With this release, we are officially shipping first-class support for GitHub Actions within rdme
🚀 this means you can use the power of rdme
to sync your OpenAPI definitions and Markdown files to ReadMe any time you make changes on GitHub.
Alongside this change, this release includes debugging support, major documentation updates, and support for relative external references when syncing OpenAPI definitions (thanks @jdecool)!
What's Changed
- feat: add wrapper for GitHub Actions by @kanadgupta in #437
- docs: run VSCode formatter, fix TOC by @kanadgupta in #438
- docs: update Action metadata by @kanadgupta in #441
- docs: add contributing guidelines by @kanadgupta in #442
- feat: add GitHub-specific request headers by @kanadgupta in #443
- feat: debugging support by @kanadgupta in #446
- feat: add workdir arg to openapi command by @jdecool in #450
- docs(openapi): update working directory usage by @kanadgupta in #453
- docs: add GitHub Actions guidance by @kanadgupta in #439
- docs: legacy GitHub Action docs by @kanadgupta in #452
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 6.4.0...6.5.0