Puppet module for configuring collectd and plugins.
The simplest use case is to use all of the configurations in the default collectd.conf file shipped with collectd. This can be done by simply including the class:
include collectd
Collectd is most useful when configured with customized plugins. This is accomplished by removing the default collectd.conf file and replacing it with a file that includes all alternative configurations. Configure a node with the following class declaration:
class { '::collectd':
purge => true,
recurse => true,
purge_config => true,
Set purge, recurse, and purge_config to true in order to override the default configurations shipped in collectd.conf and use custom configurations stored in conf.d. From here you can set up additional plugins as shown below.
Example of how to load plugins with no additional configuration:
collectd::plugin { 'battery': }
where 'battery' is the name of the plugin.
Parameters will vary widely between plugins. See the collectd documentation for each plugin for configurable attributes.
(see collectd::plugin::amqp below)apache
(see collectd::plugin::apache below)bind
(see collectd::plugin::bind below)cpu
(see collectd::plugin::cpu below)csv
(see collectd::plugin::csv below)curl_json
(see collectd::plugin::curl_json below)df
(see collectd::plugin::df below)disk
(see collectd::plugin::disk below)entropy
(see collectd::plugin::entropy below)exec
(see collectd::plugin::exec below)filecount
(see collectd::plugin::filecount below)interface
(see collectd::plugin::interface below)iptables
(see collectd::plugin::iptables below)irq
(see collectd::plugin::irq below)load
(see collectd::plugin::load below)libvirt
(see collectd::plugin::libvirt below)memcached
(see collectd::plugin::memcached below )memory
(see collectd::plugin::memory below )mysql
(see collectd::plugin::mysql below)network
(see collectd::plugin::network below)nfs
(see collectd::plugin::nfs below)nginx
(see collectd::plugin::nginx below)ntpd
(see collectd::plugin::ntpd below)openvpn
(see collectd::plugin::openvpn below)ping
(see collectd::plugin::ping below)postgresql
(see collectd::plugin::postgresql below)processes
(see collectd::plugin:processes below)python
(see collectd::plugin::python below)redis
(see collectd::plugin::redis below)rrdcached
(see collectd::plugin::rrdcached below)rrdtool
(see collectd::plugin::rrdtool below)snmp
(see collectd::plugin::snmp below)swap
(see collectd::plugin::swap below)syslog
(see collectd::plugin::syslog below)tail
(see collectd::plugin::tail below)tcpconns
(see collectd::plugin::tcpconns below)unixsock
(see collectd::plugin::unixsock below)uptime
(see collectd::plugin::uptime below)users
(see collectd::plugin::users below)varnish
(see collectd::plugin::varnish below)vmem
(see collectd::plugin::vmem below)write_graphite
(see collectd::plugin::write_graphite below)write_network
(see collectd::plugin::write_network below)write_riemann
(see collectd::plugin::write_riemann below)
####Class: collectd::plugin::amqp
class { 'collectd::plugin::amqp':
amqphost => '',
amqpvhost => 'myvirtualhost',
graphiteprefix => 'collectdmetrics',
amqppersistent => true,
####Class: collectd::plugin::apache
class { 'collectd::plugin::apache':
instances => {
'apache80' => {
'url' => 'http://localhost/mod_status?auto', 'user' => 'collectd', 'password' => 'hoh2Coo6'
'lighttpd8080' => {
'url' => 'http://localhost:8080/mod_status?auto'
####Class: collectd::plugin::bind
class { 'collectd::plugin::bind':
url => 'http://localhost:8053/',
####Class: collectd::plugin::cpu
class { 'collectd::plugin::cpu':
####Class: collectd::plugin::csv
class { 'collectd::plugin::csv':
datadir => '/etc/collectd/var/lib/collectd/csv',
storerates => false,
####Class: collectd::plugin::curl_json
collectd::plugin::curl_json {
url => 'http://localhost:55672/api/overview',
instance => 'rabbitmq_overview',
keys => {
'message_stats/publish' => {'type' => 'gauge'},
####Class: collectd::plugin::df
class { 'collectd::plugin::df':
mountpoints => ['/u'],
fstypes => ['nfs','tmpfs','autofs','gpfs','proc','devpts'],
ignoreselected => true,
####Class: collectd::plugin::disk
class { 'collectd::plugin::disk':
disks => ['/^dm/'],
ignoreselected => true
####Class: collectd::plugin::entropy
collectd::plugin::entropy {
####Class: collectd::plugin::exec
collectd::plugin::exec {
user => nobody,
group => nogroup,
exec => ["/bin/echo", "PUTVAL myhost/foo/gauge-flat N:1"],
####Class: collectd::plugin::filecount
class { 'collectd::plugin::filecount':
directories => {
'active' => '/var/spool/postfix/active',
'incoming' => '/var/spool/postfix/incoming'
####Class: collectd::plugin::interface
class { 'collectd::plugin::interface':
interfaces => ['lo'],
ignoreselected => true
####Class: collectd::plugin::irq
class { 'collectd::plugin::irq':
irqs => ['7', '23'],
ignoreselected => true,
####Class: collectd::plugin::iptables
class { 'collectd::plugin::iptables':
chains => {
'nat' => 'In_SSH',
'filter' => 'HTTP'
####Class: collectd::plugin::load
class { 'collectd::plugin::load':
####Class: collectd::plugin::libvirt
The interface_format parameter was introduced in collectd 5.0 and will therefore be ignored (with a warning) when specified with older versions.
class { 'collectd::plugin::libvirt':
connection => 'qemu:///system',
interface_format => 'address'
####Class: collectd::plugin::memcached
class { 'collectd::plugin::memcached':
host => '',
port => 11211,
####Class: collectd::plugin::memory
class { 'collectd::plugin::memory':
####Class: collectd::plugin::mysql
collectd::plugin::mysql::database { 'betadase':
host => 'localhost',
username => 'stahmna',
password => 'secret',
port => '3306',
masterstats => true,
####Class: collectd::plugin::network
class { 'collectd::plugin::network':
####Class: collectd::plugin::nfs
class { 'collectd::plugin::nfs':
####Class: collectd::plugin::nginx
class { 'collectd::plugin::nginx':
url => 'https://localhost:8433',
user => 'stats',
password => 'uleePi4A',
####Class: collectd::plugin::ntpd
class { 'collectd::plugin::ntpd':
host => 'localhost',
port => 123,
reverselookups => false,
includeunitid => false,
####Class: collectd::plugin::openvpn
class { 'collectd::plugin::openvpn':
collectindividualusers => false,
collectusercount => true,
####Class: collectd::plugin::ping
collectd::plugin::ping {
hosts => ['example.com'],
####Class: collectd::plugin::postgresql
class { 'collectd::plugin::postgresql':
databases => {
'postgres' => {
'host' => '/var/run/postgresql/',
'user' => 'postgres',
'password' => 'postgres',
'sslmode' => 'disable',
'query' => [ 'query_plans', 'queries', 'table_states', 'disk_io' ],
'devdb' => {
'host' => 'host.example.com',
'port' => '5432',
'user' => 'postgres',
'password' => 'secret',
'sslmode' => 'prefer',
####Class: collectd::plugin::processes
class { 'collectd::plugin::processes':
processes => ['process1', 'process2'],
process_matches => [
{ name => 'process-all', regex => 'process.*' }
####Class: collectd::plugin::python
collectd::plugin::python {
modulepath => '/usr/lib/collectd',
module => 'elasticsearch',
script_source => 'puppet:///modules/myorg/elasticsearch_collectd_python.py',
config => {'Cluster' => 'elasticsearch'},
####Class: collectd::plugin::redis
class { 'collectd::plugin::redis':
nodes => {
'node1' => {
'host' => 'localhost',
'node2' => {
'host' => 'node2.example.com',
'port' => '6380',
'timeout' => 3000,
####Class: collectd::plugin::rrdcached
class { 'collectd::plugin::rrdcached':
daemonaddress => 'unix:/var/run/rrdcached.sock',
datadir => '/var/lib/rrdcached/db/collectd',
####Class: collectd::plugin::rrdtool
class { 'collectd::plugin::rrdtool':
datadir => '/var/lib/collectd/rrd',
createfilesasync => false,
rrarows => 1200,
rratimespan => [3600, 86400, 604800, 2678400, 31622400],
xff => 0.1,
cacheflush => 900,
cachetimeout => 120,
writespersecond => 50
####Class: collectd::plugin::snmp
class {'collectd::plugin::snmp':
data => {
amavis_incoming_messages => {
'Type' => 'counter',
'Table' => false,
'Instance' => 'amavis.inMsgs',
'Values' => ['AMAVIS-MIB::inMsgs.0']
hosts => {
debianvm => {
'Address' => '',
'Version' => 2,
'Community' => 'public',
'Collect' => ['amavis_incoming_messages'],
'Interval' => 10
####Class: collectd::plugin::swap
class { 'collectd::plugin::swap':
reportbydevice => false,
reportbytes => true
####Class: collectd::plugin::syslog
class { 'collectd::plugin::syslog':
log_level => 'warning'
####Class: collectd::plugin::tcpconns
class { 'collectd::plugin::tcpconns':
localports => ['25', '12026'],
remoteports => ['25'],
listening => false,
####Class: collectd::plugin::tail
collectd::plugin::tail::file { 'exim-log':
filename => '/var/log/exim4/mainlog',
instance => 'exim',
matches => [
regex => 'S=([1-9][0-9]*)',
dstype => 'CounterAdd',
type => 'ipt_bytes',
instance => 'total',
regex => '\\<R=local_user\\>',
dstype => 'CounterInc',
type => 'counter',
instance => 'local_user',
####Class: collectd::plugin::unixsock
class {'collectd::plugin::unixsock':
socketfile => '/var/run/collectd-sock',
socketgroup => 'nagios',
socketperms => '0770',
deletesocket => false,
####Class: collectd::plugin::uptime
class {'collectd::plugin::uptime':
####Class: collectd::plugin::users
class {'collectd::plugin::users':
####Class: collectd::plugin::varnish
class { 'collectd::plugin::varnish':
instances => {
'instanceName' => {
'CollectCache' => 'true',
'CollectBackend' => 'true',
'CollectConnections' => 'true',
'CollectSHM' => 'true',
'CollectESI' => 'false',
'CollectFetch' => 'true',
'CollectHCB' => 'false',
'CollectTotals' => 'true',
'CollectWorkers' => 'true',
####Class: collectd::plugin::vmem
class { 'collectd::plugin::vmem':
verbose => true,
####Class: collectd::plugin::write_graphite
class { 'collectd::plugin::write_graphite':
graphitehost => 'graphite.examle.org',
####Class: collectd::plugin::write_network
class { 'collectd::plugin::write_network':
servers => {
'collect1.example.org' => { 'serverport' => '25826' },
'collect2.example.org' => { 'serverport' => '25826' }
####Class: collectd::plugin::write_riemann
class { 'collectd::plugin::write_riemann':
riemann_host => 'riemann.example.org',
riemann_port => 5555,
This module has been tested on Ubuntu Precise, CentOS 5/6, Solaris 10, and Debian 6/7.
This project contains tests for both rspec-puppet and rspec-system to verify functionality. For in-depth information please see their respective documentation.
gem install bundler
bundle install
bundle exec rake spec
bundle exec rake spec:system