#Skeet Shoot
This challenge focuses on replacing the mouse cursor with an image. The provided code is a skeet shooting game (a la Duck Hunt) with a day/night cycle and persistent high scores.
Github repo: https://github.com/reddit-pygame/skeet-shoot-challenge
Challenge thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/pygame/comments/46xbxo/challenge_skeet_shoot/
#How it Works
Run main.py to play.
Points are awarded based on the clay pigeon's speed and distance travelled. Faster and more distant clays are worth more points.
The game uses a day/night cycle with clays becoming faster and less predictable each morning. The player has 7 days to score as many points as possible.
Left click Fire gun
F Toggle fullscreen
ESC Exit
Set Your Sights Replace the mouse cursor with a reticle (crosshair). There is a crosshair image included for your convenience (in resources\graphics) or you can find one more to your liking.
Point Swank Display the points gained each time the player hits a clay pigeon.