UnitTestCase folder contains function test suite for this project.
To setup you need to install Python 2.7.16 from https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-2716/
Once installed python you can run setup.sh from bin as below.
$: chmod +x /bin/setup.sh
bin $: ./setup.sh
This will install all the dependent libraries.
You can run the full suite from Parking_lot_
by doing
Parking_lot_/bin $: chmod +x run_functional_tests.sh
Parking_lot_ $ bin/run_functional_tests.sh
You can run the full suite directly from Parking_lot_/UnitTestCase
by doing
Parking_lot_/UnitTestCase $ python UnitTestCase.py
You can have interactive run by running below command from Parking_lot_/bin
Parking_lot_/bin $: chmod +x parking_lot.sh
Parking_lot_/bin $: python ./parking_lot.sh
To run from input file from Parking_lot_/bin
Parking_lot_/bin $: chmod +x parking_lot.sh
Parking_lot_/bin $: python ./parking_lot.sh ../file_input.txt