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An awesome Rails plugin for Uploadcare service. Based on uploadcare-ruby gem (general purpose wrapper for Uploadcare API)


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'uploadcare-rails', "~> 1.0"

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself:

$ gem install uploadcare-rails -v 1.0.0


Uploadcare requires to store all related config in one single yml file. You should create uploadcare.yml in your config folder. Just run

$ bundle exec rails g uploadcare_config

Or create it yourself - it should contain something like:

# config/uploadcare.yml
defaults: &defaults
  public_key: "demopublickey"
  private_key: "demoprivatekey"

  <<: *defaults

  <<: *defaults
  autostore: false

  <<: *defaults

Only two config settings are required: public and private keys. All other posible options are listed here. Config file created by generator also contains a list of all options with default values. Note that global settings are used for internal API calls and as default config for widget. Any instanse of widget can have separate set of config that will override app-wide settings if needed.

Including widgets and widget configuration

First you should add Uploadcare widget to the page. There are two way of doing that:

Load widget from our CDN

Just call helper in head of application layout (or anywhere else if needed):

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <%= stylesheet_link_tag    "application", media: "all" %>
  <%= javascript_include_tag "application" %>
  <%= csrf_meta_tags %>
  <%= include_uploadcare_widget_from_cdn version: "1.5.5", min: true %>
    results in:
    <script src=""></script>

Include widget with assets pipeline

In case you don't want to use cdn-stored version for any reason - you could easily use local widget script from you assets pipeline:

// in assets/javascripts/application.js

//= require ./uploadcare

Note that only last and stable version of widget is published with gem. If you need an older (or newer) version for some reason you can download it and put somewhere in assets/javascripts/vendor and include it via assets pipeline.

Widget configuration

Next step is including application-wide settings in page. Just call :uploadcare_settings helper in head of layout:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <%= stylesheet_link_tag    "application", media: "all" %>
  <%= javascript_include_tag "application" %>
  <%= csrf_meta_tags %>
  <%= include_uploadcare_widget_from_cdn version: "1.5.5", min: true %>
  <%= uploadcare_settings %>
    results in:
        UPLOADCARE_PUBLIC_KEY = "demopublickey";
        .... more settings ...


Basic tag

Basic usage of Uploadcare gem is very simple. Remember that uploader returns you a simple string with cdn url of a file or group.

<%= uploadcare_uploader_field :post, :file %>
  results in:
  <input data-path-value="true" id="post_file" name="post[file]" role="uploadcare-uploader" type="hidden">
  <div class="uploadcare-widget" style="display: none;" data-status="ready">

This tag will result in:

# =>

Form tags

We have smart and fancy form builder helpers for you.

<%= form_for(@post) do |f| %>

  <div class="field">
    <%= f.label :title %><br>
    <%= f.text_field :title %>
  <div class="field">
    <%= f.label :file %><br>
    <%= f.uploadcare_field :file %>
  <div class="actions">
    <%= f.submit %>
<% end %>

This wil result in Uploadcare uploader with ethier single file uploader (if model has uploadcare file attribute) or multiple uploader (if model has uploadcare group attribute). Note that groups and single files behave differently, so you can not mix one with another (in version 1.0 anyway).

You can also use universal builder helper:

# simple uploadcare uploader with no smart suggestions about type of result object:
f.uploadcare_uploader :file

# you can set multiple options as you want:
f.uploadcare_uploader :file, :data => {:multiple => true}

# also there is uploadcare namespace for options
# note that this namespace will be translated into data- attributes
f.uploadcare_uploader :file, :uploadcare => {:multiple => true}
# => will result in "data-multiple"="true"

# uploadcare namespace have a higher priority and will override data- attributes
f.uploadcare_uploader :file, :data => {:multiple => true}, :uploadcare => {:multiple => false}
# => will result in "data-multiple"="false"

And two other helpers:

# forse-set "data-multiple" to false
f.uploadcare_single_uploader_field :file

# forse-set "data-multiple" to false
f.uploadcare_multiple_uploader_field :file

What options are avaliable with uploadcare namespace for uploader? Well, honestly there is no validation in version 1.0 and all options from that namespace are simply translated into data- attributes. More on valid options you can read in widget docs.


Both :has_uploadcare_file and :has_uploadcare_group defined for model will return an either Uploadcare::Rails::File or Uploadcare::Rails::Group objects. Both are derrived from Uploadcare::File and Uploadcare::Group respectively, with some helpers to fit in Rails enviroment.

File object

Basicly it has same methods as Uploadcare::File object, with several additions. Firstly, string representation of file is cdn url.

# calling the object in templates will respond with cdn_url string
# instead of object serialization
# in the template call:
# =>

# so
# is a perfectly valid usage
# => <img src="">

Group object

What is different? Not much.

# calling group (or whatever attribute name you choose) in the template
# => 19cde26d-e41b-4cf5-923e-f58729c0522a~2

Note that explicit loading of group is required for getting access for group files:

# calling group (or whatever attribute name you choose) in the template
@group =
# => [#<Uploadcare::Rails::File ...]

Then you can iterate through files:

  <% @group.files.each do |file|%>
      <%= image_tag(file.cdn_url) %>
  <% end %>

Future releases:

We have big plans for future:

  • Form helpers for Formastic and Simple Forms;
  • Localizations for widget directly from rails i18n;
  • Smart caching for loaded groups and files;
  • More render and output helpers for html pages and api responses;

So stay tuned!


This is open source, fork, hack, request a pull, receive a discount)


Rails wrapper for Uploadcare







No packages published


  • JavaScript 95.9%
  • Ruby 3.5%
  • Other 0.6%