Reason Website & Documentation
All pages are in src/pages/. The markdown files under src/pages/guide and src/pages/community are probably of most interest.
yarn install
npm run develop
That'll start a hot-loading server & you can make changes & see the results.
If you have push access, to deploy a new version of the site, go to the source branch and do:
npm run deploy
Note: the deployment is currently broken because of gatsby because of webpack because of chunking plugin, because that's life. We've currently cherry-picked the relevant changes into a stable branch called new-deploy
. Deploy through that one.
The site uses GatsbyJS. For info on how it works, take a look at their docs.
The playground uses a bundled JS version of Reason's refmt, BuckleScript compiler, its standard library, etc.
To build the bundled standard library: Please read the documentation in regenerateStdlibForBrowser.js
To build refmt and bs: make sure you've got closure compiler, OPAM, js_of_ocaml, reason, menhirLib and ocaml-migrate-parsetree installed, then invoke black magic at
Then run the following on refmt.js and all:
java -jar closure.jar --create_source_map --language_in ECMASCRIPT6 --compilation_level SIMPLE refmt.js > refmt-closure.js
Then rename it back to refmt.js.
Then cry a little and submit a PR to make the process better.