Looking for a clean and simple radio streaming app that lets you set alarms, cast your stream to Chromecast and supports Android Wear?
Well, I think Icerrr may be just the thing for you. And it gets better: Icerrr is free!
- audio stream playback: play, pause, stop, next
- audio stream as alarm: add, repeat, edit, remove
- audio stream management: add via Dirble, edit, favorite
- audio stream formats: MP3, WMA, PLS, M3U
- audio streaming: Chromecast
- audio scrobbling: Last.fm, Libre.fm
- look and feel: Material Design
- custom enable: WiFi, speaker, screen unlock
- artwork: now playing album art, stream icon, locked screen
- integration: Android Wear, Sleep as Android (hence Phillips Hue)
- settings management: auto upgrade, JSON export, JSON import
- control playback via intents using apps like Tasker
Icerrr is currently not available through the Play Store but you can download and install it manually:
Icerrr is open source and distributed under the MIT license
Icerrr is free BUT you may donate so I can keep the project going :)
- New:
- Old:
- [colourlovers: Papeterie_Haute-Ville_Logo](http://www.colourlovers.com/business/trends/branding/7880/Papeterie_Haute-Ville_Logo Papeterie_Haute-Ville_Logo)
- [colourlovers: Save_the_Arctic Save_the_Arctic](http://www.colourlovers.com/palette/3074952/Save_the_Arctic Save_the_Arctic)
Icon generators:
- Dirble: http://dirble.com/developer/api
M: [email protected]
G: https://plus.google.com/+RoderickGadellaa
T: https://twitter.com/rgadellaa