }}-go-kurlproxy-
- run: mapfile -t envs < <(grep -v '#.*' < .image.env) && export "${envs[@]}" && make -C kurl_proxy test build
- name: build and push kurl_proxy for e2e
uses: docker/build-push-action@v3
tags:${{ github.run_id }}/kurl-proxy:24h
context: ./kurl_proxy
file: ./kurl_proxy/deploy/Dockerfile
push: true
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
needs: [ can-run-ci ]
- name: setup env
run: |
echo "GOPATH=$(go env GOPATH)" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
echo "$(go env GOPATH)/bin" >> "$GITHUB_PATH"
shell: bash
# This workflow trigger may lead to malicious PR authors being able to obtain repository write permissions or stealing repository secrets.
# Please read
# this action creates a branch based on remote branch and runs the tests
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
ref: ${{github.event.pull_request.head.ref}}
repository: ${{github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name}}
- name: load environment variables from .image.env
uses: falti/dotenv-action@v1
id: dotenv
path: .image.env
- name: build and push migrations for e2e
uses: docker/build-push-action@v3
tags:${{ github.run_id }}/kotsadm-migrations:24h
context: ./migrations
file: ./migrations/deploy/Dockerfile
push: true
build-args: SCHEMAHERO_TAG=${{ steps.dotenv.outputs.schemahero_tag }}
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
needs: [ can-run-ci ]
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: load environment variables from .image.env
uses: falti/dotenv-action@v1
id: dotenv
path: .image.env
- name: push minio for e2e
run: |
docker pull minio/minio:${{ steps.dotenv.outputs.minio_tag }}
docker tag minio/minio:${{ steps.dotenv.outputs.minio_tag }}${{ github.run_id }}/minio:${{ steps.dotenv.outputs.minio_tag }}
docker push${{ github.run_id }}/minio:${{ steps.dotenv.outputs.minio_tag }}
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
needs: [ can-run-ci ]
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: load environment variables from .image.env
uses: falti/dotenv-action@v1
id: dotenv
path: .image.env
- name: push minio client for e2e
run: |
docker pull minio/mc:${{ steps.dotenv.outputs.mc_tag }}
docker tag minio/mc:${{ steps.dotenv.outputs.mc_tag }}${{ github.run_id }}/mc:${{ steps.dotenv.outputs.mc_tag }}
docker push${{ github.run_id }}/mc:${{ steps.dotenv.outputs.mc_tag }}
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
needs: [ can-run-ci ]
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: load environment variables from .image.env
uses: falti/dotenv-action@v1
id: dotenv
path: .image.env
- name: push rqlite for CI
run: |
docker pull rqlite/rqlite:${{ steps.dotenv.outputs.RQLITE_TAG }}
docker tag rqlite/rqlite:${{ steps.dotenv.outputs.RQLITE_TAG }}${{ github.run_id }}/rqlite:${{ steps.dotenv.outputs.RQLITE_TAG }}
docker push${{ github.run_id }}/rqlite:${{ steps.dotenv.outputs.RQLITE_TAG }}
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
needs: [ can-run-ci ]
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: load environment variables from .image.env
uses: falti/dotenv-action@v1
id: dotenv
path: .image.env
- name: push dex for CI
run: |
docker build --pull -f deploy/dex.Dockerfile -t${{ github.run_id }}/dex:${{ steps.dotenv.outputs.DEX_TAG }} --build-arg TAG=${{ steps.dotenv.outputs.DEX_TAG }} .
docker push${{ github.run_id }}/dex:${{ steps.dotenv.outputs.DEX_TAG }}
# only run validate-kurl-addon if changes to "deploy/kurl/kotsadm/template/**"
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
needs: [ can-run-ci, enable-tests ]
ok-to-test: ${{ steps.filter.outputs.kurl-addon }}
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: dorny/paths-filter@v2
id: filter
filters: |
- 'deploy/kurl/kotsadm/template/**'
- 'deploy/kurl/kotsadm/testgrid-os-spec.yaml'
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
if: ${{ needs.kurl-addon-changes-filter.outputs.ok-to-test == 'true' }}
needs: [ can-run-ci, enable-tests, generate-tag, kurl-addon-changes-filter, build-kots, build-push-kotsadm-image, build-kurl-proxy, build-migrations, push-dex ]
- name: checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: set outputs
id: vars
run: |
addon_version=${{ needs.generate-tag.outputs.tag }}
echo "addon_version=${addon_version#v}" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
- name: download kots binary
uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
name: kots
path: bin/
- name: prepare kots binary executable
run: |
chmod +x bin/*
tar -C bin/ -czvf bin/kots.tar.gz kots
- name: generate kurl add-on
id: addon-generate
uses: ./.github/actions/kurl-addon-kots-generate
addon_version: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.addon_version }}
kotsadm_image_namespace: automated-${{ github.run_id }}
kotsadm_image_tag: 24h
kotsadm_binary_override: bin/kots.tar.gz
- name: test kurl add-on
id: addon-test
uses: ./.github/actions/kurl-addon-kots-test
addon_version: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.addon_version }}
addon_package_url: ${{ steps.addon-generate.outputs.addon_package_url }}
testgrid_api_token: ${{ secrets.TESTGRID_PROD_API_TOKEN }}
- name: comment testgrid url
uses: mshick/add-pr-comment@v2
message: ${{ steps.addon-test.outputs.testgrid_run_message }}
repo-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
allow-repeats: false
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
needs: [ can-run-ci, enable-tests ]
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
fetch-depth: 0
- name: get CMX versions to test
id: cmx-versions-to-test
uses: ./.github/actions/cmx-versions
replicated-api-token: ${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}
versions-to-test: ${{ steps.cmx-versions-to-test.outputs.versions-to-test }}
# validate-existing-online-install-minimal:
# runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# needs: [ enable-tests, can-run-ci, build-push-kotsadm-image, build-e2e, build-kurl-proxy, build-migrations, push-minio, push-mc, push-rqlite ]
# steps:
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: download e2e deps
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: e2e
# path: e2e/bin/
# - name: download kots binary
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: kots
# path: bin/
# - run: |
# docker load -i e2e/bin/e2e-deps.tar
# chmod +x e2e/bin/*
# chmod +x bin/*
# - uses: ./.github/actions/kots-e2e
# with:
# kots-namespace: 'qakotsregression'
# test-focus: 'Regression'
# k8s-distribution: k3s
# k8s-version: v1.26
# testim-branch: ${{ github.head_ref == 'main' && 'master' || github.head_ref }}
# testim-access-token: '${{ secrets.TESTIM_ACCESS_TOKEN }}'
# aws-access-key-id: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}'
# aws-secret-access-key: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}'
# replicated-api-token: '${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}'
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
needs: [ enable-tests, can-run-ci, cmx-versions, build-push-kotsadm-image, build-e2e, build-kurl-proxy, build-migrations, push-minio, push-mc, push-rqlite ]
fail-fast: false
cluster: ${{ fromJson(needs.cmx-versions.outputs.versions-to-test) }}
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: download e2e deps
uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
name: e2e
path: e2e/bin/
- run: docker load -i e2e/bin/e2e-deps.tar
- run: chmod +x e2e/bin/*
- name: download kots binary
uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
name: kots
path: bin/
- run: chmod +x bin/*
- uses: ./.github/actions/kots-e2e
test-focus: 'Smoke Test'
kots-namespace: 'smoke-test'
k8s-distribution: ${{ matrix.cluster.distribution }}
k8s-version: ${{ matrix.cluster.version }}
testim-access-token: '${{ secrets.TESTIM_ACCESS_TOKEN }}'
testim-branch: ${{ github.head_ref == 'main' && 'master' || github.head_ref }}
aws-access-key-id: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}'
aws-secret-access-key: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}'
replicated-api-token: '${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}'
kots-dockerhub-username: '${{ secrets.E2E_DOCKERHUB_USERNAME }}'
kots-dockerhub-password: '${{ secrets.E2E_DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD }}'
# validate-minimal-rbac:
# runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# needs: [ enable-tests, can-run-ci, cmx-versions, build-push-kotsadm-image, build-e2e, build-kurl-proxy, build-migrations, push-minio, push-mc, push-rqlite ]
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# matrix:
# cluster: ${{ fromJson(needs.cmx-versions.outputs.versions-to-test) }}
# steps:
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: download e2e deps
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: e2e
# path: e2e/bin/
# - run: docker load -i e2e/bin/e2e-deps.tar
# - run: chmod +x e2e/bin/*
# - name: download kots binary
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: kots
# path: bin/
# - run: chmod +x bin/*
# - uses: ./.github/actions/kots-e2e
# with:
# test-focus: 'Minimal RBAC'
# kots-namespace: 'minimal-rbac'
# k8s-distribution: ${{ matrix.cluster.distribution }}
# k8s-version: ${{ matrix.cluster.version }}
# testim-access-token: '${{ secrets.TESTIM_ACCESS_TOKEN }}'
# testim-branch: ${{ github.head_ref == 'main' && 'master' || github.head_ref }}
# aws-access-key-id: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}'
# aws-secret-access-key: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}'
# replicated-api-token: '${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}'
# validate-backup-and-restore:
# runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# needs: [ enable-tests, can-run-ci, cmx-versions, build-push-kotsadm-image, build-e2e, build-kurl-proxy, build-migrations, push-minio, push-mc, push-rqlite ]
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# matrix:
# cluster: ${{ fromJson(needs.cmx-versions.outputs.versions-to-test) }}
# steps:
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: download e2e deps
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: e2e
# path: e2e/bin/
# - run: docker load -i e2e/bin/e2e-deps.tar
# - run: chmod +x e2e/bin/*
# - name: download kots binary
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: kots
# path: bin/
# - run: chmod +x bin/*
# - uses: ./.github/actions/kots-e2e
# with:
# test-focus: 'Backup and Restore'
# kots-namespace: 'backup-and-restore'
# k8s-distribution: ${{ matrix.cluster.distribution }}
# k8s-version: ${{ matrix.cluster.version }}
# testim-access-token: '${{ secrets.TESTIM_ACCESS_TOKEN }}'
# testim-branch: ${{ github.head_ref == 'main' && 'master' || github.head_ref }}
# aws-access-key-id: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}'
# aws-secret-access-key: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}'
# replicated-api-token: '${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}'
# validate-no-required-config:
# runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# needs: [ enable-tests, can-run-ci, build-push-kotsadm-image, build-e2e, build-kurl-proxy, build-migrations, push-minio, push-mc, push-rqlite ]
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# matrix:
# cluster: [
# {distribution: kind, version: v1.27}
# ]
# steps:
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: download e2e deps
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: e2e
# path: e2e/bin/
# - run: docker load -i e2e/bin/e2e-deps.tar
# - run: chmod +x e2e/bin/*
# - name: download kots binary
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: kots
# path: bin/
# - run: chmod +x bin/*
# - uses: ./.github/actions/kots-e2e
# with:
# test-focus: 'No Required Config'
# kots-namespace: 'no-required-config'
# k8s-distribution: ${{ matrix.cluster.distribution }}
# k8s-version: ${{ matrix.cluster.version }}
# testim-access-token: '${{ secrets.TESTIM_ACCESS_TOKEN }}'
# testim-branch: ${{ github.head_ref == 'main' && 'master' || github.head_ref }}
# aws-access-key-id: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}'
# aws-secret-access-key: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}'
# replicated-api-token: '${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}'
# validate-strict-preflight-checks:
# runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# needs: [ enable-tests, can-run-ci, build-push-kotsadm-image, build-e2e, build-kurl-proxy, build-migrations, push-minio, push-mc, push-rqlite ]
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# matrix:
# cluster: [
# {distribution: kind, version: v1.27}
# ]
# steps:
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: download e2e deps
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: e2e
# path: e2e/bin/
# - run: docker load -i e2e/bin/e2e-deps.tar
# - run: chmod +x e2e/bin/*
# - name: download kots binary
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: kots
# path: bin/
# - run: chmod +x bin/*
# - uses: ./.github/actions/kots-e2e
# with:
# test-focus: 'Strict Preflight Checks'
# kots-namespace: 'strict-preflight-checks'
# k8s-distribution: ${{ matrix.cluster.distribution }}
# k8s-version: ${{ matrix.cluster.version }}
# testim-access-token: '${{ secrets.TESTIM_ACCESS_TOKEN }}'
# testim-branch: ${{ github.head_ref == 'main' && 'master' || github.head_ref }}
# aws-access-key-id: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}'
# aws-secret-access-key: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}'
# replicated-api-token: '${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}'
# validate-config:
# runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# needs: [ enable-tests, can-run-ci, build-push-kotsadm-image, build-e2e, build-kurl-proxy, build-migrations, push-minio, push-mc, push-rqlite ]
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# matrix:
# cluster: [
# {distribution: kind, version: v1.27}
# ]
# steps:
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: download e2e deps
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: e2e
# path: e2e/bin/
# - run: docker load -i e2e/bin/e2e-deps.tar
# - run: chmod +x e2e/bin/*
# - name: download kots binary
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: kots
# path: bin/
# - run: chmod +x bin/*
# - uses: ./.github/actions/kots-e2e
# with:
# test-focus: 'Config Validation'
# kots-namespace: 'config-validation'
# k8s-distribution: ${{ matrix.cluster.distribution }}
# k8s-version: ${{ matrix.cluster.version }}
# testim-access-token: '${{ secrets.TESTIM_ACCESS_TOKEN }}'
# testim-branch: ${{ github.head_ref == 'main' && 'master' || github.head_ref }}
# aws-access-key-id: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}'
# aws-secret-access-key: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}'
# replicated-api-token: '${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}'
# validate-version-history-pagination:
# runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# needs: [ enable-tests, can-run-ci, build-push-kotsadm-image, build-e2e, build-kurl-proxy, build-migrations, push-minio, push-mc, push-rqlite ]
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# matrix:
# cluster: [
# {distribution: k3s-local, version: v1.27.1-k3s1}
# ]
# steps:
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: download e2e deps
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: e2e
# path: e2e/bin/
# - run: docker load -i e2e/bin/e2e-deps.tar
# - run: chmod +x e2e/bin/*
# - name: download kots binary
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: kots
# path: bin/
# - run: chmod +x bin/*
# - uses: ./.github/actions/kots-e2e
# with:
# test-focus: 'Version History Pagination'
# kots-namespace: 'version-history-pagination'
# k8s-distribution: ${{ matrix.cluster.distribution }}
# k8s-version: ${{ matrix.cluster.version }}
# testim-access-token: '${{ secrets.TESTIM_ACCESS_TOKEN }}'
# testim-branch: ${{ github.head_ref == 'main' && 'master' || github.head_ref }}
# aws-access-key-id: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}'
# aws-secret-access-key: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}'
# validate-change-license:
# runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# needs: [ enable-tests, can-run-ci, build-push-kotsadm-image, build-e2e, build-kurl-proxy, build-migrations, push-minio, push-mc, push-rqlite ]
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# matrix:
# cluster: [
# {distribution: kind, version: v1.27}
# ]
# steps:
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: download e2e deps
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: e2e
# path: e2e/bin/
# - run: docker load -i e2e/bin/e2e-deps.tar
# - run: chmod +x e2e/bin/*
# - name: download kots binary
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: kots
# path: bin/
# - run: chmod +x bin/*
# - uses: ./.github/actions/kots-e2e
# with:
# test-focus: 'Change License'
# kots-namespace: 'change-license'
# k8s-distribution: ${{ matrix.cluster.distribution }}
# k8s-version: ${{ matrix.cluster.version }}
# testim-access-token: '${{ secrets.TESTIM_ACCESS_TOKEN }}'
# testim-branch: ${{ github.head_ref == 'main' && 'master' || github.head_ref }}
# aws-access-key-id: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}'
# aws-secret-access-key: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}'
# replicated-api-token: '${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}'
# validate-minimal-rbac-override:
# runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# needs: [ enable-tests, can-run-ci, cmx-versions, build-push-kotsadm-image, build-kurl-proxy, build-migrations, push-minio, push-mc, push-rqlite ]
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# matrix:
# cluster: ${{ fromJson(needs.cmx-versions.outputs.versions-to-test) }}
# env:
# APP_SLUG: minimal-rbac
# steps:
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: Create Cluster
# id: create-cluster
# uses: replicatedhq/replicated-actions/create-cluster@v1
# with:
# api-token: ${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}
# kubernetes-distribution: ${{ matrix.cluster.distribution }}
# kubernetes-version: ${{ matrix.cluster.version }}
# cluster-name: automated-kots-${{ github.run_id }}-${{ matrix.cluster.distribution }}-${{ matrix.cluster.version }}
# timeout-minutes: '120'
# ttl: 2h
# instance-type: ${{ matrix.cluster.distribution == 'gke' && 'n2-standard-4' || '' }}
# export-kubeconfig: true
# - name: download kots binary
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: kots
# path: bin/
# - run: chmod +x bin/kots
# - name: minimal rbac override on command line
# run: |
# kubectl delete ns "$APP_SLUG" --ignore-not-found
# ./bin/kots \
# install "$APP_SLUG/automated" \
# --app-version-label "$APP_VERSION_LABEL" \
# --no-port-forward \
# --namespace "$APP_SLUG" \
# --shared-password password \
# --kotsadm-registry \
# --kotsadm-namespace automated-${{ github.run_id }} \
# --kotsadm-tag 24h \
# --use-minimal-rbac
# if kubectl get roles -n "$APP_SLUG" | grep -q kotsadm; then
# echo "Found kotsadm role in ${APP_SLUG}"
# else
# echo "No kotsadm role found in appication namespace"
# exit 1
# fi
# if kubectl get clusterroles | grep -q kotsadm; then
# echo "Found kotsadm cluster roles in minimal RBAC install"
# exit
# fi
# - name: no minimal rbac override on command line
# run: |
# kubectl delete ns "$APP_SLUG" --ignore-not-found
# ./bin/kots \
# install "$APP_SLUG/automated" \
# --app-version-label "$APP_VERSION_LABEL" \
# --no-port-forward \
# --namespace "$APP_SLUG" \
# --shared-password password \
# --kotsadm-registry \
# --kotsadm-namespace automated-${{ github.run_id }} \
# --kotsadm-tag 24h
# if kubectl get roles -n "$APP_SLUG" | grep -q kotsadm; then
# echo "Found kotsadm role in cluster scoped install"
# exit 1
# fi
# if kubectl get clusterroles | grep -q kotsadm; then
# echo "Found kotsadm cluster role in cluster scoped install"
# else
# echo "No kotsadm cluster role in cluster scoped install"
# exit 1
# fi
# - name: Generate support bundle on failure
# if: failure()
# uses: ./.github/actions/generate-support-bundle
# with:
# kots-namespace: "$APP_SLUG"
# aws-access-key-id: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}'
# aws-secret-access-key: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}'
# - name: Remove Cluster
# id: remove-cluster
# uses: replicatedhq/replicated-actions/remove-cluster@v1
# if: ${{ always() && steps.create-cluster.outputs.cluster-id != '' }}
# continue-on-error: true
# with:
# api-token: ${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}
# cluster-id: ${{ steps.create-cluster.outputs.cluster-id }}
# validate-multi-namespace:
# runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# needs: [ enable-tests, can-run-ci, cmx-versions, build-push-kotsadm-image, build-kurl-proxy, build-migrations, push-minio, push-mc, push-rqlite ]
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# matrix:
# cluster: ${{ fromJson(needs.cmx-versions.outputs.versions-to-test) }}
# env:
# APP_SLUG: multi-namespace-yeti
# steps:
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - uses: azure/setup-helm@v3
# with:
# token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
# - name: Create Cluster
# id: create-cluster
# uses: replicatedhq/replicated-actions/create-cluster@v1
# with:
# api-token: ${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}
# kubernetes-distribution: ${{ matrix.cluster.distribution }}
# kubernetes-version: ${{ matrix.cluster.version }}
# cluster-name: automated-kots-${{ github.run_id }}-${{ matrix.cluster.distribution }}-${{ matrix.cluster.version }}
# timeout-minutes: '120'
# ttl: 2h
# instance-type: ${{ matrix.cluster.distribution == 'gke' && 'n2-standard-4' || '' }}
# export-kubeconfig: true
# - name: download kots binary
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: kots
# path: bin/
# - run: chmod +x bin/kots
# - name: run the test
# run: |
# set +e
# echo ${{ secrets.MULTI_NAMESPACE_LICENSE }} | base64 -d > license.yaml
# ./bin/kots \
# install "$APP_SLUG/automated" \
# --license-file license.yaml \
# --no-port-forward \
# --namespace "$APP_SLUG" \
# --shared-password password \
# --kotsadm-registry \
# --kotsadm-namespace automated-${{ github.run_id }} \
# --kotsadm-tag 24h
# if [ $EXIT_CODE -ne 0 ]; then
# echo "------pods:"
# kubectl -n "$APP_SLUG" get pods
# echo "------kotsadm logs"
# kubectl logs -l app=kotsadm --tail=100 --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# exit $EXIT_CODE
# fi
# while [ "$(./bin/kots get apps --namespace "$APP_SLUG" | awk 'NR>1{print $2}')" != "ready" ]; do
# ((COUNTER += 1))
# if [ $COUNTER -gt 120 ]; then
# echo "Timed out waiting for app to be ready"
# ./bin/kots get apps --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# echo "kotsadm logs:"
# kubectl logs -l app=kotsadm --tail=100 --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# exit 1
# fi
# sleep 1
# done
# # validate that helm charts installed using the native helm workflow were deployed via the helm CLI correctly
# if ! helm ls -n postgres-test | awk 'NR>1{print $1}' | grep -q postgresql; then
# printf "postgresql helm release not found in postgres-test namespace\n\n"
# helm ls -n postgres-test
# exit 1
# fi
# if ! helm ls -n "$APP_SLUG" | awk 'NR>1{print $1}' | grep -q private-chart; then
# printf "private-chart helm release not found in %s namespace\n\n" "$APP_SLUG"
# helm ls -n "$APP_SLUG"
# exit 1
# fi
# - name: Generate support bundle on failure
# if: failure()
# uses: ./.github/actions/generate-support-bundle
# with:
# kots-namespace: "$APP_SLUG"
# aws-access-key-id: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}'
# aws-secret-access-key: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}'
# - name: Remove Cluster
# id: remove-cluster
# uses: replicatedhq/replicated-actions/remove-cluster@v1
# if: ${{ always() && steps.create-cluster.outputs.cluster-id != '' }}
# continue-on-error: true
# with:
# api-token: ${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}
# cluster-id: ${{ steps.create-cluster.outputs.cluster-id }}
# validate-kots-pull:
# runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# needs: [ enable-tests, can-run-ci, cmx-versions, build-push-kotsadm-image, build-kurl-proxy, build-migrations, push-minio, push-mc, push-rqlite ]
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# matrix:
# cluster: ${{ fromJson(needs.cmx-versions.outputs.versions-to-test) }}
# env:
# APP_NAME: multi-namespace-yeti
# APP_SLUG: multi-namespace
# steps:
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: Create Cluster
# id: create-cluster
# uses: replicatedhq/replicated-actions/create-cluster@v1
# with:
# api-token: ${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}
# kubernetes-distribution: ${{ matrix.cluster.distribution }}
# kubernetes-version: ${{ matrix.cluster.version }}
# cluster-name: automated-kots-${{ github.run_id }}-${{ matrix.cluster.distribution }}-${{ matrix.cluster.version }}
# timeout-minutes: '120'
# ttl: 2h
# instance-type: ${{ matrix.cluster.distribution == 'gke' && 'n2-standard-4' || '' }}
# export-kubeconfig: true
# - name: download kots binary
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: kots
# path: bin/
# - run: chmod +x bin/kots
# - name: run kots pull
# run: |
# set +e
# echo ${{ secrets.MULTI_NAMESPACE_LICENSE }} | base64 -d > license.yaml
# ./bin/kots pull "$APP_NAME/automated" \
# --license-file license.yaml \
# --shared-password password \
# --namespace "$APP_NAME" \
# --exclude-admin-console
# kubectl create ns "$APP_NAME"
# kubectl create ns nginx-test
# kubectl create ns redis-test
# kubectl create ns postgres-test
# # HACK: without operator, additonal namespaces don't get image pull secrets
# echo ${{ secrets.MULTI_NAMESPACE_REGISTRY_AUTH }} | base64 -d > replicated-registry-auth.json
# kubectl -n nginx-test create secret generic multi-namespace-yeti-registry --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=./replicated-registry-auth.json
# kubectl -n redis-test create secret generic multi-namespace-yeti-registry --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=./replicated-registry-auth.json
# kubectl -n redis-test create secret generic multi-namespace-yeti-redis-registry --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=./replicated-registry-auth.json
# kubectl -n postgres-test create secret generic multi-namespace-yeti-registry --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=./replicated-registry-auth.json
# kubectl -n default create secret generic multi-namespace-yeti-registry --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=./replicated-registry-auth.json
# kustomize build "$PWD/$APP_SLUG/overlays/midstream" | kubectl apply -f -
# kustomize build "$PWD/$APP_SLUG/overlays/midstream/charts/redis" | kubectl apply -f -
# if [ $EXIT_CODE -ne 0 ]; then
# echo "Failed to apply spec"
# echo "------pods:"
# kubectl get pods -A
# echo "------kotsadm logs"
# kubectl logs -l app=kotsadm --tail=100 --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# exit $EXIT_CODE
# fi
# echo "Waiting for pods to start"
# while [ "$(kubectl get pods --no-headers | grep -v Running | grep -cv Completed)" -gt 0 ]; do
# ((COUNTER += 1))
# if [ $COUNTER -gt 120 ]; then
# echo "Timed out waiting for pods to start"
# kubectl get pods -A
# exit 1
# fi
# sleep 1
# done
# echo "All pods started"
# - name: Generate support bundle on failure
# if: failure()
# uses: ./.github/actions/generate-support-bundle
# with:
# kots-namespace: "$APP_NAME"
# aws-access-key-id: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}'
# aws-secret-access-key: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}'
# - name: Remove Cluster
# id: remove-cluster
# uses: replicatedhq/replicated-actions/remove-cluster@v1
# if: ${{ always() && steps.create-cluster.outputs.cluster-id != '' }}
# continue-on-error: true
# with:
# api-token: ${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}
# cluster-id: ${{ steps.create-cluster.outputs.cluster-id }}
# validate-app-version-label:
# runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# needs: [ enable-tests, can-run-ci, build-push-kotsadm-image, build-kurl-proxy, build-migrations, push-minio, push-mc, push-rqlite ]
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# matrix:
# cluster: [
# {distribution: kind, version: v1.27.0}
# ]
# env:
# APP_SLUG: app-version-label
# steps:
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: Create Cluster
# id: create-cluster
# uses: replicatedhq/replicated-actions/create-cluster@v1
# with:
# api-token: ${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}
# kubernetes-distribution: ${{ matrix.cluster.distribution }}
# kubernetes-version: ${{ matrix.cluster.version }}
# cluster-name: automated-kots-${{ github.run_id }}-${{ matrix.cluster.distribution }}-${{ matrix.cluster.version }}
# timeout-minutes: '120'
# ttl: 2h
# export-kubeconfig: true
# - name: download kots binary
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: kots
# path: bin/
# - run: chmod +x bin/kots
# - name: test kots install with version label
# run: |
# set +e
# echo ${{ secrets.APP_VERSION_LABEL_LICENSE }} | base64 -d > license.yaml
# ./bin/kots \
# install "$APP_SLUG/automated" \
# --license-file license.yaml \
# --app-version-label "$APP_VERSION_LABEL" \
# --no-port-forward \
# --namespace "$APP_SLUG" \
# --shared-password password \
# --kotsadm-registry \
# --kotsadm-namespace automated-${{ github.run_id }} \
# --kotsadm-tag 24h
# if [ $EXIT_CODE -ne 0 ]; then
# echo "------pods:"
# kubectl -n "$APP_SLUG" get pods
# echo "------kotsadm logs"
# kubectl logs -l app=kotsadm --tail=100 --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# exit $EXIT_CODE
# fi
# while [ "$(./bin/kots get apps --namespace "$APP_SLUG" | awk 'NR>1{print $3}')" != "$APP_VERSION_LABEL" ]; do
# ((COUNTER += 1))
# if [ $COUNTER -gt 120 ]; then
# echo "Timed out waiting for app to be installed with correct version label: $APP_VERSION_LABEL"
# ./bin/kots get apps --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# echo "kotsadm logs:"
# kubectl logs -l app=kotsadm --tail=100 --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# exit 1
# fi
# sleep 1
# done
# printf "App is installed successfully with the correct version label: %s\n\n" "$APP_VERSION_LABEL"
# ./bin/kots get apps --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# # test setting DockerHub credentials
# set +e
# # TODO: deploy and check secrets are actually created and images are pulled
# ./bin/kots docker ensure-secret --dockerhub-username replicatedtests --dockerhub-password ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_RATELIMIT_PASSWORD }} -n "$APP_SLUG"
# ./bin/kots download -n "$APP_SLUG" --slug "$APP_SLUG"
# if grep "${APP_SLUG}-kotsadm-dockerhub" -w "./${APP_SLUG}/overlays/midstream/secret.yaml"; then
# echo "Found DockerHub secret in ${APP_SLUG} latest version"
# else
# echo "No DockerHub secret found in appication namespace"
# exit 1
# fi
# - name: remove the app
# run: |
# set +e
# ./bin/kots remove "$APP_SLUG" --namespace "$APP_SLUG" --force
# - name: test kots install without version label
# run: |
# set +e
# echo ${{ secrets.APP_VERSION_LABEL_LICENSE }} | base64 -d > license.yaml
# ./bin/kots \
# install "$APP_SLUG/automated" \
# --license-file license.yaml \
# --no-port-forward \
# --namespace "$APP_SLUG" \
# --shared-password password \
# --kotsadm-registry \
# --kotsadm-namespace automated-${{ github.run_id }} \
# --kotsadm-tag 24h
# if [ $EXIT_CODE -ne 0 ]; then
# echo "------pods:"
# kubectl -n "$APP_SLUG" get pods
# echo "------kotsadm logs"
# kubectl logs -l app=kotsadm --tail=100 --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# exit $EXIT_CODE
# fi
# while [ "$(./bin/kots get apps --namespace "$APP_SLUG" | awk 'NR>1{print $3}')" != "$LATEST_APP_VERSION_LABEL" ]; do
# ((COUNTER += 1))
# if [ $COUNTER -gt 120 ]; then
# echo "Timed out waiting for app to be installed with latest version label: $LATEST_APP_VERSION_LABEL"
# ./bin/kots get apps --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# echo "kotsadm logs:"
# kubectl logs -l app=kotsadm --tail=100 --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# exit 1
# fi
# sleep 1
# done
# printf "App is installed successfully with the correct version label: %s\n\n" "$LATEST_APP_VERSION_LABEL"
# ./bin/kots get apps --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# - name: Generate support bundle on failure
# if: failure()
# uses: ./.github/actions/generate-support-bundle
# with:
# kots-namespace: "$APP_SLUG"
# aws-access-key-id: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}'
# aws-secret-access-key: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}'
# - name: Remove Cluster
# id: remove-cluster
# uses: replicatedhq/replicated-actions/remove-cluster@v1
# if: ${{ always() && steps.create-cluster.outputs.cluster-id != '' }}
# continue-on-error: true
# with:
# api-token: ${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}
# cluster-id: ${{ steps.create-cluster.outputs.cluster-id }}
# validate-helm-install-order:
# runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# needs: [ enable-tests, can-run-ci, cmx-versions, build-push-kotsadm-image, build-kurl-proxy, build-migrations, push-minio, push-mc, push-rqlite ]
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# matrix:
# cluster: ${{ fromJson(needs.cmx-versions.outputs.versions-to-test) }}
# env:
# APP_SLUG: helm-install-order
# steps:
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: Create Cluster
# id: create-cluster
# uses: replicatedhq/replicated-actions/create-cluster@v1
# with:
# api-token: ${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}
# kubernetes-distribution: ${{ matrix.cluster.distribution }}
# kubernetes-version: ${{ matrix.cluster.version }}
# cluster-name: automated-kots-${{ github.run_id }}-${{ matrix.cluster.distribution }}-${{ matrix.cluster.version }}
# timeout-minutes: '120'
# ttl: 2h
# instance-type: ${{ matrix.cluster.distribution == 'gke' && 'n2-standard-4' || '' }}
# export-kubeconfig: true
# - name: download kots binary
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: kots
# path: bin/
# - run: chmod +x bin/kots
# - name: run the test
# run: |
# set +e
# echo ${{ secrets.HELM_INSTALL_ORDER_LICENSE }} | base64 -d > license.yaml
# ./bin/kots \
# install "$APP_SLUG/automated" \
# --license-file license.yaml \
# --no-port-forward \
# --namespace "$APP_SLUG" \
# --shared-password password \
# --kotsadm-registry \
# --kotsadm-namespace automated-${{ github.run_id }} \
# --skip-preflights \
# --kotsadm-tag 24h
# if [ $EXIT_CODE -ne 0 ]; then
# echo "------pods:"
# kubectl -n "$APP_SLUG" get pods
# echo "------kotsadm logs"
# kubectl logs -l app=kotsadm --tail=100 --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# exit $EXIT_CODE
# fi
# while [ "$(./bin/kots get apps --namespace "$APP_SLUG" | awk 'NR>1{print $2}')" != "ready" ]; do
# ((COUNTER += 1))
# if [ $COUNTER -gt 120 ]; then
# echo "Timed out waiting for app to be ready"
# ./bin/kots get apps --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# echo "kotsadm logs:"
# kubectl logs -l app=kotsadm --tail=100 --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# exit 1
# fi
# sleep 1
# done
# printf "App is installed successfully and is ready\n\n"
# ./bin/kots get apps --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# - name: Generate support bundle on failure
# if: failure()
# uses: ./.github/actions/generate-support-bundle
# with:
# kots-namespace: "$APP_SLUG"
# aws-access-key-id: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}'
# aws-secret-access-key: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}'
# - name: Remove Cluster
# id: remove-cluster
# uses: replicatedhq/replicated-actions/remove-cluster@v1
# if: ${{ always() && steps.create-cluster.outputs.cluster-id != '' }}
# continue-on-error: true
# with:
# api-token: ${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}
# cluster-id: ${{ steps.create-cluster.outputs.cluster-id }}
# validate-yamlescape:
# runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# needs: [ enable-tests, can-run-ci, cmx-versions, build-push-kotsadm-image, build-kurl-proxy, build-migrations, push-minio, push-mc, push-rqlite ]
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# matrix:
# cluster: ${{ fromJson(needs.cmx-versions.outputs.versions-to-test) }}
# env:
# APP_SLUG: yamlescape
# steps:
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: Create Cluster
# id: create-cluster
# uses: replicatedhq/replicated-actions/create-cluster@v1
# with:
# api-token: ${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}
# kubernetes-distribution: ${{ matrix.cluster.distribution }}
# kubernetes-version: ${{ matrix.cluster.version }}
# cluster-name: automated-kots-${{ github.run_id }}-${{ matrix.cluster.distribution }}-${{ matrix.cluster.version }}
# timeout-minutes: '120'
# ttl: 2h
# instance-type: ${{ matrix.cluster.distribution == 'gke' && 'n2-standard-4' || '' }}
# export-kubeconfig: true
# - name: download kots binary
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: kots
# path: bin/
# - run: chmod +x bin/kots
# - name: run the test
# run: |
# set +e
# echo ${{ secrets.YAMLESCAPE_LICENSE }} | base64 -d > license.yaml
# ./bin/kots \
# install "$APP_SLUG/automated" \
# --license-file license.yaml \
# --no-port-forward \
# --namespace "$APP_SLUG" \
# --shared-password password \
# --kotsadm-registry \
# --kotsadm-namespace automated-${{ github.run_id }} \
# --skip-preflights \
# --kotsadm-tag 24h
# if [ $EXIT_CODE -ne 0 ]; then
# echo "------pods:"
# kubectl -n "$APP_SLUG" get pods
# echo "------kotsadm logs"
# kubectl logs -l app=kotsadm --tail=100 --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# exit $EXIT_CODE
# fi
# while [ "$(./bin/kots get apps --namespace "$APP_SLUG" | awk 'NR>1{print $2}')" != "ready" ]; do
# ((COUNTER += 1))
# if [ $COUNTER -gt 120 ]; then
# echo "Timed out waiting for app to be ready"
# ./bin/kots get apps --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# echo "kotsadm logs:"
# kubectl logs -l app=kotsadm --tail=100 --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# exit 1
# fi
# sleep 1
# done
# printf "App is installed successfully and is ready\n\n"
# ./bin/kots get apps --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# - name: Generate support bundle on failure
# if: failure()
# uses: ./.github/actions/generate-support-bundle
# with:
# kots-namespace: "$APP_SLUG"
# aws-access-key-id: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}'
# aws-secret-access-key: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}'
# - name: Remove Cluster
# id: remove-cluster
# uses: replicatedhq/replicated-actions/remove-cluster@v1
# if: ${{ always() && steps.create-cluster.outputs.cluster-id != '' }}
# continue-on-error: true
# with:
# api-token: ${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}
# cluster-id: ${{ steps.create-cluster.outputs.cluster-id }}
# validate-no-redeploy-on-restart:
# runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# needs: [ enable-tests, can-run-ci, build-push-kotsadm-image, build-kurl-proxy, build-migrations, push-minio, push-mc, push-rqlite ]
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# matrix:
# cluster: [
# {distribution: kind, version: v1.27.0}
# ]
# env:
# APP_SLUG: no-redeploy-on-restart
# steps:
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: Create Cluster
# id: create-cluster
# uses: replicatedhq/replicated-actions/create-cluster@v1
# with:
# api-token: ${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}
# kubernetes-distribution: ${{ matrix.cluster.distribution }}
# kubernetes-version: ${{ matrix.cluster.version }}
# cluster-name: automated-kots-${{ github.run_id }}-${{ matrix.cluster.distribution }}-${{ matrix.cluster.version }}
# timeout-minutes: '120'
# ttl: 2h
# export-kubeconfig: true
# - name: download kots binary
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: kots
# path: bin/
# - run: chmod +x bin/kots
# - name: run the test
# run: |
# set +e
# echo ${{ secrets.NO_REDEPLOY_ON_RESTART_LICENSE }} | base64 -d > license.yaml
# ./bin/kots \
# install "$APP_SLUG/automated" \
# --license-file license.yaml \
# --no-port-forward \
# --namespace "$APP_SLUG" \
# --shared-password password \
# --kotsadm-registry \
# --kotsadm-namespace automated-${{ github.run_id }} \
# --skip-preflights \
# --kotsadm-tag 24h
# if [ $EXIT_CODE -ne 0 ]; then
# echo "------pods:"
# kubectl -n "$APP_SLUG" get pods
# echo "------kotsadm logs"
# kubectl logs -l app=kotsadm --tail=100 --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# exit $EXIT_CODE
# fi
# # wait for application job to be created
# while [ "$(kubectl get jobs -l app=example,component=job -n "$APP_SLUG" --ignore-not-found | awk 'NR>1' | wc -l)" == "0" ]; do
# ((COUNTER += 1))
# if [ $COUNTER -gt 60 ]; then
# echo "Timed out waiting for job to be created"
# exit 1
# fi
# sleep 1
# done
# # delete the application job and restart the admin console
# kubectl delete jobs -n "$APP_SLUG" --all
# kubectl delete pods -l app=kotsadm -n "$APP_SLUG"
# # wait for old kotsadm pod to terminate
# while [ "$(kubectl get pods -l app=kotsadm -n "$APP_SLUG" | awk 'NR>1' | wc -l)" != "1" ]; do
# ((COUNTER += 1))
# if [ $COUNTER -gt 60 ]; then
# echo "More than 1 kotsadm pod found"
# exit 1
# fi
# sleep 1
# done
# # wait for new kotsadm pod to become ready
# kubectl wait --for=condition=ready pod -l app=kotsadm -n "$APP_SLUG" --timeout=60s
# # delay in case the app takes a bit to be deployed
# sleep 20
# # validate that the application wasn't re-deployed and the job wasn't re-created
# if [ "$(kubectl get jobs -l app=example,component=job -n "$APP_SLUG" --ignore-not-found | awk 'NR>1' | wc -l)" != "0" ]; then
# echo "App should not be re-deployed after restart"
# exit 1
# fi
# printf "Success. App was not re-deployed after restart\n\n"
# - name: Generate support bundle on failure
# if: failure()
# uses: ./.github/actions/generate-support-bundle
# with:
# kots-namespace: "$APP_SLUG"
# aws-access-key-id: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}'
# aws-secret-access-key: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}'
# - name: Remove Cluster
# id: remove-cluster
# uses: replicatedhq/replicated-actions/remove-cluster@v1
# if: ${{ always() && steps.create-cluster.outputs.cluster-id != '' }}
# continue-on-error: true
# with:
# api-token: ${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}
# cluster-id: ${{ steps.create-cluster.outputs.cluster-id }}
# validate-kubernetes-installer-preflight:
# runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# needs: [ enable-tests, can-run-ci, build-push-kotsadm-image, build-kurl-proxy, build-migrations, push-minio, push-mc, push-rqlite ]
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# matrix:
# cluster: [
# {distribution: kind, version: v1.27.0}
# ]
# env:
# APP_SLUG: kubernetes-installer-preflight
# steps:
# - uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: Create Cluster
# id: create-cluster
# uses: replicatedhq/replicated-actions/create-cluster@v1
# with:
# api-token: ${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}
# kubernetes-distribution: ${{ matrix.cluster.distribution }}
# kubernetes-version: ${{ matrix.cluster.version }}
# cluster-name: automated-kots-${{ github.run_id }}-${{ matrix.cluster.distribution }}-${{ matrix.cluster.version }}
# timeout-minutes: '120'
# ttl: 2h
# export-kubeconfig: true
# - name: download kots binary
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: kots
# path: bin/
# - run: chmod +x bin/kots
# - name: run the test
# run: |
# set +e
# echo ${{ secrets.KUBERNETES_INSTALLER_PREFLIGHT_LICENSE }} | base64 -d > license.yaml
# # Fake kurl installation using the crd and installer spec from the application manifests:
# # Pull application manifests
# ./bin/kots pull "$APP_SLUG/automated" --license-file license.yaml --shared-password password
# # Apply installer crd
# kubectl apply -f "$APP_SLUG/upstream/installer-crd.yaml"
# # Wait for crd to be created
# kubectl wait --for condition=established --timeout=60s crd/
# # Seems that the above does not always guarantee the crd exists? So just in case...
# sleep 10
# # Apply installer
# kubectl apply -f "$APP_SLUG/upstream/installer.yaml"
# # Create kurl-config configmap in kube-system
# kubectl create cm kurl-config -n kube-system --from-literal=installer_id=7cc8094
# ./bin/kots \
# install "$APP_SLUG/automated" \
# --license-file license.yaml \
# --no-port-forward \
# --namespace "$APP_SLUG" \
# --shared-password password \
# --kotsadm-registry \
# --kotsadm-namespace automated-${{ github.run_id }} \
# --kotsadm-tag 24h
# if [ $EXIT_CODE -ne 0 ]; then
# echo "------pods:"
# kubectl -n "$APP_SLUG" get pods
# echo "------kotsadm logs"
# kubectl logs -l app=kotsadm --tail=100 --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# exit $EXIT_CODE
# fi
# # validate that preflight checks ran
# JSON_PATH="jsonpath={.data['automated-install-slug-$APP_SLUG']}"
# if [ "$(kubectl get cm kotsadm-tasks -n "$APP_SLUG" -o "$JSON_PATH" | grep -c pending_preflight)" != "1" ]; then
# echo "Preflight checks did not run"
# exit 1
# fi
# while [ "$(./bin/kots get apps --namespace "$APP_SLUG" | awk 'NR>1{print $2}')" != "ready" ]; do
# ((COUNTER += 1))
# if [ $COUNTER -gt 120 ]; then
# echo "Timed out waiting for app to be ready"
# ./bin/kots get apps --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# echo "kotsadm logs:"
# kubectl logs -l app=kotsadm --tail=100 --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# exit 1
# fi
# sleep 1
# done
# # try get apps without namespace (using kubeconfig)
# # validate that output is the same as above
# mkdir -p /tmp/.kube
# sudo cp "$KUBECONFIG" /tmp/.kube/config
# sudo chmod -R 777 /tmp/.kube
# export KUBECONFIG=/tmp/.kube/config
# kubectl config set-context --current --namespace="$APP_SLUG"
# if [ "$(./bin/kots get apps | awk 'NR>1{print $2}')" != "ready" ]; then
# echo "kots get apps output is not the same as above"
# exit 1
# fi
# printf "App is installed successfully and is ready\n\n"
# ./bin/kots get apps --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# - name: Generate support bundle on failure
# if: failure()
# uses: ./.github/actions/generate-support-bundle
# with:
# kots-namespace: "$APP_SLUG"
# aws-access-key-id: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}'
# aws-secret-access-key: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}'
# - name: Remove Cluster
# id: remove-cluster
# uses: replicatedhq/replicated-actions/remove-cluster@v1
# if: ${{ always() && steps.create-cluster.outputs.cluster-id != '' }}
# continue-on-error: true
# with:
# api-token: ${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}
# cluster-id: ${{ steps.create-cluster.outputs.cluster-id }}
# validate-tag-and-digest:
# runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# needs: [ enable-tests, can-run-ci, build-push-kotsadm-image, build-e2e, build-kurl-proxy, build-migrations, push-minio, push-mc, push-rqlite ]
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# matrix:
# cluster: [
# {distribution: kind, version: v1.27}
# ]
# steps:
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: download e2e deps
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: e2e
# path: e2e/bin/
# - run: docker load -i e2e/bin/e2e-deps.tar
# - run: chmod +x e2e/bin/*
# - name: download kots binary
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: kots
# path: bin/
# - run: chmod +x bin/*
# - uses: ./.github/actions/kots-e2e
# with:
# test-focus: 'Tag and Digest'
# kots-namespace: 'tag-and-digest'
# k8s-distribution: ${{ matrix.cluster.distribution }}
# k8s-version: ${{ matrix.cluster.version }}
# testim-access-token: '${{ secrets.TESTIM_ACCESS_TOKEN }}'
# testim-branch: ${{ github.head_ref == 'main' && 'master' || github.head_ref }}
# aws-access-key-id: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}'
# aws-secret-access-key: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}'
# replicated-api-token: '${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}'
# validate-kots-push-images-anonymous:
# runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# needs: [ enable-tests, can-run-ci, build-push-kotsadm-image, build-kurl-proxy, build-migrations, push-minio, push-mc, push-rqlite ]
# steps:
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: download kots binary
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: kots
# path: bin/
# - run: chmod +x bin/kots
# - name: run kots admin-console push-images
# run: |
# set +e
# ./bin/kots admin-console push-images ./hack/tests/small.airgap${{ github.run_id }}
# validate-kots-admin-console-generate-manifests:
# runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# needs: [ enable-tests, can-run-ci, build-push-kotsadm-image, build-kurl-proxy, build-migrations, push-minio, push-mc, push-rqlite ]
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# matrix:
# cluster: [
# {distribution: kind, version: v1.27.0}
# ]
# env:
# APP_SLUG: minimal-rbac
# NAMESPACE: generate-manifests
# steps:
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: download kots binary
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: kots
# path: bin/
# - run: chmod +x bin/kots
# - name: run kots admin-console generate-manifests without k8s context
# run: |
# set +e
# ./bin/kots admin-console generate-manifests -n "$NAMESPACE" --shared-password password
# - name: validate that ./admin-console exists and is not empty
# run: |
# set +e
# if [ ! -d ./admin-console ]; then
# echo "admin-console directory does not exist"
# exit 1
# fi
# if [ -z "$(ls -A ./admin-console)" ]; then
# echo "admin-console directory is empty"
# exit 1
# fi
# - name: remove admin-console directory
# run: rm -rf ./admin-console
# - name: Create Cluster
# id: create-cluster
# uses: replicatedhq/replicated-actions/create-cluster@v1
# with:
# api-token: ${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}
# kubernetes-distribution: ${{ matrix.cluster.distribution }}
# kubernetes-version: ${{ matrix.cluster.version }}
# cluster-name: automated-kots-${{ github.run_id }}-${{ matrix.cluster.distribution }}-${{ matrix.cluster.version }}
# timeout-minutes: '120'
# ttl: 2h
# export-kubeconfig: true
# - name: download base kots version
# run: |
# curl -LO "$BASE_KOTS_VERSION/kots_linux_amd64.tar.gz" \
# && tar zxvf kots_linux_amd64.tar.gz \
# && mv kots "kots-$BASE_KOTS_VERSION"
# - name: create namespace
# run: |
# set +e
# kubectl create namespace "$NAMESPACE"
# - name: run kots admin-console generate-manifests using base kots version with k8s context
# run: |
# set +e
# "./kots-$BASE_KOTS_VERSION" admin-console generate-manifests -n "$NAMESPACE" --shared-password password
# - name: apply the generated manifests
# run: |
# set +e
# kubectl apply -f ./admin-console -n "$NAMESPACE"
# - name: wait for the kotsadm-minio-0 pod to be created
# run: |
# set +e
# while ! kubectl get pods -n "$NAMESPACE" | grep -q kotsadm-minio-0; do
# ((COUNTER += 1))
# if [ $COUNTER -gt 30 ]; then
# echo "timed out waiting for kotsadm-minio-0 pod to be created"
# exit 1
# fi
# sleep 1
# done
# - name: wait for kotsadm-minio-0 pod to be ready
# run: |
# set +e
# kubectl wait --for=condition=ready --timeout=180s pod/kotsadm-minio-0 -n "$NAMESPACE"
# - name: wait for the kotsadm deployment to be ready
# run: |
# set +e
# kubectl wait --for=condition=available --timeout=300s deployment/kotsadm -n "$NAMESPACE"
# - name: run kots admin-console generate-manifests using new kots version with k8s context
# run: |
# set +e
# ./bin/kots admin-console generate-manifests -n "$NAMESPACE" \
# --shared-password password \
# --kotsadm-registry \
# --kotsadm-namespace automated-${{ github.run_id }} \
# --kotsadm-tag 24h
# - name: validate that ./admin-console/minio-statefulset.yaml has initContainers since a migration is needed
# run: |
# set +e
# if ! grep -qE 'initContainers' ./admin-console/minio-statefulset.yaml; then
# echo "admin-console/minio-statefulset.yaml does not have initContainers"
# exit 1
# fi
# - name: apply the generated manifests
# run: |
# set +e
# kubectl apply -f ./admin-console -n "$NAMESPACE"
# - name: wait for kotsadm-minio-0 pod to be ready
# run: |
# set +e
# sleep 10
# kubectl wait --for=condition=ready --timeout=180s pod/kotsadm-minio-0 -n "$NAMESPACE"
# - name: wait for the kotsadm deployment to be ready
# run: |
# set +e
# kubectl wait --for=condition=available --timeout=300s deployment/kotsadm -n "$NAMESPACE"
# - name: run kots admin-console generate-manifests using new kots version with k8s context
# run: |
# set +e
# ./bin/kots admin-console generate-manifests -n "$NAMESPACE" \
# --shared-password password \
# --kotsadm-registry \
# --kotsadm-namespace automated-${{ github.run_id }} \
# --kotsadm-tag 24h
# - name: validate that ./admin-console/minio-statefulset.yaml does not have initContainers since a migration is not needed
# run: |
# set +e
# if grep -qE 'initContainers' ./admin-console/minio-statefulset.yaml; then
# echo "admin-console/minio-statefulset.yaml has initContainers"
# exit 1
# fi
# - name: apply the generated manifests
# run: |
# set +e
# kubectl apply -f ./admin-console -n "$NAMESPACE"
# - name: wait for kotsadm-minio-0 pod to be ready
# run: |
# set +e
# sleep 10
# kubectl wait --for=condition=ready --timeout=180s pod/kotsadm-minio-0 -n "$NAMESPACE"
# - name: wait for the kotsadm deployment to be ready
# run: |
# set +e
# kubectl wait --for=condition=available --timeout=300s deployment/kotsadm -n "$NAMESPACE"
# - name: print pods and logs on failure
# if: failure()
# run: |
# echo "------pods:"
# kubectl -n "$NAMESPACE" get pods
# echo "------kotsadm logs"
# kubectl logs -l app=kotsadm --tail=100 --namespace "$NAMESPACE"
# echo "------kotsadm-minio logs"
# kubectl logs -l app=kotsadm-minio --tail=100 --namespace "$NAMESPACE"
# - name: Generate support bundle on failure
# if: failure()
# uses: ./.github/actions/generate-support-bundle
# with:
# kots-namespace: automated-${{ github.run_id }}
# aws-access-key-id: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}'
# aws-secret-access-key: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}'
# - name: Remove Cluster
# id: remove-cluster
# uses: replicatedhq/replicated-actions/remove-cluster@v1
# if: ${{ always() && steps.create-cluster.outputs.cluster-id != '' }}
# continue-on-error: true
# with:
# api-token: ${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}
# cluster-id: ${{ steps.create-cluster.outputs.cluster-id }}
# validate-min-kots-version:
# runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# needs: [ enable-tests, can-run-ci, build-e2e, build-push-kotsadm-image, build-kurl-proxy, build-migrations, push-minio, push-mc, push-rqlite, generate-tag ]
# env:
# APP_SLUG: min-kots-version
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# matrix:
# cluster: [
# {distribution: kind, version: v1.27}
# ]
# steps:
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: download e2e deps
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: e2e
# path: e2e/bin/
# - name: download kots binary
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: kots
# path: bin/
# - run: |
# docker load -i e2e/bin/e2e-deps.tar
# chmod +x e2e/bin/*
# chmod +x bin/*
# cp ./bin/kots /usr/local/bin/kubectl-kots
# sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get install jq -y
# - uses: ./.github/actions/kots-e2e
# id: kots-e2e
# with:
# test-focus: 'Min KOTS Version'
# kots-namespace: 'min-kots-version'
# k8s-distribution: ${{ matrix.cluster.distribution }}
# k8s-version: ${{ matrix.cluster.version }}
# testim-access-token: '${{ secrets.TESTIM_ACCESS_TOKEN }}'
# testim-branch: ${{ github.head_ref == 'main' && 'master' || github.head_ref }}
# kotsadm-image-registry:
# aws-access-key-id: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}'
# aws-secret-access-key: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}'
# replicated-api-token: '${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}'
# k8s-cluster-skip-teardown: true
# - name: validate that kots install fails early
# run: |
# set +e
# result=$(kubectl kots install "$APP_SLUG/automated" --no-port-forward --namespace "$APP_SLUG" --shared-password password 2>&1 >/dev/null)
# echo "$result"
# if [[ "$result" == *"requires"* ]] && [[ "$result" == *"10000.0.0"* ]]; then
# exit 0
# else
# exit 1
# fi
# - name: Remove Cluster
# id: remove-cluster
# uses: replicatedhq/replicated-actions/remove-cluster@v1
# if: ${{ always() && steps.kots-e2e.outputs.cluster-id != '' }}
# continue-on-error: true
# with:
# api-token: ${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}
# cluster-id: ${{ steps.kots-e2e.outputs.cluster-id }}
# validate-target-kots-version:
# runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# needs: [ enable-tests, can-run-ci, build-e2e, build-push-kotsadm-image, build-kurl-proxy, build-migrations, push-minio, push-mc, push-rqlite, generate-tag ]
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# matrix:
# cluster: [
# {distribution: kind, version: v1.27}
# ]
# steps:
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: download e2e deps
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: e2e
# path: e2e/bin/
# - name: download kots binary
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: kots
# path: bin/
# - run: |
# docker load -i e2e/bin/e2e-deps.tar
# chmod +x e2e/bin/*
# chmod +x bin/*
# cp ./bin/kots /usr/local/bin/kubectl-kots
# sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get install jq -y
# - uses: ./.github/actions/kots-e2e
# id: kots-e2e
# with:
# test-focus: 'Target KOTS Version'
# kots-namespace: 'target-kots-version'
# k8s-distribution: ${{ matrix.cluster.distribution }}
# k8s-version: ${{ matrix.cluster.version }}
# testim-access-token: '${{ secrets.TESTIM_ACCESS_TOKEN }}'
# testim-branch: ${{ github.head_ref == 'main' && 'master' || github.head_ref }}
# aws-access-key-id: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}'
# aws-secret-access-key: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}'
# replicated-api-token: '${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}'
# k8s-cluster-skip-teardown: true
# - name: validate that kots install fails early
# run: |
# set +e
# result=$(kubectl kots install target-kots-version/automated --no-port-forward --namespace target-kots-version --shared-password password 2>&1 >/dev/null)
# echo "$result"
# if [[ "$result" == *"requires"* ]] && [[ "$result" == *"1.0.0"* ]]; then
# exit 0
# else
# exit 1
# fi
# - name: Remove Cluster
# id: remove-cluster
# uses: replicatedhq/replicated-actions/remove-cluster@v1
# if: ${{ always() && steps.kots-e2e.outputs.cluster-id != '' }}
# continue-on-error: true
# with:
# api-token: ${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}
# cluster-id: ${{ steps.kots-e2e.outputs.cluster-id }}
# validate-range-kots-version:
# runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# needs: [ enable-tests, can-run-ci, build-e2e, build-push-kotsadm-image, build-kurl-proxy, build-migrations, push-minio, push-mc, push-rqlite, generate-tag ]
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# matrix:
# cluster: [
# {distribution: kind, version: v1.27}
# ]
# steps:
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: download e2e deps
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: e2e
# path: e2e/bin/
# - name: download kots binary
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: kots
# path: bin/
# - run: |
# docker load -i e2e/bin/e2e-deps.tar
# chmod +x e2e/bin/*
# chmod +x bin/*
# cp ./bin/kots /usr/local/bin/kubectl-kots
# sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get install jq -y
# - uses: ./.github/actions/kots-e2e
# id: kots-e2e
# with:
# test-focus: 'Range KOTS Version'
# kots-namespace: 'range-kots-version'
# k8s-distribution: ${{ matrix.cluster.distribution }}
# k8s-version: ${{ matrix.cluster.version }}
# testim-access-token: '${{ secrets.TESTIM_ACCESS_TOKEN }}'
# testim-branch: ${{ github.head_ref == 'main' && 'master' || github.head_ref }}
# aws-access-key-id: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}'
# aws-secret-access-key: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}'
# replicated-api-token: '${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}'
# k8s-cluster-skip-teardown: true
# - name: validate that kots install fails early
# run: |
# set +e
# result=$(kubectl kots install range-kots-version/automated --no-port-forward --namespace range-kots-version --shared-password password 2>&1 >/dev/null)
# echo "$result"
# if [[ "$result" == *"requires"* ]] && [[ "$result" == *"11000.0.0"* ]]; then
# exit 0
# else
# exit 1
# fi
# - name: Remove Cluster
# id: remove-cluster
# uses: replicatedhq/replicated-actions/remove-cluster@v1
# if: ${{ always() && steps.kots-e2e.outputs.cluster-id != '' }}
# continue-on-error: true
# with:
# api-token: ${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}
# cluster-id: ${{ steps.kots-e2e.outputs.cluster-id }}
# validate-kots-upgrade:
# runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# needs: [ enable-tests, can-run-ci, cmx-versions, build-push-kotsadm-image, build-kurl-proxy, build-migrations, push-minio, push-mc, push-rqlite ]
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# matrix:
# cluster: ${{ fromJson(needs.cmx-versions.outputs.versions-to-test) }}
# env:
# APP_SLUG: postgres-to-rqlite
# steps:
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: Create Cluster
# id: create-cluster
# uses: replicatedhq/replicated-actions/create-cluster@v1
# with:
# api-token: ${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}
# kubernetes-distribution: ${{ matrix.cluster.distribution }}
# kubernetes-version: ${{ matrix.cluster.version }}
# cluster-name: automated-kots-${{ github.run_id }}-${{ matrix.cluster.distribution }}-${{ matrix.cluster.version }}
# timeout-minutes: '120'
# ttl: 2h
# instance-type: ${{ matrix.cluster.distribution == 'gke' && 'n2-standard-4' || '' }}
# export-kubeconfig: true
# - name: download base kots version
# run: |
# curl -LO "$BASE_KOTS_VERSION/kots_linux_amd64.tar.gz" \
# && tar zxvf kots_linux_amd64.tar.gz \
# && mv kots "kots-$BASE_KOTS_VERSION"
# - name: download kots binary
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: kots
# path: bin/
# - run: chmod +x bin/kots
# - name: run the test
# run: |
# set +e
# echo ${{ secrets.POSTGRES_TO_RQLITE_LICENSE }} | base64 -d > license.yaml
# # install using the base KOTS version
# "./kots-$BASE_KOTS_VERSION" \
# install "$APP_SLUG/automated" \
# --license-file license.yaml \
# --port-forward=false \
# --namespace "$APP_SLUG" \
# --shared-password password
# if [ $EXIT_CODE -ne 0 ]; then
# echo "------pods:"
# kubectl -n "$APP_SLUG" get pods
# echo "------kotsadm logs"
# kubectl logs -l app=kotsadm --tail=100 --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# exit $EXIT_CODE
# fi
# while [ "$("./kots-$BASE_KOTS_VERSION" get apps --namespace "$APP_SLUG" | awk 'NR>1{print $2}')" != "ready" ]; do
# ((COUNTER += 1))
# if [ $COUNTER -gt 120 ]; then
# echo "Timed out waiting for app to be ready"
# "./kots-$BASE_KOTS_VERSION" get apps --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# echo "kotsadm logs:"
# kubectl logs -l app=kotsadm --tail=100 --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# exit 1
# fi
# sleep 1
# done
# # upgrade using the new KOTS version
# ./bin/kots admin-console upgrade \
# --namespace "$APP_SLUG" \
# --kotsadm-registry \
# --kotsadm-namespace automated-${{ github.run_id }} \
# --kotsadm-tag 24h
# # verify that the postgres to rqlite migration was successful
# if ! kubectl logs -l app=kotsadm --namespace "$APP_SLUG" | grep -q "Migrated from Postgres to rqlite successfully"; then
# echo "Failed to find a successful migration log line"
# echo "kotsadm logs:"
# kubectl logs -l app=kotsadm --all-containers --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# exit 1
# fi
# # verify that the minio migration happened
# if [ -z "$(kubectl get statefulset kotsadm-minio -n "$APP_SLUG" -o jsonpath='{.spec.template.spec.initContainers}')" ]; then
# echo "Failed to find initContainers in the kotsadm-minio statefulset"
# echo "kotsadm-minio statefulset:"
# kubectl get statefulset kotsadm-minio -n "$APP_SLUG" -o yaml
# exit 1
# fi
# # make sure app is still installed and ready
# if [ "$(./bin/kots get apps --namespace "$APP_SLUG" | awk 'NR>1{print $2}')" != "ready" ]; then
# echo "App is not ready after the upgrade"
# echo "kotsadm logs:"
# kubectl logs -l app=kotsadm --tail=100 --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# exit 1
# fi
# printf "App is still installed and is ready after the migration\n\n"
# ./bin/kots get apps --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# - name: Generate support bundle on failure
# if: failure()
# uses: ./.github/actions/generate-support-bundle
# with:
# kots-namespace: "$APP_SLUG"
# aws-access-key-id: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}'
# aws-secret-access-key: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}'
# - name: Remove Cluster
# id: remove-cluster
# uses: replicatedhq/replicated-actions/remove-cluster@v1
# if: ${{ always() && steps.create-cluster.outputs.cluster-id != '' }}
# continue-on-error: true
# with:
# api-token: ${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}
# cluster-id: ${{ steps.create-cluster.outputs.cluster-id }}
# validate-kots-helm-release-secret-migration:
# runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# needs: [ enable-tests, can-run-ci, build-push-kotsadm-image, build-kurl-proxy, build-migrations, push-minio, push-mc, push-rqlite ]
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# matrix:
# cluster: [
# {distribution: kind, version: v1.27.0}
# ]
# env:
# APP_SLUG: helm-release-secret-migration
# RELEASE_NAME: helm-release-chart
# RELEASE_NAMESPACE: helm-release
# steps:
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: Create Cluster
# id: create-cluster
# uses: replicatedhq/replicated-actions/create-cluster@v1
# with:
# api-token: ${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}
# kubernetes-distribution: ${{ matrix.cluster.distribution }}
# kubernetes-version: ${{ matrix.cluster.version }}
# cluster-name: automated-kots-${{ github.run_id }}-${{ matrix.cluster.distribution }}-${{ matrix.cluster.version }}
# timeout-minutes: '120'
# ttl: 2h
# export-kubeconfig: true
# - name: download base kots version
# run: |
# curl -LO "$BASE_KOTS_VERSION/kots_linux_amd64.tar.gz" \
# && tar zxvf kots_linux_amd64.tar.gz \
# && mv kots "kots-$BASE_KOTS_VERSION"
# - name: download kots binary
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: kots
# path: bin/
# - run: chmod +x bin/kots
# - name: run the test
# run: |
# set +e
# echo ${{ secrets.HELM_RELEASE_SECRET_MIGRATION_LICENSE }} | base64 -d > license.yaml
# # install using the base KOTS version
# "./kots-$BASE_KOTS_VERSION" \
# install "$APP_SLUG/automated" \
# --license-file license.yaml \
# --no-port-forward=true \
# --namespace "$APP_SLUG" \
# --shared-password password
# if [ $EXIT_CODE -ne 0 ]; then
# echo "------pods:"
# kubectl -n "$APP_SLUG" get pods
# echo "------kotsadm logs"
# kubectl logs -l app=kotsadm --tail=100 --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# exit $EXIT_CODE
# fi
# while [ "$("./kots-$BASE_KOTS_VERSION" get apps --namespace "$APP_SLUG" | awk 'NR>1{print $2}')" != "ready" ]; do
# ((COUNTER += 1))
# if [ $COUNTER -gt 120 ]; then
# echo "Timed out waiting for app to be ready"
# "./kots-$BASE_KOTS_VERSION" get apps --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# echo "kotsadm logs:"
# kubectl logs -l app=kotsadm --tail=100 --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# exit 1
# fi
# sleep 1
# done
# # verify that the helm release secret is created in the kotsadm namespace
# releaseSecretName=$(kubectl get secret -n "$APP_SLUG" -l owner=helm,name="$RELEASE_NAME" -o jsonpath='{.items[*]}')
# if [ -z "$releaseSecretName" ]; then
# echo "Failed to find the helm release secret in the $APP_SLUG namespace"
# echo "kotsadm logs:"
# kubectl logs -l app=kotsadm --tail=100 --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# exit 1
# fi
# # if there are more than one helm release secrets, fail
# if [ "$(echo "$releaseSecretName" | wc -l)" -gt 1 ]; then
# echo "Found more than one helm release secret in the $APP_SLUG namespace"
# echo "kotsadm logs:"
# kubectl logs -l app=kotsadm --tail=100 --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# exit 1
# fi
# # upgrade using the new KOTS version
# ./bin/kots admin-console upgrade \
# --namespace "$APP_SLUG" \
# --kotsadm-registry \
# --kotsadm-namespace automated-${{ github.run_id }} \
# --kotsadm-tag 24h
# # make a config change and redeploy the app
# ./bin/kots set config "$APP_SLUG" create_new_sequence=true --deploy --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# # make sure app is still installed and ready
# if [ "$(./bin/kots get apps --namespace "$APP_SLUG" | awk 'NR>1{print $2}')" != "ready" ]; then
# echo "App is not ready after the upgrade"
# echo "kotsadm logs:"
# kubectl logs -l app=kotsadm --tail=100 --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# exit 1
# fi
# while [ "$(helm ls -n "$RELEASE_NAMESPACE" | grep "$RELEASE_NAME" | awk 'NR>0{print $3}')" != "2" ]; do
# ((COUNTER += 1))
# if [ $COUNTER -gt 120 ]; then
# echo "Timed out waiting for $RELEASE_NAME to be upgraded to revision 2"
# helm ls -n "$RELEASE_NAMESPACE"
# exit 1
# fi
# sleep 1
# done
# # verify that the helm release secret is created in the helm relase namespace
# releaseSecret=""
# while [ -z "$releaseSecret" ]; do
# ((COUNT += 1))
# if [ $COUNT -gt 10 ]; then
# echo "Timed out waiting for the helm release secret to be migrated"
# echo "kotsadm logs:"
# kubectl logs -l app=kotsadm --tail=100 --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# exit 1
# fi
# sleep 1
# releaseSecret=$(kubectl get secret "$releaseSecretName" -n "$RELEASE_NAMESPACE")
# done
# # verify that the release secret in app namepspace is deleted
# oldReleaseSecret=$(kubectl get secret "$releaseSecretName" -n "$APP_SLUG")
# if [ -n "$oldReleaseSecret" ]; then
# echo "Found the helm release secret in the $APP_SLUG namespace"
# echo "$oldReleaseSecret"
# echo "kotsadm logs:"
# kubectl logs -l app=kotsadm --tail=100 --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# exit 1
# fi
# # verify that there are two helm release secrets in the helm release namespace
# releaseSecretNames=$(kubectl get secret -n "$RELEASE_NAMESPACE" -l owner=helm,name="$RELEASE_NAME" -o jsonpath='{.items[*]}')
# releaseSecretNamesCount=$(echo "$releaseSecretNames" | wc -w)
# if [ "$releaseSecretNamesCount" -ne 2 ]; then
# echo "Found $releaseSecretNamesCount helm release secrets in the $RELEASE_NAMESPACE namespace(Want: 2)"
# kubectl get secret -n "$RELEASE_NAMESPACE" -l owner=helm,name="$RELEASE_NAME"
# echo "kotsadm logs:"
# kubectl logs -l app=kotsadm --tail=100 --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# exit 1
# fi
# printf "Helm release secret migration test passed\n\n"
# ./bin/kots get apps --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# - name: Generate support bundle on failure
# if: failure()
# uses: ./.github/actions/generate-support-bundle
# with:
# kots-namespace: "$APP_SLUG"
# aws-access-key-id: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}'
# aws-secret-access-key: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}'
# - name: Remove Cluster
# id: remove-cluster
# uses: replicatedhq/replicated-actions/remove-cluster@v1
# if: ${{ always() && steps.create-cluster.outputs.cluster-id != '' }}
# continue-on-error: true
# with:
# api-token: ${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}
# cluster-id: ${{ steps.create-cluster.outputs.cluster-id }}
# validate-multi-app-backup-and-restore:
# runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# needs: [ enable-tests, can-run-ci, build-push-kotsadm-image, build-e2e, build-kurl-proxy, build-migrations, push-minio, push-mc, push-rqlite ]
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# matrix:
# cluster: [
# {distribution: kind, version: v1.27}
# ]
# steps:
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: download e2e deps
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: e2e
# path: e2e/bin/
# - run: docker load -i e2e/bin/e2e-deps.tar
# - run: chmod +x e2e/bin/*
# - name: download kots binary
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: kots
# path: bin/
# - run: chmod +x bin/*
# - uses: ./.github/actions/kots-e2e
# with:
# test-focus: 'multi-app-backup-and-restore'
# kots-namespace: 'multi-app-backup-and-restore'
# k8s-distribution: ${{ matrix.cluster.distribution }}
# k8s-version: ${{ matrix.cluster.version }}
# testim-access-token: '${{ secrets.TESTIM_ACCESS_TOKEN }}'
# testim-branch: ${{ github.head_ref == 'main' && 'master' || github.head_ref }}
# aws-access-key-id: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}'
# aws-secret-access-key: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}'
# replicated-api-token: '${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}'
# validate-multi-app-install:
# runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# needs: [ enable-tests, can-run-ci, build-push-kotsadm-image, build-e2e, build-kurl-proxy, build-migrations, push-minio, push-mc, push-rqlite ]
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# matrix:
# cluster: [
# {distribution: kind, version: v1.27}
# ]
# steps:
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: download e2e deps
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: e2e
# path: e2e/bin/
# - run: docker load -i e2e/bin/e2e-deps.tar
# - run: chmod +x e2e/bin/*
# - name: download kots binary
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: kots
# path: bin/
# - run: chmod +x bin/*
# - uses: ./.github/actions/kots-e2e
# with:
# test-focus: 'multi-app-install'
# kots-namespace: 'multi-app-install'
# k8s-distribution: ${{ matrix.cluster.distribution }}
# k8s-version: ${{ matrix.cluster.version }}
# testim-access-token: '${{ secrets.TESTIM_ACCESS_TOKEN }}'
# testim-branch: ${{ github.head_ref == 'main' && 'master' || github.head_ref }}
# aws-access-key-id: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}'
# aws-secret-access-key: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}'
# replicated-api-token: '${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}'
# validate-airgap-smoke-test:
# runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# needs: [ enable-tests, can-run-ci, build-push-kotsadm-image, build-e2e, build-kurl-proxy, build-migrations, push-minio, push-mc, push-rqlite ]
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# matrix:
# cluster: [
# {distribution: kind, version: v1.27}
# ]
# steps:
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: download e2e deps
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: e2e
# path: e2e/bin/
# - run: docker load -i e2e/bin/e2e-deps.tar
# - run: chmod +x e2e/bin/*
# - name: download kots binary
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: kots
# path: bin/
# - run: chmod +x bin/*
# - uses: ./.github/actions/kots-e2e
# with:
# test-focus: 'airgap-smoke-test'
# kots-namespace: 'airgap-smoke-test'
# k8s-distribution: ${{ matrix.cluster.distribution }}
# k8s-version: ${{ matrix.cluster.version }}
# testim-access-token: '${{ secrets.TESTIM_ACCESS_TOKEN }}'
# testim-branch: ${{ github.head_ref == 'main' && 'master' || github.head_ref }}
# kots-airgap: true
# aws-access-key-id: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}'
# aws-secret-access-key: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}'
# replicated-api-token: '${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}'
# validate-remove-app:
# runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# needs: [ enable-tests, can-run-ci, build-push-kotsadm-image, build-kurl-proxy, build-migrations, push-minio, push-rqlite ]
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# matrix:
# cluster: [
# {distribution: kind, version: v1.27, instance-type: r1.medium}
# ]
# env:
# APP_SLUG: remove-app
# steps:
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: Create Cluster
# id: create-cluster
# uses: replicatedhq/replicated-actions/create-cluster@v1
# with:
# api-token: ${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}
# kubernetes-distribution: ${{ matrix.cluster.distribution }}
# kubernetes-version: ${{ matrix.cluster.version }}
# cluster-name: automated-kots-${{ github.run_id }}-${{ matrix.cluster.distribution }}-${{ matrix.cluster.version }}
# timeout-minutes: '120'
# ttl: 2h
# instance-type: ${{ matrix.cluster.instance-type }}
# export-kubeconfig: true
# - name: download kots binary
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: kots
# path: bin/
# - run: chmod +x bin/kots
# - name: run the test
# run: |
# set +e
# echo ${{ secrets.REMOVE_APP_LICENSE }} | base64 -d > license.yaml
# HELM_APP_NAMESPACES=(postgres-test redis-test "$APP_SLUG")
# APP_NAMESPACES=(postgres-test redis-test nginx-test rabbitmq-system "$APP_SLUG")
# ./bin/kots \
# install "$APP_SLUG/automated" \
# --license-file license.yaml \
# --no-port-forward \
# --namespace "$APP_SLUG" \
# --shared-password password \
# --kotsadm-registry \
# --kotsadm-namespace automated-${{ github.run_id }} \
# --kotsadm-tag 24h
# while [ "$(./bin/kots get apps --namespace "$APP_SLUG" | awk 'NR>1{print $2}')" != "ready" ]; do
# ((COUNTER += 1))
# if [ $COUNTER -gt 120 ]; then
# echo "Timed out waiting for app to be ready"
# ./bin/kots get apps --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# echo "kotsadm logs:"
# kubectl logs -l app=kotsadm --tail=100 --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# exit 1
# fi
# sleep 1
# done
# # test that --undeploy deletes application resources from the cluster
# ./bin/kots remove "$APP_SLUG" --namespace "$APP_SLUG" --undeploy
# if [ "$(./bin/kots get apps --namespace "$APP_SLUG" --output=json | tr -d '\n')" != "[]" ]; then
# printf "App reference was not removed\n\n"
# exit 1
# fi
# if [ "$(kubectl get all,secrets,configmap,pvc -A -l "$APP_SLUG" --ignore-not-found | wc -l | tr -d '\n')" != "0" ]; then
# printf "Application resources are still found in the cluster\n\n"
# kubectl get all,secrets,configmap,pvc -A -l "$APP_SLUG"
# exit 1
# fi
# if [ "$(kubectl get crd --ignore-not-found | wc -l | tr -d '\n')" != "0" ]; then
# printf " CRD was not removed\n\n"
# kubectl get crd
# exit 1
# fi
# for ns in "${HELM_APP_NAMESPACES[@]}"; do
# if [ "$(kubectl get secret -n "$ns" --field-selector --ignore-not-found | wc -l | tr -d '\n')" != "0" ]; then
# printf "Application Helm release secrets are still found in the namepspace %s\n\n" "$ns"
# kubectl get secret -n "$ns" --field-selector
# exit 1
# fi
# done
# # re-install and test that running the remove command without --undeploy does _not_ delete any resources from the cluster
# ./bin/kots \
# install "$APP_SLUG/automated" \
# --license-file license.yaml \
# --no-port-forward \
# --namespace "$APP_SLUG" \
# --shared-password password \
# --kotsadm-registry \
# --kotsadm-namespace automated-${{ github.run_id }} \
# --kotsadm-tag 24h
# while [ "$(./bin/kots get apps --namespace "$APP_SLUG" | awk 'NR>1{print $2}')" != "ready" ]; do
# ((COUNTER += 1))
# if [ $COUNTER -gt 120 ]; then
# echo "Timed out waiting for app to be ready"
# ./bin/kots get apps --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# echo "kotsadm logs:"
# kubectl logs -l app=kotsadm --tail=100 --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# exit 1
# fi
# sleep 1
# done
# ./bin/kots remove "$APP_SLUG" --namespace "$APP_SLUG" --force
# if [ "$(./bin/kots get apps --namespace "$APP_SLUG" --output=json | tr -d '\n')" != "[]" ]; then
# printf "App reference was not removed\n\n"
# exit 1
# fi
# for ns in "${APP_NAMESPACES[@]}"; do
# if [ "$(kubectl get all,secrets,configmap,pvc -n "$ns" -l "$APP_SLUG" --ignore-not-found | wc -l | tr -d '\n')" == "0" ]; then
# printf "%s namespace does not contain any resources\n\n" "$ns"
# kubectl get all,secrets,configmap,pvc -n "$ns"
# exit 1
# fi
# done
# if [ "$(kubectl get crd --ignore-not-found | wc -l | tr -d '\n')" == "0" ]; then
# printf " CRD was not found\n\n"
# kubectl get crd
# exit 1
# fi
# if [ "$(kubectl get -n rabbitmq-system --ignore-not-found | wc -l | tr -d '\n')" == "0" ]; then
# printf "rabbitmq-system namespace does not contain rabbitmqclusters\n\n"
# kubectl get -n rabbitmq-system
# exit 1
# fi
# for ns in "${HELM_APP_NAMESPACES[@]}"; do
# if [ "$(kubectl get secret -n "$ns" --field-selector --ignore-not-found | wc -l | tr -d '\n')" == "0" ]; then
# printf "Application Helm release secrets are not found in namepspace %s\n\n" "$ns"
# kubectl get secret -n "$ns" --field-selector
# exit 1
# fi
# done
# - name: Generate support bundle on failure
# if: failure()
# uses: ./.github/actions/generate-support-bundle
# with:
# kots-namespace: "$APP_SLUG"
# aws-access-key-id: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}'
# aws-secret-access-key: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}'
# - name: Remove Cluster
# id: remove-cluster
# uses: replicatedhq/replicated-actions/remove-cluster@v1
# if: ${{ always() && steps.create-cluster.outputs.cluster-id != '' }}
# continue-on-error: true
# with:
# api-token: ${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}
# cluster-id: ${{ steps.create-cluster.outputs.cluster-id }}
# validate-registry-check:
# runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# needs: [ enable-tests, can-run-ci, build-push-kotsadm-image, build-kurl-proxy, build-migrations, push-minio, push-rqlite ]
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# matrix:
# cluster: [
# {distribution: kind, version: v1.27.0}
# ]
# steps:
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: Create Cluster
# id: create-cluster
# uses: replicatedhq/replicated-actions/create-cluster@v1
# with:
# api-token: ${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}
# kubernetes-distribution: ${{ matrix.cluster.distribution }}
# kubernetes-version: ${{ matrix.cluster.version }}
# cluster-name: automated-kots-${{ github.run_id }}-${{ matrix.cluster.distribution }}-${{ matrix.cluster.version }}
# timeout-minutes: '120'
# ttl: 2h
# export-kubeconfig: true
# - name: download kots binary
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: kots
# path: bin/
# - run: chmod +x bin/kots
# - name: run the test
# run: |
# set +e
# ./bin/kots admin-console push-images \
# not-an-app.airgap localhost:1234/not-a-namespace \
# --registry-username not-a-username \
# --registry-password not-a-password > output.txt 2>&1
# if ! grep -q 'Failed to test access' output.txt; then
# printf "Expected registry validation to fail before pushing images, but did not.\n\n"
# cat output.txt
# exit 1
# fi
# rm output.txt
# ./bin/kots install not-an-app \
# --airgap-bundle not-an-app.airgap \
# --kotsadm-registry localhost:1234/not-a-namespace \
# --registry-username not-a-username \
# --registry-password not-a-password > output.txt 2>&1
# if ! grep -q 'Failed to test access' output.txt; then
# printf "Expected registry validation to fail before installation, but did not.\n\n"
# cat output.txt
# exit 1
# fi
# rm output.txt
# ./bin/kots upstream upgrade not-an-app \
# --airgap-bundle not-an-app.airgap \
# --kotsadm-registry localhost:1234/not-a-namespace \
# --registry-username not-a-username \
# --registry-password not-a-password \
# --namespace not-a-namespace > output.txt 2>&1
# if ! grep -q 'Failed to test access' output.txt; then
# printf "Expected registry validation to fail before upgrading, but did not.\n\n"
# cat output.txt
# exit 1
# fi
# - name: Generate support bundle on failure
# if: failure()
# uses: ./.github/actions/generate-support-bundle
# with:
# kots-namespace: "$APP_SLUG"
# aws-access-key-id: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}'
# aws-secret-access-key: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}'
# - name: Remove Cluster
# id: remove-cluster
# uses: replicatedhq/replicated-actions/remove-cluster@v1
# if: ${{ always() && steps.create-cluster.outputs.cluster-id != '' }}
# continue-on-error: true
# with:
# api-token: ${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}
# cluster-id: ${{ steps.create-cluster.outputs.cluster-id }}
# validate-native-helm-v2:
# runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# needs: [ enable-tests, can-run-ci, build-push-kotsadm-image, build-kurl-proxy, build-migrations, push-minio, push-mc, push-rqlite ]
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# matrix:
# cluster: [
# {distribution: kind, version: v1.27.0}
# ]
# env:
# APP_SLUG: native-helm-v2
# steps:
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - uses: azure/setup-helm@v3
# with:
# token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
# - name: Create Cluster
# id: create-cluster
# uses: replicatedhq/replicated-actions/create-cluster@v1
# with:
# api-token: ${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}
# kubernetes-distribution: ${{ matrix.cluster.distribution }}
# kubernetes-version: ${{ matrix.cluster.version }}
# cluster-name: automated-kots-${{ github.run_id }}-${{ matrix.cluster.distribution }}-${{ matrix.cluster.version }}
# timeout-minutes: '120'
# ttl: 2h
# export-kubeconfig: true
# - name: download kots binary
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: kots
# path: bin/
# - run: chmod +x bin/kots
# - name: run the test
# run: |
# set +e
# echo ${{ secrets.NATIVE_HELM_V2_LICENSE }} | base64 -d > license.yaml
# ./bin/kots \
# install "$APP_SLUG/automated" \
# --license-file license.yaml \
# --app-version-label "$INITIAL_VERSION" \
# --no-port-forward \
# --namespace "$APP_SLUG" \
# --shared-password password \
# --kotsadm-registry \
# --kotsadm-namespace automated-${{ github.run_id }} \
# --kotsadm-tag 24h
# if [ $EXIT_CODE -ne 0 ]; then
# echo "------pods:"
# kubectl -n "$APP_SLUG" get pods
# echo "------kotsadm logs"
# kubectl logs -l app=kotsadm --tail=100 --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# exit $EXIT_CODE
# fi
# while [ "$(./bin/kots get apps --namespace "$APP_SLUG" | awk 'NR>1{print $3}')" != "$INITIAL_VERSION" ]; do
# ((COUNTER += 1))
# if [ $COUNTER -gt 120 ]; then
# echo "Timed out waiting for app to be ready"
# ./bin/kots get apps --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# echo "kotsadm logs:"
# kubectl logs -l app=kotsadm --tail=100 --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# exit 1
# fi
# sleep 1
# done
# while [ "$(./bin/kots get apps --namespace "$APP_SLUG" | awk 'NR>1{print $2}')" != "ready" ]; do
# ((COUNTER += 1))
# if [ $COUNTER -gt 120 ]; then
# echo "Timed out waiting for app to be ready"
# ./bin/kots get apps --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# echo "kotsadm logs:"
# kubectl logs -l app=kotsadm --tail=100 --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# exit 1
# fi
# sleep 1
# done
# # validate that helm charts installed using both native helm workflow were deployed via the helm CLI correctly
# if ! helm ls -n "$APP_SLUG" | awk 'NR>1{print $1}' | grep -q my-chart-release; then
# printf "my-chart-release helm release not found in %s namespace\n\n" "$APP_SLUG"
# helm ls -n "$APP_SLUG"
# exit 1
# fi
# if ! helm ls -n "$APP_SLUG" | awk 'NR>1{print $1}' | grep -q my-other-chart-release; then
# printf "my-other-chart-release helm release not found in %s namespace\n\n" "$APP_SLUG"
# helm ls -n "$APP_SLUG"
# exit 1
# fi
# # validate that `helm get values` works for the v1beta2 chart
# if ! helm get values my-chart-release -n "$APP_SLUG" | grep -q my-value; then
# printf "my-value not found in helm values for my-chart-release in %s namespace\n\n" "$APP_SLUG"
# helm get values my-chart-release -n "$APP_SLUG"
# exit 1
# fi
# # upgrade the app version
# ./bin/kots upstream upgrade "$APP_SLUG" -n "$APP_SLUG" --deploy
# # wait for my-chart-release to be uninstalled and my-other-chart-release to be upgraded to revision 2
# while [ "$(helm ls -n "$APP_SLUG" | awk 'NR>1{print $1}' | grep my-chart-release)" != "" ]; do
# ((COUNTER += 1))
# if [ $COUNTER -gt 120 ]; then
# echo "Timed out waiting for my-chart-release to be uninstalled"
# helm ls -n "$APP_SLUG"
# exit 1
# fi
# sleep 1
# done
# while [ "$(helm ls -n "$APP_SLUG" | grep my-other-chart-release | awk 'NR>0{print $3}')" != "2" ]; do
# ((COUNTER += 1))
# if [ $COUNTER -gt 120 ]; then
# echo "Timed out waiting for my-other-chart-release to be upgraded to revision 2"
# helm ls -n "$APP_SLUG"
# exit 1
# fi
# sleep 1
# done
# # validate that `helm get values` works for the upgraded v1beta2 chart
# if ! helm get values my-other-chart-release -n "$APP_SLUG" | grep -q my-value; then
# printf "my-value not found in helm values for my-chart-release in %s namespace\n\n" "$APP_SLUG"
# helm get values my-chart-release -n "$APP_SLUG"
# exit 1
# fi
# # wait for the app to be ready again
# while [ "$(./bin/kots get apps --namespace "$APP_SLUG" | awk 'NR>1{print $3}')" != "$UPGRADE_VERSION" ]; do
# ((COUNTER += 1))
# if [ $COUNTER -gt 120 ]; then
# echo "Timed out waiting for app to be ready"
# ./bin/kots get apps --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# echo "kotsadm logs:"
# kubectl logs -l app=kotsadm --tail=100 --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# exit 1
# fi
# sleep 1
# done
# while [ "$(./bin/kots get apps --namespace "$APP_SLUG" | awk 'NR>1{print $2}')" != "ready" ]; do
# ((COUNTER += 1))
# if [ $COUNTER -gt 120 ]; then
# echo "Timed out waiting for app to be ready"
# ./bin/kots get apps --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# echo "kotsadm logs:"
# kubectl logs -l app=kotsadm --tail=100 --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# exit 1
# fi
# sleep 1
# done
# # validate that the conditional chart is installed
# while [ "$(helm ls -n "$APP_SLUG" | awk 'NR>1{print $1}' | grep my-conditional-chart-release)" == "" ]; do
# ((COUNTER += 1))
# if [ $COUNTER -gt 120 ]; then
# echo "Timed out waiting for my-conditional-chart-release to be installed"
# helm ls -n "$APP_SLUG"
# exit 1
# fi
# sleep 1
# done
# # toggle the config option to exclude the conditional chart
# ./bin/kots set config "$APP_SLUG" install_conditional_chart=0 --deploy --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# # wait for my-conditional-chart-release to be uninstalled
# while [ "$(helm ls -n "$APP_SLUG" | awk 'NR>1{print $1}' | grep my-conditional-chart-release)" != "" ]; do
# ((COUNTER += 1))
# if [ $COUNTER -gt 120 ]; then
# echo "Timed out waiting for my-conditional-chart-release to be uninstalled"
# helm ls -n "$APP_SLUG"
# exit 1
# fi
# sleep 1
# done
# - name: Generate support bundle on failure
# if: failure()
# uses: ./.github/actions/generate-support-bundle
# with:
# kots-namespace: "$APP_SLUG"
# aws-access-key-id: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}'
# aws-secret-access-key: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}'
# - name: Remove Cluster
# id: remove-cluster
# uses: replicatedhq/replicated-actions/remove-cluster@v1
# if: ${{ always() && steps.create-cluster.outputs.cluster-id != '' }}
# continue-on-error: true
# with:
# api-token: ${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}
# cluster-id: ${{ steps.create-cluster.outputs.cluster-id }}
# validate-deployment-orchestration:
# runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# needs: [ enable-tests, can-run-ci, build-push-kotsadm-image, build-kurl-proxy, build-migrations, push-minio, push-mc, push-rqlite ]
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# matrix:
# cluster: [
# {distribution: kind, version: v1.27.0}
# ]
# env:
# APP_SLUG: deployment-orchestration
# steps:
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - uses: azure/setup-helm@v3
# with:
# token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
# - name: Create Cluster
# id: create-cluster
# uses: replicatedhq/replicated-actions/create-cluster@v1
# with:
# api-token: ${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}
# kubernetes-distribution: ${{ matrix.cluster.distribution }}
# kubernetes-version: ${{ matrix.cluster.version }}
# cluster-name: automated-kots-${{ github.run_id }}-${{ matrix.cluster.distribution }}-${{ matrix.cluster.version }}
# timeout-minutes: '120'
# ttl: 2h
# export-kubeconfig: true
# - name: download kots binary
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: kots
# path: bin/
# - run: chmod +x bin/kots
# - name: run the test
# run: |
# set +e
# echo ${{ secrets.DEPLOYMENT_ORCHESTRATION_LICENSE }} | base64 -d > license.yaml
# ./bin/kots \
# install "$APP_SLUG/automated" \
# --license-file license.yaml \
# --no-port-forward \
# --namespace "$APP_SLUG" \
# --shared-password password \
# --kotsadm-registry \
# --kotsadm-namespace automated-${{ github.run_id }} \
# --kotsadm-tag 24h
# if [ $EXIT_CODE -ne 0 ]; then
# echo "------pods:"
# kubectl -n "$APP_SLUG" get pods
# echo "------kotsadm logs"
# kubectl logs -l app=kotsadm --tail=100 --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# exit $EXIT_CODE
# fi
# function wait_for_log {
# local counter=1
# local timeout=30
# local log_pattern="$1"
# while ! kubectl logs deploy/kotsadm -c kotsadm -n "$APP_SLUG" | grep -i "$log_pattern"; do
# ((counter += 1))
# if [ $counter -gt $timeout ]; then
# echo "Timed out waiting for log $log_pattern"
# exit 1
# fi
# sleep 1
# done
# }
# wait_for_log "applying phase -9999"
# wait_for_log "applying phase -3"
# wait_for_log "waiting for resource in namespace $APP_SLUG to be ready"
# wait_for_log "applying phase -2"
# # validate that phase -1 has not deployed yet since we're waiting on the CR status fields
# if kubectl logs deploy/kotsadm -c kotsadm -n "$APP_SLUG" | grep -i "applying phase -1"; then
# printf "phase -1 was deployed before phase -2 completed"
# kubectl logs deploy/kotsadm -c kotsadm -n "$APP_SLUG"
# exit 1
# fi
# wait_for_log "waiting for resource in namespace $APP_SLUG to have property .status.tasks.extract=true"
# # set .status.tasks.extract=true
# kubectl patch my-resource -n "$APP_SLUG" -p '{"status": {"tasks": {"extract": true}}}' --type=merge
# wait_for_log "waiting for resource in namespace $APP_SLUG to have property .status.tasks.transform=true"
# # set .status.tasks.transform=true
# kubectl patch my-resource -n "$APP_SLUG" -p '{"status": {"tasks": {"transform": true}}}' --type=merge
# wait_for_log "waiting for resource in namespace $APP_SLUG to have property .status.tasks.load=true"
# # set .status.tasks.load=true
# kubectl patch my-resource -n "$APP_SLUG" -p '{"status": {"tasks": {"load": true}}}' --type=merge
# # now validate that the remaining phases are deployed (-1, 0, and 1)
# wait_for_log "applying phase -1"
# wait_for_log "waiting for resource apps/v1/Deployment/nginx-1 in namespace $APP_SLUG to be ready"
# wait_for_log "applying phase 0"
# wait_for_log "waiting for resource apps/v1/Deployment/nginx-2 in namespace $APP_SLUG to be ready"
# wait_for_log "applying phase 1"
# wait_for_log "waiting for resource /v1/Service/nginx-2 in namespace $APP_SLUG to be ready"
# # wait for the app to be ready
# while [ "$(./bin/kots get apps --namespace "$APP_SLUG" | awk 'NR>1{print $2}')" != "ready" ]; do
# ((COUNTER += 1))
# if [ $COUNTER -gt 120 ]; then
# echo "Timed out waiting for app to be ready"
# ./bin/kots get apps --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# echo "kotsadm logs:"
# kubectl logs -l app=kotsadm --tail=100 --namespace "$APP_SLUG"
# exit 1
# fi
# sleep 1
# done
# # remove the app
# ./bin/kots remove "$APP_SLUG" -n "$APP_SLUG" --undeploy
# wait_for_log "deleting resources in phase -1"
# wait_for_log "deleting resources in phase 0"
# wait_for_log "deleting resources in phase 1"
# wait_for_log "deleting resources in phase 2"
# wait_for_log "deleting resources in phase 3"
# # validate that the app reference was removed
# if [ "$(./bin/kots get apps --namespace "$APP_SLUG" --output=json | tr -d '\n')" != "[]" ]; then
# printf "App reference was not removed\n\n"
# exit 1
# fi
# - name: Generate support bundle on failure
# if: failure()
# uses: ./.github/actions/generate-support-bundle
# with:
# kots-namespace: "$APP_SLUG"
# aws-access-key-id: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}'
# aws-secret-access-key: '${{ secrets.E2E_SUPPORT_BUNDLE_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}'
# - name: Remove Cluster
# id: remove-cluster
# uses: replicatedhq/replicated-actions/remove-cluster@v1
# if: ${{ always() && steps.create-cluster.outputs.cluster-id != '' }}
# continue-on-error: true
# with:
# api-token: ${{ secrets.C11Y_MATRIX_TOKEN }}
# cluster-id: ${{ steps.create-cluster.outputs.cluster-id }}
# validate-pr-tests:
# runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# needs:
# # static and unit tests
# - lint-web
# - unit-test-web
# - vet-kots
# - ci-test-kots
# # testim tests
# - validate-existing-online-install-minimal
# - validate-smoke-test
# - validate-minimal-rbac
# - validate-backup-and-restore
# - validate-no-required-config
# - validate-version-history-pagination
# - validate-change-license
# - validate-tag-and-digest
# - validate-min-kots-version
# - validate-target-kots-version
# - validate-range-kots-version
# - validate-multi-app-backup-and-restore
# - validate-multi-app-install
# - validate-airgap-smoke-test
# - validate-strict-preflight-checks
# - validate-config
# # non-testim tests
# - validate-minimal-rbac-override
# - validate-multi-namespace
# - validate-kots-pull
# - validate-app-version-label
# - validate-helm-install-order
# - validate-yamlescape
# - validate-no-redeploy-on-restart
# - validate-kubernetes-installer-preflight
# - validate-kots-upgrade
# - validate-remove-app
# - validate-registry-check
# - validate-kots-helm-release-secret-migration
# - validate-native-helm-v2
# - validate-deployment-orchestration
# # cli-only tests
# - validate-kots-push-images-anonymous
# steps:
# - run: echo "All PR tests passed"
# # this job will validate that the kurl add-on validation did not fail and that all pr-tests succeed
# # it is used for the github branch protection rule
# validate-success:
# runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# needs:
# - validate-kurl-addon
# - validate-pr-tests
# if: always()
# steps:
# #
# # if the validate-kurl-addon job failed or was cancelled, this job will fail. it's ok if this job was skipped
# - name: fail if validate-kurl-addon job failed
# if: needs.validate-kurl-addon.result == 'failure' || needs.validate-kurl-addon.result == 'cancelled'
# run: exit 1
# # if the validate-pr-tests job was not successful, this job will fail
# - name: fail if validate-pr-tests job was not successful
# if: needs.validate-pr-tests.result != 'success'
# run: exit 1
# # if the validate-pr-tests job was successful, this job will succeed
# - name: succeed if validate-pr-tests job succeeded
# if: needs.validate-pr-tests.result == 'success'
# run: echo "Validation succeeded"