####Please run make or directly execute the executable 'main'
- openal
- alut
- GL
- glfw
- ftgl
- dl
- freetype2
###Features and controls
- Tower View from about 8 angles which can be switched with key 'r'
- Top view
- Adventure View
- Follow-cam View
- Helicopter-cam view with ability to rotate angle of view with left mouse click and drag.
- The views can be switched with 'v'
- Zoom in zoom out ability with mouse scroll
- Key 'l' lights up or switches off the light of the course depending upon the direction the player facing.
####Obstacle course
- Spheres are obstacles, cannot be jumped over, collision with them makes you lose life
- Blocks moving up and down can only be crossed with jump. But if collision happens during jump then you lose a life.
- Empty blocks means you simply sink down and lose a life
- Diamonds carry points
- Goal is to reach the diagonally opposite block from start, to acquire the dragon.
- Player can also fall down from the edges of the grid and lose a life.
- Various animations are implemented to help you know when you score, lose a life, win etc.
- Each time you lose a life you are reset to the starting position
- Timer indicates elapsed time from start of a game
- A game carries 3 lives
- Squares with your player's kingdom image periodically grant extra lives with some probability.
- Unlimited levels in increasing order of difficulty (number of missing blocks, blocks moving up and down)
- Music to support the theme of Valar Morghulis and goal of acquiring the dragon :P
####Movement Controls
- Speed of movement can be increased or decreased using 'f' and 's' respectively.
- Move up using 'UP' arrow key
- Move down using 'DOWN' arrow key
- Move left using 'LEFT' arrow key
- Move right using 'RIGHT' arrow key.
- Jump up is carried using 'space'+'up arrow key'
- Jump down is carried using 'space'+'down arrow key'
- Jump left is carried using 'space'+'left arrow key'
- Jump right is carried using 'space'+'right arrow key'