Eye is a declarative interface library for Roblox.
Eye is very react-like and includes functional components, hooks, and a virtual DOM.
local Counter = Eye.Component(function(Props, Children)
local Count, SetCount = Eye.useState(0)
return Eye.New.TextButton({
AnchorPoint = Props.AnchorPoint,
Position = Props.Position,
Size = Props.Size,
Text = tostring(Count),
["@Activated"] = function()
SetCount(Count + 1)
Eye is strictly typed, everything (except using instances) in Eye has full typings - including creating instances. As seen in the above counter example, Eye.New
contains a function to create every instance type with full types for properties, events, and property listeners.
Eye can be installed using wally. Add Eye to your wally.toml
Eye = "red-blox/[email protected]"
Run wally install
to install all dependencies into the Packages
Eye currently has no documentation.
Eye is Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.